Iambic Keyer and Technique. CW Morse Code key
- Duration: 5:28
- Published: 2008-08-21
- Uploaded: 2010-11-20
- Author: Geistero
Presentation of an iambic keyer and iambic technique for the Morse Code. The true speed (not the PARIS-system) is 183 ch/minute (~36 wpm), but it's just a demo to show what is possible with the iambic technique (of course, it's not a limit for some people out there). I don't think it's a practical speed for everyday, however, iambic is quite comfortable with much less speed. There are 4 dual-lever paddles on the video. You can use all of them to get 183 ch/minute, because it's hands that make it, - not paddles. However, there are such criteria like comfort to use, durability, design and style. == MFJ-564 == (Bencher has the same kind of a paddle). "Made-in-China-quality paddle". The contact arms and thin plastic plates are springy. When you make a touch, your finger makes additional motion. It's very uncomfortable, imprecise and loose. And the whole design is poorly thought-out. The screws don't hold, so they need adjustment constantly and you need a screwdriver for it. Because of the low price, it's usually the first paddle that beginners buy. Personally, I can't recommend this paddle. == Schurr Profi II == It was designed by Gerhard Schurr. Today these paddles are made by the Schurr's successor Uli Scheunemann (it's his copy on the video). The paddle has a distinguished elegant style, which is a trademark now. It's even used in advertisings. The paddle has only 3 adjustment elements: two large knobs for contact spacing and one for spring tension. At the first glance it <b>...</b>