Enhancing Freedom of Choice through Reliable Health Information
NCAHF is a private nonprofit, voluntary health agency that focuses upon health misinformation, fraud, and quackery as public health problems. Its positions are based upon the principles of science that underlie consumer protection law. It advocates: (a) adequate disclosure in labeling and other warranties to enable consumers to make truly informed choices; (b) premarketing proof of safety and effectiveness for products and services claimed to prevent, alleviate, or cure any health problem; and, (c) accountability for those who violate the law. This site, which belongs to long-time NCAHF board member Stephen Barrett, M.D., archives many of NCAHF's documents.

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Hot Topics

The Institute of Medicine "CAM" Committee Report: Stacked Deck of Advocates Want More

Quackwatch Urges Reporting
of HONcode Violators

Position Paper on Multilevel Marketing

Position Paper on Amalgam Fillings


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Position Papers and Other Task Force Reports

Policy Statements

Consumer Information Statements

Occasional Papers by NCAHF Board Members and Others

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Webmaster: Stephen Barrett, M.D.
Site design was developed by Marty Mapes of Boulder Information Services