- Duration: 2:49
- Published: 2010-05-28
- Uploaded: 2010-08-23
- Author: chemkerala
The first 10 alkanes W/Chemical formula
The first 10 alkanes W/Chemical formula
The first ten alkanes, methane up to decane with formula
The first ten alkanes, methane up to decane with formula
The Molecular Formula Machine: Compass OpenAccess
The Molecular Formula Machine: Compass OpenAccess
Automated walk-up LC/MS Chemical Formula Generation Deliver an expert analytical result first time to every walkup lab user, whatever their knowledge or experience. Compass OpenAccess™ is the ideal client/server software system to combine with the unique chemical formula generation capabilities of the Bruker Daltonics micrOTOF™, defining a new level of certainty in chemical information from open-use LC/MS.
Automated walk-up LC/MS Chemical Formula Generation Deliver an expert analytical result first time to every walkup lab user, whatever their knowledge or experience. Compass OpenAccess™ is the ideal client/server software system to combine with the unique chemical formula generation capabilities of the Bruker Daltonics micrOTOF™, defining a new level of certainty in chemical information from open-use LC/MS.
- Duration: 5:04
- Published: 2008-07-07
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: MCBDAL
Chemical Formula for Water Explained 1950s
Chemical Formula for Water Explained 1950s
Alas, poor Mark, he is no more, For what he thought was H2O Was H2SO4. Take it fom me (from personal experience several decades ago) - don't mouth pipette boiling hot concentrated sulfuric acid. Ouch.
Alas, poor Mark, he is no more, For what he thought was H2O Was H2SO4. Take it fom me (from personal experience several decades ago) - don't mouth pipette boiling hot concentrated sulfuric acid. Ouch.
- Duration: 1:29
- Published: 2008-10-24
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: markdcatlin
Chemical Formula Of Water - Caller Tune - Jokes & Pranks
Chemical Formula Of Water - Caller Tune - Jokes & Pranks
Chemical Formula Of Water -Caller Tune - Jokes & Pranks - Fool your friends and have a blast! Discover, preview, and choose from a host of Funny Caller tunes & Jokes. Listen to a wide array of jokes and pranks in Hindi as well as other regional languages. Log on to to set the caller tune of your choice.
Chemical Formula Of Water -Caller Tune - Jokes & Pranks - Fool your friends and have a blast! Discover, preview, and choose from a host of Funny Caller tunes & Jokes. Listen to a wide array of jokes and pranks in Hindi as well as other regional languages. Log on to to set the caller tune of your choice.
- Duration: 0:30
- Published: 2010-01-15
- Uploaded: 2010-08-26
- Author: RajshriMobile
chemical formula of Ionic compound(Urdu) part 1(Kemiyai Formula Lekhna)
chemical formula of Ionic compound(Urdu) part 1(Kemiyai Formula Lekhna)
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
- Duration: 4:57
- Published: 2010-07-08
- Uploaded: 2010-08-17
- Author: saghir64786
Chemistry: Describing Chemical Formulas
Chemistry: Describing Chemical Formulas In this lesson, you will learn the common nomenclature of chemistry. Professor Harman defines and contrasts atoms, molecules, ions, and ionic salts/covalent solids. Then Professor Harman covers written chemical formulas and visual representations of molecules. A molecular formula is a chemical formula that represents the actual number of atoms of each element within a molecule. An empirical formula is a chemical formula of a compound written with the smallest integer ratio of subscripts. Empirical formulas are always used to describe ionic compounds and covalent network solids. Various visual representations of molecules include the ball and stick three dimensional model that closely represents the structure of the molecule, a line drawing that approximates the structure in two dimensional terms, and a shorthand often used by organic chemists. Professor Harman warns that molecules are defined by their unique arrangements of atoms, and a formula can represent many different molecular compounds (known as isomers). Taught by Professor Harman, this lesson was selected from a broader, comprehensive course, Chemistry. This course and others are available from Thinkwell, Inc. The full course can be found at The full course covers atoms, molecules and ions, stoichiometry, reactions in aqueous solutions, gases, thermochemistry, Modern Atomic Theory, electron configurations, periodicity, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, bonding theory <b>...</b> In this lesson, you will learn the common nomenclature of chemistry. Professor Harman defines and contrasts atoms, molecules, ions, and ionic salts/covalent solids. Then Professor Harman covers written chemical formulas and visual representations of molecules. A molecular formula is a chemical formula that represents the actual number of atoms of each element within a molecule. An empirical formula is a chemical formula of a compound written with the smallest integer ratio of subscripts. Empirical formulas are always used to describe ionic compounds and covalent network solids. Various visual representations of molecules include the ball and stick three dimensional model that closely represents the structure of the molecule, a line drawing that approximates the structure in two dimensional terms, and a shorthand often used by organic chemists. Professor Harman warns that molecules are defined by their unique arrangements of atoms, and a formula can represent many different molecular compounds (known as isomers). Taught by Professor Harman, this lesson was selected from a broader, comprehensive course, Chemistry. This course and others are available from Thinkwell, Inc. The full course can be found at The full course covers atoms, molecules and ions, stoichiometry, reactions in aqueous solutions, gases, thermochemistry, Modern Atomic Theory, electron configurations, periodicity, chemical bonding, molecular geometry, bonding theory <b>...</b>
- Duration: 2:13
- Published: 2009-08-20
- Uploaded: 2010-09-08
- Author: Mindbitesdotcom
writing chemical formula part 16
writing chemical formula part 16
ASALAM-O-ALAIKUM (Peace be with you)-This video will concentrate on writing chemical formulae from the name of chemical compound By:TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID (KAMOKE PAKISTAN)
ASALAM-O-ALAIKUM (Peace be with you)-This video will concentrate on writing chemical formulae from the name of chemical compound By:TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID (KAMOKE PAKISTAN)
CAMPUS QUESTION: What is the Chemical Formula For Photosynthesis?
CAMPUS QUESTION: What is the Chemical Formula For Photosynthesis?
writing chemical formula part 3
writing chemical formula part 3
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
Silver Tarnish Removal (II): Chemical Equation
Silver Tarnish Removal (II): Chemical Equation
Writing a balanced equation for the single displacement reaction: silver sulfide (tarnish) + aluminum yields silver + aluminum sulfide. Silver ions (Ag+) are reduced. Aluminum foil(Al(s)) is oxidized.
Writing a balanced equation for the single displacement reaction: silver sulfide (tarnish) + aluminum yields silver + aluminum sulfide. Silver ions (Ag+) are reduced. Aluminum foil(Al(s)) is oxidized.
- Duration: 9:02
- Published: 2008-04-16
- Uploaded: 2010-08-27
- Author: TTUchem1010
The largest amounts of the chemical were in formulas derived from cow's milk, the study The researchers would not disclose the brands of formula they studied.Only a few samples were studied, so it's hard to know if the perchlorate levels would be found in all containers of those brands, a CDC spokesman Earlier this year, the US Environmental Protection Agency said it was considering setting new limits on the amount of perchlorate that would be acceptable in drinking water. A few states have already set their own limits The EPA has checked nearly 4000 public water supplies serving 10000 people or more. About 160 of the water systems had detectable levels of perchlorate, and 31 had levels high enough to exceed a new safety level the EPA is considering.
The largest amounts of the chemical were in formulas derived from cow's milk, the study The researchers would not disclose the brands of formula they studied.Only a few samples were studied, so it's hard to know if the perchlorate levels would be found in all containers of those brands, a CDC spokesman Earlier this year, the US Environmental Protection Agency said it was considering setting new limits on the amount of perchlorate that would be acceptable in drinking water. A few states have already set their own limits The EPA has checked nearly 4000 public water supplies serving 10000 people or more. About 160 of the water systems had detectable levels of perchlorate, and 31 had levels high enough to exceed a new safety level the EPA is considering.
- Duration: 2:18
- Published: 2009-04-03
- Uploaded: 2010-08-25
- Author: skyzze
- Duration: 1:37
- Published: 2010-03-11
- Uploaded: 2010-08-05
- Author: masalam16
Balancing Chemical Equations by Amartyajit
Balancing Chemical Equations by Amartyajit
This is a tutorial that how to Balance a Chemical Equation through his video "Balancing Chemical Equation" THE CONCEPT OF BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATION One balances a chemical equation by changing the scalar number for each chemical formula. Simple chemical equations can be balanced by inspection, that is, by trial and error. Another technique involves solving a system of linear equations. Ordinarily, balanced equations are written with smallest whole-number coefficients. If there is no coefficient before a chemical formula, the coefficient 1 is understood. The method of inspection can be outlined as putting a coefficient of 1 in front of the most complex chemical formula and putting the other coefficients before everything else such that both sides of the arrows have the same number of each atom. If any fractional coefficient exist, multiply every coefficient with the smallest number required to make them whole, typically the denominator of the fractional coefficient for a reaction with a single fractional coefficient.
This is a tutorial that how to Balance a Chemical Equation through his video "Balancing Chemical Equation" THE CONCEPT OF BALANCING CHEMICAL EQUATION One balances a chemical equation by changing the scalar number for each chemical formula. Simple chemical equations can be balanced by inspection, that is, by trial and error. Another technique involves solving a system of linear equations. Ordinarily, balanced equations are written with smallest whole-number coefficients. If there is no coefficient before a chemical formula, the coefficient 1 is understood. The method of inspection can be outlined as putting a coefficient of 1 in front of the most complex chemical formula and putting the other coefficients before everything else such that both sides of the arrows have the same number of each atom. If any fractional coefficient exist, multiply every coefficient with the smallest number required to make them whole, typically the denominator of the fractional coefficient for a reaction with a single fractional coefficient.
- Duration: 1:34
- Published: 2010-05-25
- Uploaded: 2010-08-25
- Author: amartyajit1
writing chemical formula part 9
writing chemical formula part 9
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
- Duration: 1:04
- Published: 2010-03-10
- Uploaded: 2010-07-27
- Author: masalam16
writing chemical formula part 12
writing chemical formula part 12
ASALAM-O-ALAIKUM (Peace be with you)-This video will concentrate on writing chemical formulae from the name of chemical compound By:TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID (KAMOKE PAKISTAN)
ASALAM-O-ALAIKUM (Peace be with you)-This video will concentrate on writing chemical formulae from the name of chemical compound By:TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID (KAMOKE PAKISTAN)
writing chemical formula part 7
writing chemical formula part 7
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
writing chemical formula part 10
writing chemical formula part 10
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
writing chemical formula part 8
writing chemical formula part 8
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method
TAYYAB HASSAN ZAHID KAMOKE(PAKISTAN) from this video you can learn how to write chemical formula by cross over rule method