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Optimize your online business with our
comprehensive real-time traffic statistics.
  • Learn more about your visitors
  • Analyze your traffic patterns
  • Maximize your ROI
  • Get e-mail notifications
    regarding important events
  • Build your own performance
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HitsLink Overview

HitsLink provides online, real-time reporting on...

  • Who visits your site
  • How they found you
  • How they navigate your site
  • If they buy or transact on your site
  • How effective your advertising is

Highlights Gallery

Product Details

Established in 1999, HitsLink is a leading online service to track hundreds of real-time website statistics.  Easy to implement, simply paste a small tracking script on your site's pages and start viewing reports within seconds.

HitsLink is provided in the following versions:

HitsLink Platinum
  • All the features of HitsLink Enterprise, plus...

  • Realtime dynamic segmentation

  • Multivariate (A/B) testing

  • Funnel analysis reporting

  • Multi-source tracking

HitsLink Enterprise
  • All the features of HitsLink Professional, plus...

  • See how your email or pay-per-click campaigns convert to customers

  • Website statistics for user definable events, for example, trials, downloads, etc.

  • Provides a first line of defense for the identification of fraudulent clicks, including the ability to set up email alerts and notifications based on user defined thresholds for click fraud.

HitsLink Professional
  • Comprehensive traffic statistics in real-time

  • Tracks search terms from 300 search engines

  • Visitor navigation paths

  • Email alerts for user-definable traffic levels

  • Dashboards - tabbed, customizable and user specific

  • User security and group management

  • Hundreds of additional statistics on your visitors


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Website statistics and web analytics by HitsLink
