Mailing Lists


Below is a listing of all the public mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

List administrators, you can visit the list admin overview page to find the management interface for your list.

If you are having trouble using the lists, please contact

List Description
A-librarians Anarchist and Radical Librarians
a-parenting Forum on anarchist/non-authoritarian parenting and child care
A_ottawa_list Common Cause Ottawa Announcement List
AA-antiwar Anti-Authoritarians Against War
abc-friends Friends/Supporters of the Anarchist Black Cross
Aca-list Anti-capitalist Community Action
acc-intl A networking and communication list for anti-capitalists around the world.
ace Notice of events from the Autonomous Centre
Adam4shadow Adam for U.S. Shadow Representative
Alternativepress-news News list for Alternative Press Review
anarchist.academics Discussion and mutual aid for anarchists in academia
Anarchopedia [no description available]
Anarchopedia-tech [no description available]
Anarchysf Anarchist discussion of science fiction and fantasy
Anarkopagina Lista de Divulgação Anarquista
Baltimore-CEDP Baltimore Coalition Against the Death Penalty
Bmcinfoshop_announce announce list for BMC infoshop!
BMI_Staffing [no description available]
Briscolsolidarity Bristol Colombia Solidarity Campaign
brooklynmass Brooklyn Critical Mass bicycle ride
BSCSC Bristol Students Colombia Solidarity Campaign
Cardboardchaos List for Direct Action puppetistas
Colours Colours of Resistance (COR)
Colsolnec Colombia Solidarity National Committee
Crossroads-announce Crossroads Infoshop Announcements
Crossroads-collective List for the Crossroads Infoshop in Kansas City
DC Washington, DC Anarchists list
dc-critmass-list Washington DC Critical Mass E-Mailing List
Dc-radio-coop-discuss Discussion about the DC Radio Coop
DCGuerillaPoetry Poetry & percussion to protect the peace: we wage a guerrilla anti-war, wielding words instead of weapons.
DCHousing Dedicated to preserving, protecting and creating affordable housing in DC.
DCIWW [no description available]
dontcallmebaby dc anti-street harassment squad
Downthere Down There Health
Downthere_announce [no description available]
Edinburgh-anarchist-studies Edinburgh anarchist studies discussion group
Edinburgh-anarchist-studies-announce Events announcements
edinburghcity Notices for Change it Yourselves (Edinburgh)
Encuentros Communities of Resistance throughout the Americas
ETAN-Key Key List for East Timor & Indonesia Action Network
Factsheet5-news Factsheet 5 News list
fnb-ottawa A Food not Bombs list for the Ottawa Ontario Canada Region
Forumpermanente [no description available]
Gripovolunteers opirg volunteer list/ liste de bénévoles
Haiti-tribunal Those involved in organizing Haiti Tribunal
HotGoddess House of The Goddess Center for Pagan Wombyn
Jubileearts for the liberating and embodied arts
Kc-anarchists Anarchists in the Kansas City area
La-anarchists List for anarchists in Los Angeles
Lancasterpeace [no description available]
Lasc-nedwg [no description available]
LAsolidarity This is the general mailing list of the Latin America Solidarity Coalition - LASC
LMA-Announce News and announcements from the Legal Marriage Alliance of Washington.
Longhaulevents Schedule of Upcoming Events at the Long Haul Infoshop
mailgetto politics. culture. anarchy (Russian)
mgj-announce Announcements for the Mobilization for Global Justice
mgj-discuss Discussion list for the Mobilization for Global Justice
Mintwood-place Mintwood Place
Ne-anarchists-an Northeastern Anarchists Announcements
Ne-anarchists-d North East Anarchists list
NewSPACEgroup [no description available]
NicaSCCplanning Solidarity Conference Planning
omahamass Omaha Critical Mass bicycle ride
Operationceasefire [no description available]
OPIRGOttawa OPIRG/GRIPO-Ottawa list to exchange events information in the Ottawa downtown region
Opirgrc OPIRG RC updates
p4um UMCP Peace Forum
palca Pau na ALCA e Projeto Área Livre de Cultura e Arte
Peace4UM Announcements list for UMCP Peace Forum
peaceincolombia Peace in Colombia Coalition Listserv
Positiveforce [no description available]
RAFAL obvestila o koncertih in ostalih dogodkih
RaisingTheBar An email list for members of the Raising the Bar Coalition.
Rcyb_atl [no description available]
SDS SDS Announcements
Seedgeeks Information and opportunities for the stewardship of organic seeds.
Sfbaywomen Women in SF Bay Area Indymedia
Soaw-development [no description available]
Soaw-legislative SOA Watch Legislative Working Group
Soaw-november [no description available]
Soaw-region [no description available]
soawne School of the Americas Watch/NE
SOAWPC School of The Assassins Watch Pagan Cluster
South Southern Anarchists (USA)
Suite216 suite 216
SUSTAIN-DC Communications about SUSTAIN in DC
ThePeopleUnited-Announce [no description available]
TLX-list Trocal de Lisboa
Tnmca [no description available]
Vensteering VSN Interim Steering Cmte Discussion List
wag Walthamstow Anarchist Group internal discussion list
WashingtonPeaceCenter Washington Peace Center Announcement List
Wpfw-lsb WPFW Local Station Board mailing list
Wpfwx2 [no description available]

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