Home » CyberChaikhana


Image by Flickr user Jason Tavares (CC-usage).

Image by Flickr user Jason Tavares (CC-usage).

CyberChaikhana: Digital Conversations from Central Asia is a unique book project covering the history of post-Soviet Central Asia since independence from the viewpoint of its young blogging community, the “Stanosphere”.

neweurasia’s Managing Editor for English, Christopher Schwartz, goes through the archives of the Stanosphere, and over the course of ten chapters, he takes the reader on a mental voyage through Central Asia, looking in-depth at each country, as well as issues that span the entire region: women’s rights, religion, minorities, and economic hardships are some of the topics covered, each with a distinct manifestation in each country, but with a similar overall face.

The project has been generously funded by the Humanistisch Instituut voor Ontwikkelingssamenwerking (Hivos) as part of their program to promote pluralism. In the spirit of blogging, the editing process is made transparent and readers can provide their feedback via neweurasia itself. You can check out the book’s ongoing process here.