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Oregon State Bank Discussed at Medford Forum

Ivend Holen, 23.11.2010 - 07:23
Oregon State Bank Information about a proposed Oregon State Bank, the need for it, and ways to help bring it about, was the focus of one of the work groups at a Community Forum hosted by Oregon Action at the Medford Public Library Monday evening, November 15.

The next local meeting of supporters for an Oregon State Bank is Monday evening, November 29, at 7 PM in the second floor conference room of the Woolworth Building in downtown Medford, 33 North Central.
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Supreme Court favors Walmart in Medford, Oregon ruling

Medford Citzens for Responsible Development, 19.11.2010 - 00:39
Thursday November 18, 2010 -- Oregon Supreme Court rules against Medford citizens in favor of Walmart

See Court Decision Here:  http://www.publications.ojd.state.or.us/S058025.htm

MCRD Reaction to today's Oregon Supreme Court Decision follows...

Today is a sad day for Medford Citzens for Responsible Development and its many supporters. We are extremely disappointed by the Supreme Court decision which affirmed an earlier Appellate Court opinion. The court ruled that a local jurisdiction should be given deference when some of the local rules are contradictory. In this particular case, there were conflicting rules about whether the city should require a comprehensive traffic study for new commercial development, and when.

While there were conflicting rules on the issue, our group was frustrated that our city leaders would decide to err on the side of the developer, and approve a project that is anticipated to cost millions for street improvements to handle the increased traffic. At any time, Walmart could have agreed to conduct a traffic study and pay for the associated costs, or the city could have chosen to follow the more restrictive rules.

rest of reaction follows.....
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Good news on the Korea FTA!

P E O P L E * O V E R * P R O F I T !, 12.11.2010 - 02:25
* NO KOREAN FTA * Hell yeah! You did it, everyone. President Obama stepped back from the edge of the cliff in South Korea, at least for the moment. Nice work! If we're able to hold him off through the summer, we may just have put the final nail in the coffin of the NAFTA model. Let's keep it up -- and THANK YOU!... Arthur Stamoulis

Keep reading for the latest on the Korea Free Trade Agreement
Statement follows by Arthur Stamoulis, Director, Citizens Trade Campaign
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UN Club Hosts Israel/Palestine Report at SOU

Rogue Indy Volunteer Reporter in the Street, 23.10.2010 - 22:56
Kate concludes by asking for donations for West Bank birthing center & ambulance On Monday October 18th Kate Gould delivered a powerful presentation on "Hope in the Middle East & the UN: Gaza, West Bank, and Israel." SOU's UN club hosted Kate as part of the annual United Nations week held on campus. More than forty students, professors, and other community members turned out for Kate's talk, which focused on her encounters with UN agencies throughout her diverse experiences in the region and the UN Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict, more commonly known as the "Goldstone Report".

As attendees entered and looked for a place to sit down, they immediately noticed unusual items underneath their chairs.
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Photos- Talent, OR Postal Rally 9/30/10

Talent Supports Its Post Office!, 01.10.2010 - 02:23
Talent, Oregon -- September 30, 2010

Dozens of concerned Talent residents rallied today in front of the Post Office and let it be known how much they support the current mail delivery system!

"Don't mess with our post office!" was heard loud and clear. One supporter was amazed at the strength of Talent citizen support.

Here are several photos (click to make bigger)--Rogue IMC volunteer
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Talent, Oregon Post Office Under Attack


Please join Talent, Oregon postal workers and your fellow concerned community members for an informational picket protesting the United States Postal Service decision to eliminate postal services and jobs in Talent.

When? Thursday, September 30th from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
Where? Talent, Oregon Post Office – 153 East Wagner Street
For more information, contact Jim Alexander:  jimsturn@charter.net; 541-941-9378

The USPS’ secretive efforts to consolidate Talent and Phoenix postal services are aimed to avoid public input and begin with the relocation of all Rural Route Carriers from Talent to Phoenix on October 9, 2010. In addition, one of the Talent full-time postal clerks has been notified that her job will be eliminated within 90 days.

Postal customers must act now in order to preserve their postal services. Having to travel to Phoenix to pick up packages and vacation mail is the tip of the iceberg of the negative impact on Talent residents. Don’t let the USPS get away with bullying behavior and its misguided efforts to slash service!

Southern Oregon Area Local APWU President Jim Alexander said, “It’s becoming business as usual for the Post Office to keep postal patrons in the dark while it makes fundamental changes in its service commitment to the American public. It’s up to the public to not let the USPS get away with its bullying behavior. The community of Talent, Oregon has a chance to stand up and be heard by joining with postal workers in southern Oregon for Thursday’s informational picket.”
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World Car Free Day in Ashland

Rogue IMC reporter, 24.09.2010 - 03:00
Wednesday, September 22nd Ashland joined the rest of the world in celebrating World Car Free Day. Buses as part of “Try Transit Week” were free all day throughout the entire valley. Ashland Transportation Challenge kicked off the two week pledge to drive less. Oak St between Lithia and Main in downtown was blocked off to all car traffic from 4 to 7pm for a block party.
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Peace Fence to Peace Wall

Rogue IMC reporter, 22.09.2010 - 04:50
September 21st -Today, International Day of Peace, over a hundred people gathered in front of the Ashland Public Library for the dedication ceremony for the Ashland Peace Wall. It began with drumming from Whistling Elk and finished with the music of Bagpipes. There were blessings from various local religious leaders, welcoming remarks from Mayor John Stromberg, and number of speakers who had assisted in making the Peace Wall a reality. The Peace Choir & Tami and Rose Marston sang and at times you could hear the entire crowd singing along to popular tunes such as “Ain’t Gonna Study War No More”.
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National Jobs Emergency! -- Declared 9/15/10

* * J O B S * W I T H * J U S T I C E * *, 13.09.2010 - 15:52
Southern Oregon JwJ Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice Joins Nationwide Declaration of a Jobs Emergency!

"These times of economic strife see Corporate America 'sitting on' 8 Trillion dollars of accumulated wealth while hard working families are losing their jobs, their homes, and in way too many cases their belief in the future. We have a National Jobs Emergency!"--Wes Brain, Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice

On September 15, 2010, Jobs with Justice coalitions in dozens of cities bring the voices of workers, community members, and the unemployed into the debate on how to move forward on a jobs plan to put people back to work immediately. 15 million Americans are out of work, and without a major federal investment in creating jobs, (official) jobless rates will be 8-13% into the next decade.


Southern Oregon Jobs with Justice is sponsoring a Soup Line and Press Conference to be held at noon on 9/15/2010 in front of the Oregon State Employment Office, 119 N. Oakdale Avenue, Medford, Oregon.
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Buy "Made In The USA" and Support Jobs at Home!

EMAIL Traffic from one Ashlander to another, 02.09.2010 - 22:49
Support Jobs Here at Home! This following email was sent from one Ashland, Oregon resident to another... so in the spirit of "keepin' it local" this important message is now posted on the Rogue Independent Media Center...


One Light Bulb at a Time....A physics teacher in high school, once told the students that while one grasshopper on the railroad tracks wouldn't slow a train very much, a billion of them would. With that thought in mind, read the following, obviously written by a good American.

Good idea .. . one light bulb at a time . .

Check this out . I can verify this because I was in Lowes the other day for some reason and just for the heck of it I was looking at the hose attachments. They were all made in China . The next day I was in Ace Hardware and just for the heck of it I checked the hose attachments there. They were made in USA. Start looking.
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Text 11/22; Last Day 4 Public Comment on GE Salmon
22-11-2010 21:35

Text KSKQ "This week" November 17, 2010
17-11-2010 05:38

Text The Great American Paper Boycott Guide Lines
16-11-2010 19:15

Image Affordable Health Care for All Oregon Act
15-11-2010 05:47

Image Radical Botany- Geology and Oregon Grape
14-11-2010 01:43

Text U.S. Plans to Export LNG
12-11-2010 20:52

Image The Great American Paper Boycott (1 comment)
12-11-2010 00:57

Image Korean Free Trade Agreement on TV in Southern Oregon (2 comments)
10-11-2010 14:15

Text KSKQ "This week" November 10, 2010
10-11-2010 00:02

Text Server Troubles (2 comments)
03-11-2010 12:30

Image Barefoot Motors to close this year
26-10-2010 18:43

Image "HOPE IN THE MIDDLE EAST" - Kate Gould presents during UN Week @ SOU
14-10-2010 22:57

Text Middle Eastern Bazaar
14-10-2010 06:01

Image "The Good Soldier" film in Grants Pass, OR
07-10-2010 23:48

Image Art Honors Garment Workers -- "A Shout Out"
01-10-2010 15:55

Text Soak the Poor!
28-09-2010 21:02

Text 3 More Lawsuits Against El Paso Corporation (3 comments)
23-09-2010 22:41

Text Ashland CarFree Day Celebration & Block Party
22-09-2010 13:05

Text Ashland Transpo Challenge Starts Today
22-09-2010 13:01

Text Car Free Day Oak Street Group Bike Ride
22-09-2010 12:58

Image SEIU Picnic in Rogue River, Oregon Sept. 25th
20-09-2010 18:15

Image SNYP's October Tom & Mom Discount Campaign
18-09-2010 20:00

Text Natural Gas Pipeline Safety is a Myth!
11-09-2010 20:48

Text 9th Court Enables Ruby Pipeline Construction (1 comment)
03-09-2010 19:44

Image Back from Gaza, the West Bank, & Israel (2 comments)
25-08-2010 22:27

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Text Students Celebrate Day of Tolerance
24-11-2010 15:47

Image Environmental Media Picks Up On The Great Ame
23-11-2010 16:03

22-11-2010 17:11

Image Examples
22-11-2010 13:34

17-11-2010 10:23

Text La guerre psychologique
12-11-2010 07:40

Text Shoshone Visit UN for Human Rights Review
09-11-2010 21:08

Image An Incredible Two Years
09-11-2010 13:00

Text Généalogie du spectacle
09-11-2010 09:24

Text Emergency Convocation
02-11-2010 02:39

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