Joomla Idea Pool Forum

Welcome to the Joomla Idea Pool. Please add your suggestions here for future versions of Joomla and vote on current suggestions.

  1. 1,775 votes

    Automatic core updates

    Build a system to automatically check for core updates and perform the updates according to settings and administrator input.

  2. 1,147 votes

    A native Content Construction Kit

    The possibilty to create custom content types. Choose the fields and fieldtypes they should have. The works.

  3. 930 votes

    Built in Forms Component

    A built in forms component will be very useful and would increase more possibilities by integrating in to the core

  4. 749 votes


    mutisite support in joomla.

  5. 728 votes

    Built-in backups

    Create a system for Joomla to manage site backups and restores. Explore the ability to also allow backup/restore for specific extensions or site sections.

  6. 549 votes

    Advanced Membership System

    I think that should be an advanced membership system.

  7. 518 votes

    Content Versioning

    o Build a system to support content versioning.
    o Allow for compare and restore revisions.

  8. 486 votes

    A native Captcha in Joomla

    A native Captcha for registration, login, contact, editor forms ... and other Extensions

  9. 485 votes

    Automatic extension updates

    I absolutely agree that we need automatic core updates, but at the moment we can do it via Akeeba Admin.

    What is a lot more pressing, and the biggest source to sites getting hacked are extensions that do not get updated because nobody has the full overview and it is difficult to stay on top of w... more

  10. 416 votes

    Staging or test site management

    Create an ability for a Joomla install to manage both a live and staging site where changes can be tested on a staging site and then pushed to the live site when appropriate.

  11. 411 votes

    Mobile Device Support

    o Improve various interfaces to be more usable on mobile devices.
    o Build and expand upon Web service availability for use in external applications and devices.

  12. 372 votes

    JCE should be part of the core.

    Joomla Content Editor should be part of the core. TinyMCE is too feature poor of an editor and the media manager capabilites are much better than the existing one in Joomla core.

  13. 354 votes

    Full multi language support

    The possibility to translate everything (articles, menus, modules etc.) into different languages without the need of a 3rd party component.

  14. 326 votes

    Content Tagging

    Implement a tagging system available for content. Use the search index as a common location for content to be tagged.

  15. 296 votes
  16. 286 votes
  17. 204 votes

    Ability to change /administrator folder name

    After installing Joomla everyone have to enter into

    for more security reason if should be grate to have an option during the installation to change /administration name it will be one of the grate function fro joomla core.

  18. 204 votes

    Content Commenting

    Implement a commenting system available for content. Use the search index as a common location for content for commenting.

  19. 196 votes

    New or Overhauled Admin Interface

    As Joomla and community extensions have grown and matured over the last 5 years, the admin UI needs to allow for the way the workflow and features have changed.

  20. 184 votes

    SEF URLs and Meta Description for categories

    Full SEF URLs and Meta description for categories.

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