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Blogroll Kyrgyzstan

Genderstan - genderstan.wordpress.com
Anna Kirey’s thematic blog on gender issues in Kyrgyzstan. Anna is one of the Kyrgyz NGO activists and works for Labrys in Bishkek. Published in Russian and English.

Naryn Aiyp - naryn-aiyp.livejournal.com
Personal blog covering topics related not only to Kyrgyzstan, but the rest of the world, too. Naryn Aiyp lives in Prague and has worked for the Kyrgyz edition of Radio Liberty - Radio Azattyk - for a long period of time. Published in Russian.

Tolkun Umaraliev - tolkun-umaraliev.blogspot.com
Personal blog of Tolkun - a young and ambitious student who writes on different topics and issues. Published in English.

Kyrgyz Weekly - kyrgyz-weekly-r.livejournal.com
A blog that updates on the latest events in Kyrgyzstan, especially in the political and economic spheres. Published in English and Russian.

Terra Libertas - mirsulzhan.livejournal.com
Written by young Kyrgyz political scientist Mirsulzhan Namazaliev, who is interested in Austrian School (free market) of Economics. Involved in new media projects, such as neweurasia, also an active civic activist and co-chairman of liberal youth alliance. Always tries to analyse political processes, incidents in Kyrgyzstan, and his blog is one of the most commented in the Kyrgyz blogophere. Published in Russian.

Kloop - www.kloop.kg
New blogging platform based in Kyrgyzstan. Started offering free blogs in June 2007 and has attracted more than 200 bloggers. Topics are colourful and limitless. Founders actively encourage local youth to start blogging. Runs on local servers, which makes it faster and less expensive to use. Hopes to expand access to larger group of local users. Published in Russian.

Elena Skochilo’s LiveJournal - morrire.livejournal.com
LiveJournal by Bishkek-based journalist and photographer Skochilo. Features regular short notes on Kyrgyz affairs as well as interesting photography. In her ‘normal’ life Skochilo writes for several Kyrgyz newspapers and magazines. Published in Russian. Skochilo also manages Just About Kyrgyzstan ( www.morrire.blogspot.com), an English-language blog with similar content to her LiveJournal.

Edil Baisalov - baisalov.livejournal.com
The owner of this blog is the young politician Edil Baisalov, who is the Secretary of the Social Democratic Party of Kyrgyzstan. Has been an NGO leader from 1999 to 2007, and is known as a champion for democratic changes in the country. Mostly writes about politics. Published in Russian.

Azamat Imanaliev - azzzik.livejournal.com
Azamat Imanaliev, Editor of Central Asian News portal since Fall 2007. Before that had been an editor at the AkiPress Information Agency, which is most popular website in Kyrgyzstan. Reports on different news and incidents. Has a great archive of pictures and always shares them with his readers. Published in Russian.

Kairatbek Murzakimov - murzakimov.livejournal.com
Kairatbek Murzakimov, media assistent of the US Embassy in Bishkek, is one of the newest bloggers in Kyrgyzstan. Tries to analyse events from a neutral angle. Published in Russian.

Alina Kenjeeva - zigeunerin-kgz.livejournal.com
Alina is one of the most active Kyrgyz bloggers, and always provides her readers with interesting and quality photos.

Kyrgyz Report - www.kyrgyzreport.com
Project to “contribute sources of news/info/ideas on Kyrgyzstan in English”. Regularly updated, especially during times of political turmoil. Published in English.

Azamat Report - azamatreport.blogspot.com
Personal blog by written and maintained by young Kyrgyz graduate student, who regularly posts his insights from real life and his travels in the region. Published in English.

Bakyt Beshimov - beshimovbakyt.blogspot.com
Blog maintained by Vice-President of Academic Affairs at American University in Bishkek. Writes on Kyrgyz history, management in higher education, politicians and state officials, business and economics. Published in Russian and English.