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On New Year's Eve, as it has for the past six years, Santa Cruz will again host the DIY New Years Parade, what has become both a homespun, family-friendly alternative celebration and a controversial embarrassment for the city. The result of six years of do-it-yourself community organizing, the Last Night DIY Parade, a community-sponsored New Year's Eve celebration will again hit Santa Cruz streets.
Fri Dec 24 2010 (Updated 12/25/10) California Black Farmers to Honor Founder of Kwanzaa
Kwanzaa is celebrated annually from December 26th to January 1st. The Seven Principles of Kwanzaa are considered tools for addressing issues facing the African American community. Events will be held in San Francisco, Sacramento and Stockton.
Under rules adopted this week by the California Air Resources Board, timber firms could earn tens of millions of dollars through the sale of carbon credits. Despite opposition to a provision that would make clearcutting eligible to receive offset credits, the Board passed a plan that critics say was unduly influenced by logging industry lobbyists.
Private First Class Bradley Manning is facing up to 60 years in prison for allegedly leaking information through WikiLeaks that expose U.S. war crimes. Among these is helicopter gunship video that shows U.S. troops nonchalantly mowing down two journalists, first aid respondents, and children with machine gun fire. The perpetrators of these crimes are not being punished, even with video proof of the cold blooded murders. Instead, the military brass are prosecuting Bradley Manning.
On December 14th, hundreds of PG&E customers, outraged about the health damage caused by wireless 'smart' meters, ramped up protests by testifying at county government meetings and shutting down payment centers in both Santa Cruz and Marin Counties to demand an immediate halt to the program. Protesters are also angry about PG&E's attempts to cover up the growing health scandal and recently revealed espionage carried out against their customers concerned with increasing reports of nausea, headaches, and bouts of dizziness from the meters. The protesters, backed by 22 local governments and an increasing number of scientists and medical professionals, are demanding that PG&E halt any further installation of smart meters.
Indybay reporter David Morse has filed a lawsuit against the UC Berkeley Police for violations of the First, Fourth and Eighth Amendments and for violations of a federal law barring the use of search warrants for unpublished journalistic materials. The lawsuit follows Morse’s successful motion to quash a search warrant issued for his unpublished news photographs. Morse was arrested without probable cause a year ago at a UC Berkeley protest he was covering and held on felony charges, which were later dropped.
Martin Cotton II was living houseless and unarmed on August 9th, 2007, when he was severely abused by police, and brought to the Humboldt County Correctional Facility. At the jail, he was further attacked by guards, and left to die on the floor of a cell. On Monday, January 10th, a federal civil rights trial, brought on behalf of Martin Cotton's baby daughter, Siehna Cotton, and by Martin's father, Marty Cotton, will begin in Oakland: Siehna Cotton et al. v. Eureka Police Dept. and Humboldt County Sheriff's Dept.
During the December 7th, 2010 Oakland City Council meeting, outraged and grieving family members, friends and members of the public demanded to be allowed to speak during "Open Forum" at the beginning of the meeting. When the council refused, supporters chanted to the front and Derrick's father spoke along with several others. Later many more spoke. The council's response was to offer to agendize the topic for a future meeting.
After web host Amazon and DNS host Dyn Inc. terminated service to earlier this week, San Jose-based PayPal announced late last night that it has "permanently restricted" WikiLeaks' account. In a statement released on its blog, PayPal accused WikiLeaks of violating its acceptable use policy by "encourag[ing], promot[ing], facilitat[ing] or instruct[ing] others to engage in illegal activity." WikiLeaks has struggled to stay online after initiating the slow release of over 250,000 leaked US diplomatic cables known as Cablegate, and is now available on several mirrors such as
During an anti-IMF protest in Athens, Greece on November 15th, a U.S. anarchist was brutally beaten by the Delta Force, a special police division for anarchists and immigrants. Although she suffered serious injuries and was hospitalized for several days, she is expected to fully recover. In the following days as more protests continued in Athens marking the anniversary of the Junta, several Greek demonstrators have been brutalized by the Delta Force. On November 27th, protesters in San Francisco expressed solidarity with comrades in Greece.
In this eighth chapter of “Media Workers for Social Change” Peter M profiles journalist JR Valrey. Valrey covers the Black neighborhoods in the Bay Area, addressing issues relevant to community members, and informing people on the outside as to what is going on. His forte is coverage of political prisoners and police issues. He is host of "The Block Report" on KPFA and other stations and works for The San Francisco Bay View.
The annual Friday-after-Thanksgiving protest of the fur industry, led by In Defense of Animals and People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, was held in San Francisco's Union Square on November 26th. Similar demonstrations were held in Portland and other cities across the U.S. and the world. Event organizers called for demonstrators to, "Come and raise your voice for the voiceless 50 million fur bearing animals that are brutally slaughtered each year for their fur."
John Robbins, author of Diet for a New America and Food Revolution, says the film Bold Native "is the controversial story of young adults who just can’t sit by and stay silent in the face of massive cruelty to animals. Unwilling to passively succumb to resignation and despair, they take a stand, not just with their words, but with their actions. Some might see them as threats to society, others might admire them as self-sacrificing heroes, but no one could see this remarkable film and not gain a greater understanding of what courage really means.”
The California coast, from Davenport south through Santa Cruz, Watsonville and Castroville, is Brussels sprouts country. Most of this vegetable in North America comes from these fields, although a growing harvest now takes place in Baja California, in northern Mexico. In both California and Baja California, the vast majority of the people who harvest Brussels sprouts, like those who pick other crops, are Mexican.
Hundreds of students and community activists held a rally at CSU-Fresno in support of the Dream Act. The rally was prompted by media reports that Associated Student president at CSUF, Pedro Ramirez, was undocumented. The news about Ramirez's immigration status was first reported in the CSUF Collegian newspaper and later on MSNBC, the BBC, and other national and international media outlets.
Hundreds of UC students and workers from around the state joined together during the November 16th through 18th Regents meeting to protest proposals that they say will harm the public mission of the University of California. They are demanding no fee hikes for all students and no more cuts to staff, many of whom earn below a living wage. At the November 17th meeting, over three hundred protesters confronted a line of police at the Mission Bay campus in San Francisco, where the regents were meeting. Police used pepper spray and 13 protesters were arrested.
Indybay has not only survived but thrived for ten years now. On November 13th, 2010, Indybay acknowledged everyone who has contributed over the last decade to the many projects of the SF Bay Area and Santa Cruz Independent Media Centers. We hosted a media conference with speakers, panels, and workshops — and then we threw a benefit party with radical musicians into the night. Thank you to everyone who came out!
Derrick Jones was shot and killed by the Oakland Police Dept on Monday November 8th 2010 on the 5800 block of Trask Street. On November 11th, protesters took to the streets to protest the murder of another unarmed man by the police. Family members of Jones and Oscar Grant joined a demonstration on Bancroft Way before marching to the Fruitvale BART station, the site of Grant's fatal shooting. BART shut down the station for several hours during the evening commute because of the protest.
On the evening on October 31st, Halloween night, advocates for People's Park climbed into the trees to take a stand against the ongoing destruction of the park by UC Berkeley, with the encouragement of the Telegraph Business Association, and to protest the dwindling resources available to the city's homeless population. The tree sitters have renamed the park "Muwekma," the Ohlone word for "people."
November 25th Report: Muwekma Direct Action
On November 8th, more than 50 people protested at the San Francisco Consulate General of India against India's banning of Richard Shapiro. Since 2006, Shapiro has regularly traveled to Kashmir, and interacted with various human rights defenders, scholars, and youth to bear witness and to learn from their experiences. Friends and Allies of Richard Shapiro point out that when academics, writers, and journalists are banned, such actions speak to the intent of the Indian State in maintaining impunity, and in deliberately isolating Kashmiris from the world, and the world from Kashmiris.
Marc Sapir writes, "The core paid staff (representing perhaps 30-50 staff people at KPFA) essentially seized control of KPFA this morning [November 9th] to rally their listener base to resist efforts that could restore KPFA to financial solvency for the first time in 2 years, and bring it back from the brink of collapse (KPFA does not now have cash income to pay the staff regularly). What goes unstated is that the majority of staff at KPFA—over 150 programmers and producers--the people who keep the station on air 24/7 are volunteers are not represented in these antics."
Saturday Nov 6th, 2010 11:06 PM : Arrestees began to be released about 8am Saturday -- and by evening, most were out, charged with unlawful assembly.
Friday Nov 5th, 2010 11:29 PM : Oakland police say 152 arrested tonight
Friday Nov 5th, 2010 10:08 PM : Just before 8pm over 100 marchers were kettled by police for arrest on 6th Ave. Arrestees still being processed at the scene. #oscargrant
Friday Nov 5th, 2010 6:41 PM : Protest over Mehserle sentencing is marching down 14th St towards Lake Merritt

On Friday, November 5th, former BART police officer Johannes Mehserle was sentenced for the shooting death of Oscar Grant, III. Mehserle received the minimum jail sentence possible from Judge Robert Perry, two years. Subtracting the 146 days Mehserle has already been behind bars in an LA County jail and another 146 days for "good behavior," he is expected to be released from state prison in less than one year from now. Concerned community members gathered together in Frank Ogawa Plaza by Oakland City Hall to respond to the sentencing and to honor Oscar. Police arrested 152 people in a march that followed.
On Sunday November 7th, there will a benefit at 7pm in Santa Cruz for Dine (Navajo) indigenous resistance communities at Big Mountain / Black Mesa, AZ who are in their third decade of resisting the expansion of coal strip mining operations and forced relocation from their traditional homeland by the US government. This benefit is part of the 2010 Fall Caravan of Support. On November 20th, work crews from Santa Cruz and all across the country will converge in support of the indigenous resistance communities of Black Mesa / Big Mountain.
In a dramatic "October Surprise" that community activists say is certain to decrease voter turnout in Fresno County, 200 out of the normal 400 polling places have been closed. Hardest hit is southwest Fresno, which is predominantly African American and Latino, where activists say that 75% of polling places have been eliminated. Sabina Gonzalez, who is the campaign director for Communities for a New California, says some residents in SW Fresno will be forced to walk over 2 miles to find a polling place that is open.
Protests in San Francisco, Palo Alto, and Berkeley at Chevron gas stations featured handmade "No on 26" placards, as environmental activists redoubled their efforts to defeat the initiative they are calling a "stealth" proposition. The demonstrations were part of a statewide action organized by the Sierra Club.
A week before the November 2nd elections, a group of artists liberated six San Francisco billboards and sixty bus shelter ads to defeat Proposition L, a ballot measure that would ban sitting on the sidewalk. The group, calling itself the Sit/Lie Posse, replaced ads throughout the city with handmade prints rendered in the style of corporate advertising. Confronting the backers of the proposition, the posse lavished attention on sites around City Hall, the Chronicle, the Haight-Ashbury district and many other neighborhoods.
On Thursday, October 28th at 7pm will be a screening at the United Presbyterian Church in Watsonville of Simon Sedillo's new documentary, The Demarest Factor: US Military Mapping of Indigenous Communities in Oaxaca, Mexico. This film and workshop presentation discusses a recent investigation into U.S. military mapping of communally owned indigenous land in Oaxaca, Mexico.
This year was the 15th National Day of Protest to Stop Police Brutality. Throughout Northern California marches, rallies and vigils were held on October 22nd and 23rd to mark the days of action against police brutality. On October 23rd, the ILWU and other unions shut down Bay Area ports to join a Justice for Oscar Grant Rally in downtown Oakland. In Eureka, organizers announced two days of marches and rallies. Vigils and marches were held in Fresno and Modesto.
On the night of October 20th, four Santa Cruz Police Department officers ticketed a woman for spitting on Pacific Avenue. No warning was given, and she was issued a ticket for nothing more than spitting. However, the municipal code states that a person is violating 9.50.02 "after having been notified by a police officer, public officer or downtown host that he or she is in violation of the prohibition."

12/27/10 Despite City Efforts, Do-It-Yourself Community Celebration Set for New Years     arts | santacruz
12/24/10 California Black Farmers to Honor Founder of Kwanzaa     race | california
12/20/10 Court Finds Free-Speech Issue in Nazi Salute     government | santacruz
12/18/10 Timber Industry Lobbied to Alter Environmental Ruling in its Favor     environment | california
12/15/10 Utility Company and State Regulators Ignoring Illnesses Associated with Wireless Meters     poverty | santacruz
12/14/10 Informational Protest on Dec. 18 and Rally and March on Jan. 8th to Support WikiLeaks     antiwar | santacruz
12/13/10 Veteran Journalist Who Quashed Illegal Search Warrant for His Photos Sues UCPD     police | education
12/09/10 Redwood Curtain CopWatch Plans Informational Tour for December     police | northcoast
12/09/10 Unarmed Small Business Owner Derrick Jones Killed by Oakland Police Department Nov. 8th     police | race | poverty
12/04/10 Corporate Denial of Service: San Jose-based PayPal Closes WikiLeaks Account     police | southbay | international | government
11/30/10 Hidden in Plain Sight: Media Workers for Social Change, Chapter 8     indymedia
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Alleged Wikileaks Leaker Finds Friends in Berkeley Bay Citizen (repost)
Wednesday Dec 29th 2:13 AM
Hearing Finally Scheduled on CSPA's Big Sur River Protest Dan Bacher
Tuesday Dec 28th 8:15 AM
Castro Queer-In (oppose sit-lie law) (1 comment)
Monday Dec 27th 6:32 PM
Open Letter to Jerry Brown: My Plan to Restore California Fisheries Dan Bacher (1 comment)
Monday Dec 27th 12:07 PM
March 19- DAY OF ACTION TO RESIST THE WAR MACHINE Bill Hackwell (14 comments)
Sunday Dec 26th 9:04 AM
Central Valley Kwanzaa Celebration michael harris
Saturday Dec 25th 1:14 PM
From Santa Cruz to Modesto: Parallels and Crisis Wes Modes (10 comments)
Saturday Dec 25th 12:23 PM
"KPFA, Labor And Representation" Forum At LaborTech 2010 LaborTech 2010
Saturday Dec 25th 12:11 PM
Call for EMERGENCY RESPONSE Action if Assange Indicted Curt (1 comment)
Saturday Dec 25th 11:54 AM
Planting seeds for the 45th Season of Kwanzaa michael harris, #37 (1 comment)
Saturday Dec 25th 10:59 AM
Santa delivers coal to Naughty Fresno Police Union Santa Claus (3 comments)
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