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Reese Witherspoon Is Engaged!

Ugh, will these celebrity holiday engagements never end?!?! Just kidding, you know we squealed loud enough to shatter glass when we found out that Reese Witherspoon is engaged to boyfriend Jim Toth. Rumors had been swirling that Toth went to Jared’s, but it wasn’t until today that Reese’s rep confirmed that the two are officially getting hitched. “They are extremely happy,” her rep said. Put away your grandmother’s vases; we feel some more shrieks coming on.

Toth and Witherspoon have been dating since January 2010 following her break-up from Jake Gyllenhaal. Even more adorably, not only does Reese love Jim, her kids do, too. “Ava and Deacon are happy with him,” a source confirms. The image of Reese’s kids as a little flower girl and ring bearer is making us hyperventilate from too much cuteness. We’re just going to put our heads down for a while while you guys bask in the couple’s happy hand-holding. [Photo: Splash News Online]

Nicki Minaj Fantasizes About Tim Burton. Being In His Movies, That Is.


We already see Nicki Minaj in our dreams; why not on the big screen as well? In an interview with King, Nicki talks about her acting aspirations, which are temporarily on hold until she gets done destroying the rap game. “I’d like to play someone in a Tim Burton movie, where I get dressed up and painted and crazy,” Minaj revealed. It’s almost time for a Edward Scissorhand remake, right? If Nicki still has the claws she wore in Ludacris’s “My Chick Bad” video, Tim can basically start shooting tomorrow.

Not that Minaj would just settle for the emo stylings of the Beetle Juice director. “Then I want to be able to do some action stuff, like Angelina Jolie…And then I’d like to just play a regular girl who, you know, is facing the world. Something really sentimental and organic, that girls all around the world can identify with. You know, how Jada Pinkett Smith did in Jason’s Lyric.” Or let’s just re-make Jason’s Lyric, since no one remembers it at all (sorry, Jada!). Frankly we’re ready to re-shoot the whole Criterion Collection if it means we get to see more Nicki. [Photo: Getty Images]

Rupert Everett Blasts Jennifer Aniston’s “Tasteless Rom-Coms”

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Somebody’s snarking on Jennifer Aniston, and surprisingly its not about her empty womb or lack of a man-friend. In an interview with BBC4, actor Rupert Everett criticized Jennifer Aniston’s “tasteless rom-coms.” Everett wasn’t really concerned that The Bounty Hunter was so terrible it sent 75% of its viewing audience into a coma; instead he wondered how Jen can keep making putrid movies like The Switch and still get cast in major motion pictures. “Okay, something will go wrong. Like Jennifer Aniston will just have one too many total flops. But she’s still a member of that club. And she will still manage to — like a star forming in the universe — a whole lot of things swirling around and suddenly solidifying into yet another vital tasteless romcom: a little glitter next to the Crab Nebula,” Everett complained. We love Jen, but we agree: girlfriend must have made a deal with the Devil to be starring in anything more dramatically challenging than Air Bud: Seventh Inning Fetch.

Rupert is nothing if not out-spoken, and he is more than willing to also call out Hollywood for what he as a gay actor sees as a hetero bias. “Show business is ideally suited for heterosexuals… It’s a very heterosexual business. It’s run mostly by heterosexual men… and I think the position of women in show business is quite difficult.” Particularly if you’re Jennifer Aniston, we guess. Though with all the jokes about her Cathy-like dating history, maybe an insult aimed at her acting ability will seem like a nice change of pace! [Photo: WENN]

Kelly Osbourne Accuses Ex Of Sleeping With “Hundreds” Of Men And Women


We here at TheFABlife would never, ever, ever condone infidelity of any kind. That being said, if you’re going to cheat, we say go big or go home. After breaking up with him this past summer, Kelly Osbourne insulted ex Luke Worrell on Twitter on Christmas after some particularly slimy rumors emerged about him. Some of the tweets have since been deleted, but Osbourne did not hold back her opinions about her former fiance. “Luke Worrall is the biggest piece of s—. He has been trying to get back with me. I only came home for Christmas to see him, meanwhile he has been f—ing hundreds of girls, as well as men, behind my back,” Kelly raged. That is truly heinous, but at the same time…Worrell must have incredible time-management skills.

“I think the best part of this situation is that I have been painted out 2 be the crazy 1 when all I did was tell the honest to gods truth,” Osbourne complained after her onslaught. Honey, don’t you know there is no way to not look crazy while engaging in a Twitter fight? Take a look at the past two years of Courtney Loves life and you’ll see what we mean. “Dont think I have ever felt so stupid he made a fool of me going to be off Twitter for a while never felt heart brake like this in my life,” Osbourne tweeted today. Quitting Twitter isn’t the way to get revenge, Kelly! Just get out that phone book and start lining up dates for the new year. Two can play at this slutty game! [Photo: Getty Images]

Rihanna And Matt Kemp Throw In The Towel

Time for our girl RiRi to ring in the new year with a new man, now that the Rihanna and Matt Kemp break-up rumors seem to be confirmed. “It happened over the last few weeks. She basically was just over it,” said a source. Look Matt, Rihanna didn’t sing “Only Girl (In The World)just because it sounded amazing. She also meant every word of it.

The break-up was far from one-sided, though; the L.A. Dodger’s outfielder was apparently exhausted by all the Frequent Flyer miles he was racking up. “He just can’t keep up with her crazy travel schedule. Matt’s sick of always following after her like a puppy dog all over the world. He wants something more normal,” an insider reports. Personally, we would hide in Rihanna’s checked luggage if it meant we could watch an episode of Arrested Development with her, but maybe that’s just us. “It was never as serious as it looked. It was always just [about] having fun,” added the source. And when it comes to having fun, we’re positive that Rihanna’s 2011 will be like a trip to space camp and Sea World combined.  [Photo: Splash News Online]

Lily Allen Joins The Holiday Engagement Parade

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We definitely thought we had heard silver bells on Friday. Turns out they were actually wedding bells for the approximately 1 billion celebrity couples getting engaged over the holidays, which now includes Lily Allen’s engagement to boyfriend Sam Cooper. Cooper reportedly took a knee while the couple were vacationing in Bali on Christmas Day. “Lily is absolutely beaming and emotional at the same time,” said a source close to the couple. The pair was so excited, they immediately started telling their fellow vacationers the happy news. Some children get to wake up to the magical sound of reindeer hoofs on the roof, others to singer-songwriter Lily Allen pounding on their hotel room door to show off her rock.

2010 was a particularly hard year for Allen, who suffered from her second miscarriage in November. The first was in 2007 with then-boyfriend Ed Simons of The Chemical Brothers. “She had no idea Sam was going to propose and said ‘Yes’ instantly. He’s been her rock for her since the couple lost their baby and she can’t wait to spend the rest of her life with him,” said the source. We wish the happy couple all the luck in the world, and look forward to January 2 when we won’t have to be repeatedly reminded of our singledom by famous people in love. At least until February 14, that is. [Photo: WENN]

Lady Gaga’s Top 50 Hottest Outfits Of 2010


Hmmm, last year we counted down 100 of Lady Gaga’s Hottest Outfits, but this year only 50? Can’t blame the woman for taking it down a notch after her breakout 2009, though only in the case of Gaga would we even be suggesting that averaging about one jaw-dropping outfit a week is below the norm. Still, with The Fame Monster up for multiple Grammys, two singles hitting the Top 5 and another massive world tour in her wake, you could hardly say Gaga’s been lazy. And the release of Born This Way should mean 2011 will be even busier! Revisits Gaga’s year in freaky fashion in the gallery below.

50. The Scariest Straw Hat In History

49. Madonna, Right Tackle

48. Astronomy Girl

47. Clover-Toe

46. Art Deco Ice Queen

45. You Can’t Bleach Out Trashy

44. Amadoofus Formal

43. Amadoofus Casual

42. Leopard Princess

41. Keytarrorist

40. Sexy Robot Valet

39. Lobster/Fashion Victim

38. Tinsel In Distress

37. 3-Diva

36. Ink Blot Beauty

35. Metalwork Madness

34. Coke Can Curlers

33. Pleating For Mercy

32. Black Bulky

31. Sexiest Saw Trap Ever

30. Bloody Boobs

29. White Knight

28. Purse-Snatch Protection

27. Big Coat, Small Bikini

26. Just Another Day At Shea

25. Ball Lover

24. Naughty Nun

23. Dead Ringers Diva

22. Shining Star

21. Jolly Green Gaga

20. The Loveliest Buggle

19. 100% Made Out Of Trophies

18. Cousin It

17. Jumpin’ For Jesus

16. Hair Stiffie

15. Ma’am, You’ve Got A Run In Your Stocking

14. Blue Beetle

13. Deranged Disney

12. Darkness Falls

11. Ted Nugent’s Wet Dream

10. 50’s Pin-Up Gaga

09. Lady President

08. Someone Didn’t Wax

07. Constellation Queen

06. Lady Grandma

05. Feet The Press

04. Blase Bowler

03. Edna Mode

02. Excerise Undies

01. Lady GothGoth

LeAnn Rimes And Eddie Cibrian Are Engaged For Real This Time


Does that headline sound familiar? It should, because a rumor did break out last month that LeAnn Rimes and Eddie Cibrian were engaged. False alarm, and LeAnn was reportedly hopping mad at E! for breaking the non-story, sounding off with, “Ok, I’ve about had it with the lack of “reporting” with E News. The fact that our “engagement” has spread so furiously over the past 24 hours off of an E News article that is 150% untrue just shows you the lack of credible “sources” they seem to find and build a story around…”

But this time, the news is for real, and LeAnn’s rep told People, “Yes, they were engaged over the holidays and are very happy.” A source has revealed that the couple apparently designed the ring themselves along with the help of a friend Brent Polacheck, who is a jeweler, saying, “The couple wanted an antique feel, but a new ring.”  The resultant engagement ring is supposedly a 5-carat diamond and platinum rock set in rose gold, about which LeAnn tweeted a friend saying, “Thx! Brent, is great friend and he did so well. I only knew about small pieces of it.”

LeAnn also tweeted the happy news, writing, “For those who haven’t read, Eddie and I got engaged over the holidays. That’s the news. It’s for real this tine [sic] and the first time EVER! Congratulation, Eddie and LeAnn. Don’t mess this up!

[Photo: Getty Images]

Miley Cyrus’ Newest Scandalous Photo, Or Is She Just Being Miley?

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Before we write anything, we request you to take a look at this new Miley Cyrus photograph on Radaronline. Now that’s you’ve seen it, let’s debate on whether it’s really that scandalous. The fact of the matter is that it’s possible that she’s just being Miley? Take the “dress” she’s got on, for instance. It’s just a couple of strips of fabric barely sewn together. But how is that different from any of Miley’s other outfit choices? Considering we’re always shocked when she covers up once in a blue moon, Miley’s state of undress is her natural state of being “dressed”. You dig?

As for the fuschia-lipped puckered girlfriend who look’s like she’s about to lick Miley’s lady lumps … again, is that really so scandalous? It would be, if she wasn’t already kissing girls on stage, smoking bongs and the like. The way we see it, this is just any regular day for Miley.

[Photo: WENN]

Sir Elton John And David Furnish Are Parents

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All hail the diva baby! And no, it’s not Mariah Carey’s. It’s  Sir Elton John and David Furnishs, who are now parents to baby boy Zachary Jackson Levon Furnish-John. Little Zach is a a Christmas baby as he was born on the 25th of December through a surrogate (insert “gift of life” sentiment here). This is especially good news given that Elton wasn’t allowed to adopt an HIV-positive child last year, due to the singer’s age and the fact that civil unions weren’t recognized by law.

The new parents are ecstatic, and released a joint statement which read, “We are overwhelmed with happiness and joy at this very special moment. Zachary is healthy and doing really well, and we are very proud and happy parents.” Congratulations, you two! Elton and David have been one of the most stable couple’s in show biz, having met in 1993! We can’t wait to see photos of Zachary and his platinum-and-diamond crib. You know it’s going to happen. This is Elton John and nothing’s going to be too big for his Tiny Dancer. Awww.

[Photo: WENN]