Faroese (
føroyskt, pronounced or ), is an Insular Nordic
language spoken by 48,000 people in the
Faroe Islands and about 25,000
Faroese in
Denmark and elsewhere. It is one of four languages descended from the
Old West Norse language spoken in the
Middle Ages, the others being
Norwegian and the extinct
Norn, which is thought to have been
mutually intelligible with Faroese. Faroese and Icelandic, its closest extant relative, are not mutually intelligible in speech, but the written languages resemble each other quite closely.
At one point, the language spoken in the Faroes was Old Norse, which Norwegian settlers had brought with them during the time of the landnám that began in AD 825. However, many of the settlers weren't really Norwegians, but descendants of Norwegian settlers in the Irish Sea. In addition, native Norwegian settlers often married women from Norse Ireland, Orkney, or Shetland before settling in the Faroe Islands and Iceland. As a result, Celtic languages influenced both Faroese and Icelandic. There is some debatable evidence of Celtic language place names in the Faroes: for example Mykines and Stóra & Lítla Dímun have been hypothesized to contain Celtic roots.
Other examples of early introduced words of Celtic origin are; "blak/blaðak" (buttermilk) Irish bláthach; "drunnur" (tail-piece of an animal) Irish dronn; "grúkur" (head, headhair) Irish gruaig; "lámur" (hand, paw) Irish lámh; "tarvur" (bull) Irish tarbh; and "ærgi" (pasture in the outfield) Irish áirge.
Between the 9th and the 15th centuries, a distinct Faroese language evolved, although it was still intelligible with the Old West Norse language. This would have been closely related to the Norn language of Orkney and Shetland.
Until the 15th century, Faroese had an orthography similar to Icelandic and Norwegian, but after the Reformation in 1536, the ruling Danes outlawed its use in schools, churches and official documents. The islanders continued to use the language in ballads, folktales, and everyday life. This maintained a rich spoken tradition, but for 300 years the language was not written.
This changed when Venceslaus Ulricus Hammershaimb, along with the Icelandic grammarian, and politician, Jón Sigurðsson, published a written standard for Modern Faroese 1854 that exists to this day. Although this would have been an opportunity to create a phonetically true orthography like that of Finnish, he produced an orthography consistent with a continuous written tradition extending back to Old Norse, which gives the written language a very archaic look similar to Icelandic. The letter ð, for example, has no specific phonemes attached to it. Furthermore, although the letter 'm' corresponds to the bilabial nasal as it does in English, it also corresponds to the alveolar nasal in the dative ending -um .
Hammershaimb's orthography met with some opposition for its complexity, and a rival system was devised by Jakob Jakobsen. Jakobsen's orthography was closer to the spoken language, but was never taken up by speakers.
In 1937, Faroese replaced Danish as the official school language, in 1938 as church language, and in 1948 as national language by the Home Rule Act of the Faroes. However, Faroese didn't become the common language in the media and advertising until the 1980s. Today, Danish is considered a foreign language, though around 5% of the Faroe Islanders learn it as a first language and it is a required subject for students 3rd grade and up.
Learning Faroese
It is unusual for Faroese to be taught at universities outside the Faroes (within Scandinavian studies). However,
University College London and the University of Copenhagen have course options in Faroese for students reading Scandinavian Studies. So most students are forced to learn it autodidactically by books, listening to Faroese on the radio (there is an internet live stream) and trying to correspond with Faroese people. A good opportunity for learning Faroese is also visiting websites.
The University of the Faroe Islands offers an annual Summer institute over 3 weeks including:
*50 lessons of Faroese grammar and language exercises.
20 lectures on linguistic subjects, culture, society and nature. The lectures on culture include oral poetry and modern literature.
2 excursions to places of historical and geographical interest.
Faroese alphabet consists of 29 letters derived from the
Latin alphabet:
{|class="wikitable" style="border-collapse:collapse;"
|bgcolor="#EFEFEF" align="center" colspan="29" | Majuscule Forms (also called uppercase or capital letters)
|width=3% align="center"|A||width=3% align="center"|Á||width=3% align="center"|B||width=3% align="center"|D||width=3% align="center"|Ð||width=3% align="center"|E||width=3% align="center"|F||width=3% align="center"|G||width=3% align="center"|H||width=3% align="center"|I||width=3% align="center"|Í||width=3% align="center"|J||width=3% align="center"|K||width=3% align="center"|L||width=3% align="center"|M||width=3% align="center"|N||width=3% align="center"|O||width=3% align="center"|Ó||width=3% align="center"|P||width=3% align="center"|R||width=3% align="center"|S||width=3% align="center"|T||width=3% align="center"|U||width=3% align="center"|Ú||width=3% align="center"|V||width=3% align="center"|Y||width=3% align="center"|Ý||width=3% align="center"|Æ||width=3% align="center"|Ø
|align="center" colspan="29" | Minuscule Forms (also called lowercase or small letters)
Ð, ð can never come at the beginning of a word, but can occur in capital letters in logos or on maps, such as SUÐUROY (Southern Isle).
Ø, ø can also be written Ö, ö in poetic language, such as Föroyar (the Faroes) (cf. Swedish-Icelandic typographic/orthographic tradition vs. Norwegian-Danish). In handwriting Ő, ő is used to differentiate ø from ö. Earlier versions of the orthography used both ø and ö with ø being the long ø and ö being the short equivalent. As a result using ö as a substitute for ø is incorrect, since it's not the same letter as ø/ő.
While C, Q, W, X, and Z are not found in the Faroese language, X was known in earlier versions of Hammershaimb's orthography, such as Saxun for Saksun.
While the Faroese keyboard layout allows one to write in Latin, English, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, etc., the Old Norse and Modern Icelandic letter þ is missing. In related Faroese words it is written as <t> or as <h>, and if an Icelandic name has to be transcribed, <th> is common.
{| align="left" id="toc" style="margin-left: 15px;" width="350" cellpadding="2" style="margin-right:10px;"
|- style="background:#ccccff"
A, a
fyrra a ("leading a")
Á, á
E, e
I, i
fyrra i ("leading i")
Í, í
fyrra í ("leading í")
O, o
Ó, ó
U, u
Ú, ú
Y, y
seinna i ("latter i")
Ý, ý
seinna í ("latter í")
Æ, æ
seinna a ("latter a")
Ø, ø
EI, ei
EY, ey
OY, oy
| colspan="4" bgcolor="#eeeeee" | Other vowels
| -
| -
| -
As in several other Germanic languages, stressed vowels in Faroese are long when not followed by two or more consonants. Two consonants or a consonant cluster usually indicates a short vowel. Exceptions may be short vowels in particles, pronouns, adverbs, and prepositions in unstressed positions, consisting of just one syllable.
As may be seen on the table to the left, Faroese (like English) has a very atypical pronunciation of its vowels, with odd offglides and other features. For example, long í and ý sound almost like a long Hiberno-English i, and long ó like an American English long o.
Short vowels in endings
While in other languages a short /e/ is common for inflectional endings, Faroese uses /a, i, u/. This means that there are no unstressed short vowels except for these three. Even if a short unstressed /e/ is seen in writing, it will be pronounced like /i/:
áðrenn (before). Very typical are endings like
-ar. The dative is often indicated by
-um which is always pronounced .
- bátar (boats), kallar ((you) call, (he) calls)
{| align="right" id="toc" style="margin-right: 15px;" width="420" cellpadding="2" style="margin-left:10px;"
|- style="background:#ccccff"
|colspan="5" align="center" bgcolor="#ccccff"| Unstressed /i/ and /u/ in dialects
|bgcolor="#eeeeee"| Elsewhere (
gulur (yellow)
gulir (yellow
bygdin (the town)
bygdum (the towns
dat. pl.)
Faroese: An Overview and Reference Grammar, 2004 (page 350)
- gestir (guests), dugir ((you, he) can)
- bátur (boat), gentur (girls), rennur ((you) run, (he) runs).
In some dialects, unstressed is realized as or is reduced further to . goes under a similar reduction pattern so unstressed and can rhyme. This can cause spelling mistakes related to these two vowels. The table to the right displays the different realizations in different dialects.
Glide Insertion
Faroese avoids having a
hiatus between two vowels by inserting a
glide. Orthographically, this is shown in three ways:
# vowel + ð + vowel
# vowel + g + vowel
# vowel + vowel
Typically, the first vowel is long and in words with two syllables always stressed, while the second vowel is short and unstressed. In Faroese, short and unstressed vowels can only be .
Ð and G as glides
{| align=right id="toc" style="margin-left: 15px;" width="450" cellpadding="2"
|- style="background:#ccccff"
|colspan="6" align="center" bgcolor="#ccccff"| Glide insertion
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="2" rowspan= 2 align="center" width="150"|
First vowel
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="3" align="center" width="150"|
Second vowel
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" rowspan="3" align="center" width="150"|
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="50"| i
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="50"| u
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="50"| a
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" | Grapheme
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" | Phoneme
|bgcolor="#eeeeee" colspan="3" align="center" |
|width="33%" colspan="6" bgcolor="#dddddd" align="center"| I-surrounding Type 1
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| i, y
sigið, siður, siga
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| í, ý
mígi, mígur, míga
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| ey
reyði, reyður, reyða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| ei
reiði, reiður, reiða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| oy
noyði, royður, royða
|width="33%" colspan="6" bgcolor="#dddddd" align="center"| U-surrounding Type 2
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| u
suði, mugu, suða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| ó
róði, róðu, Nóa
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| ú
búði, búðu, túa
|width="33%" colspan="6" bgcolor="#dddddd" align="center"| I-surrounding Type 2, U-surrounding Type 2, A-surrounding Type 1
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| a, æ
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| -
ræði, æðu, glaða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| á
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| -
ráði, fáur, ráða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| e
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| -
gleði, legu, gleða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| o
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| -
togið, smogu, roða
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| ø
|bgcolor="#ffffff"| -
løgin, røðu, høgan
Faroese: An Overview and Reference Grammar, 2004 (page 38)
<Ð> and are used in Faroese orthography to indicate one of a number of glide rather than any one phoneme. This can be:
#*"I-surrounding, type 1" - after /i, y, í, ý, ei, ey, oy/: bíða (to wait), deyður (dead), seyður (sheep)
#*"I-surrounding, type 2" - between any vowel (except "u-vowels" /ó, u, ú/) and /i/: kvæði (ballad), øði (rage).
# "U-surrounding, type 1" - after /ó, u, ú/: Óðin (Odin), góðan morgun! (good morning!), suður (south), slóða (to make a trace).
#*"U-surrounding, type 2" - between /a, á, e, æ, ø/ and /u/: áður (before), leður (leather), í klæðum (in clothes), í bløðum (in newspapers).
#*"A-surrounding, type 2"
#**These are exceptions (there is also a regular pronunciation): æða (eider-duck), røða (speech).
#**The past participles have always : elskaðar (beloved, nom., acc. fem. pl.)
#*"A-surrounding, type 1" - between /a, á, e, o/ and /a/ and in some words between <æ, ø> and : ráða (to advise), gleða (to gladden, please), boða (to forebode), kvøða (to chant), røða (to make a speech)
Skerping (sharpening)
{| align=right id="toc" style="margin-left: 15px;" width="350" cellpadding="2" style="margin-right:10px;"
|colspan="3" align="center" bgcolor="#ccccff"| Skerping
|- style="background:#ccccff"
|bgcolor="#eeeeee"| Written
|bgcolor="#eeeeee"| Pronunciation
|bgcolor="#eeeeee"| instead of
| -ógv-
| -úgv-
| -eyggj-
| -íggj-, -ýggj-
| -eiggj-
| -oyggj-
The so-called "skerping" (Thráinsson et al. use the term "Faroese Verschärfung" - in Faroese,
skerping means "sharpening") is a typical phenomenon of fronting back vowels before and monophthongizing certain diphthongs before . Skerping is not indicated orthographically. These consonants occur often after /ó, ú/ (ógv, úgv) and /ey, í, ý, ei, oy/ when no other consonant is following.
: Jógvan (a form of the name John), Gjógv (cleft)
: kúgv (cow), trúgva (believe), but: trúleysur (faithless)
: heyggjur (high, burial mound), but heygnum (dat. sg. with suffix article)
: nýggjur (new m.), but nýtt (n.)
: beiggi (brother)
: oyggj (island), but oynna (acc. sg. with suffix article)
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! ||
| || || |||| ||
| || || || || ||
| || || || || ||
| || |||| || ||
| || || || || ||
There are several phonological processes involved in Faroese, including:
*Liquids are devoiced before voiceless consonants
Nasals generally assume the place of articulation and laryngeal settings of following consonants.
Velar stops palatalize to postalveolar affricates before and
becomes before voiceless consonants
becomes after and before and may assimilate the retroflexion of a preceding to become .
Pre-occlusion of original to and to .
Omissions in consonant clusters
Faroese tends to omit the first or second consonant in clusters of different consonants:
fjals (mountain's gen.) instead of * from (nom.). Other examples for genitives are: barns (child's), vatns (lake's, water's).
hjálpti (helped) past sg. instead of * from hjálpa . Other examples for past forms are: sigldi (sailed), yrkti (wrote poetry).
homophone are fylgdi (followed) and fygldi (caught birds with net): .
skt will be:
# in words of more than one syllable: føroyskt (Faroese n. sg.; also ) russiskt (Russian n. sg.), íslendskt (Icelandic n. sg.).
# in monosyllables: enskt (English n. sg.), danskt (Danish n. sg.), franskt (French n. sg.), spanskt (Spanish n. sg.), svenskt (Swedish n. sg.), týskt (German n. sg.).
#*However in: írskt (Irish n. sg.), norskt (Norwegian ''n. sg.)
Faroese grammar is related and very similar to that of modern
Icelandic and
Old Norse. Faroese is an
inflected language with three
grammatical genders and four
dative and
Faroese numbers and expressions
{| class="wikitable"
! Number !! Faroese
| 0 || null
| 1 || eitt
| 2 || tvey
| 3 || trý
| 4 || fýra
| 5 || fimm
| 6 || seks
| 7 || sjey
| 8 || átta
| 9 || níggju
| 10 || tíggju
| 11 || ellivu
| 12 || tólv
| 13 || trettan
| 14 || fjúrtan
| 15 || fimtan
| 16 || sekstan
| 17 || seytjan
| 18 || átjan
| 19 || nítjan
| 20 || tjúgu
| 21 || einogtjúgu
| 22 || tveyogtjúgu
| 30 || tredivu, tríati
| 40 || fjøruti, fýrati
| 50 || hálvtrýss, fimmti
| 60 || trýss, seksti
| 70 || hálvfjers, sjeyti
| 80 || fýrs, áttati
| 90 || hálvfems, níti
| 100 || hundrað
| 1000 || (eitt) túsund
See also
Faroese language conflict
Further reading
This is a chronological list of books about Faroese still available.
*V.U. Hammershaimb: Færøsk Anthologi. Copenhagen 1891 (no ISBN, 2 volumes, 4th printing, Tórshavn 1991) (in Danish)
M.A. Jacobsen, Chr. Matras: Føroysk - donsk orðabók. Tórshavn, 1961. (no ISBN, 521 pages, Faroese-Danish dictionary)
W.B. Lockwood: An Introduction to Modern Faroese. Tórshavn, 1977. (no ISBN, 244 pages, 4th printing 2002)
Eigil Lehmann: Føroysk-norsk orðabók. Tórshavn, 1987 (no ISBN, 388 p.) (Faroese-Norwegian dictionary)
Hjalmar Petersen, Marius Staksberg: Donsk-Føroysk orðabók. Tórshavn, 1995. (879 p.) ISBN 99918-41-51-2 (Danish-Faroese dictionary)
Tórður Jóansson: English loanwords in Faroese. Tórshavn, 1997. (243 pages) ISBN 99918-49-14-9
Johan Hendrik W. Poulsen: Føroysk orðabók. Tórshavn, 1998. (1483 pages) ISBN 99918-41-52-0 (in Faroese)
Annfinnur í Skála: Donsk-føroysk orðabók. Tórshavn 1998. (1369 pages) ISBN 99918-42-22-5 (Danish-Faroese dictionary)
Michael Barnes: Faroese Language Studies Studia Nordica 5, Supplementum 30. Tórshavn, 2002. (239 pages) ISBN 99918-41-30-X
Höskuldur Thráinsson (Þráinsson), Hjalmar P. Petersen, Jógvan í Lon Jacobsen, Zakaris Svabo Hansen: Faroese. An Overview and Reference Grammar. Tórshavn, 2004. (500 pages) ISBN 99918-41-85-7
Richard Kölbl: Färöisch Wort für Wort. Bielefeld 2004 (in German)
Gianfranco Contri: Dizionario faroese-italiano = Føroysk-italsk orðabók. Tórshavn, 2004. (627 p.) ISBN 99918-41-58-X (Faroese-Italian dictionary)
Jón Hilmar Magnússon: Íslensk-færeysk orðabók. Reykjavík, 2005. (877 p.) ISBN 99796-61-79-8 (Icelandic-Faroese dictionary)
Annfinnur í Skála / Jonhard Mikkelsen: Føroyskt / enskt - enskt / føroyskt, Vestmanna: Sprotin 2008. (Faroese-English/English-Faroese dictionary, 2 volumes)
Adams, Jonathan & Hjalmar P. Petersen. Faroese: A Language Course for beginners Grammar & Textbook. Tórshavn, 2009: Stiðin (704 p.) ISBN 978-99918-42-54-7
Petersen, Hjalmar P. 2009. Gender Assignment in Modern Faroese. Hamborg. Kovac
External links
Føroysk orðabók (the Faroese-Faroese dictionary of 1998 online)
Sprotin (complete English-Faroese/Faroese-English and Danish-Faroese online dictionary - requires a subscription)
Faroese online syntactic analyser and morphological analyser/generator
FMN.fo - Faroese Language Committee (Official site with further links)
Faeroese - English Dictionary from Webster's Online Dictionary - The Rosetta Edition.
'Hover & Hear' Faroese pronunciations, and compare with equivalents in English and other Germanic languages.
Ethnologue report on Faroese
Useful Faroese Words & Phrases for Travelers
Category:Languages of Denmark
Category:North Germanic languages