Today’s open thread is brought to you by Punch reader, Shane Coghlan:

After surviving a robust ALP conference, Adelaide’s resident political playboy “King” Kevin Foley fronted the media last weekend crying out for sympathy after being assaulted outside a popular Adelaide club in the early hours of Sunday morning.

While not a rare occurrence and well know to most late-night city revellers, the incident left many wondering what their State’s 50 year old number is doing out at a time thought to be exclusively owned by the “troublesome and irresponsible generation Y?

Over 60% of respondents on an online poll frowned upon Kevin’s city soirees. As a leader there is no denying the responsibility Mr Foley has of leading by example, but is a good night out in contrary to that? He didn’t hit anyone, sexually harass any animals or get too drunk and disorderly (Though I’m secretly praying for more CCTV footage to be released which shows Kevin walking face first into a stobie pole.) Should we confine our politicians to their homes on weekends, condemning them to bed after the 6 o’clock news without anyone of the opposite gender in the immediate vicinity?

It’s unrealistic and unhealthy to expect our pollies to be perfect. If we remove the human element of our politicians, people will just feel even more disconnected from their political representative than they are now.

However, the thing that gets me every time I happen to be at the same bar as Kevin or anyone else in his age bracket is that their presence creates a social awkwardness which is a real buzzkill. In my experience male mature age partiers, all commit the same party fouls:

1. Their dance moves are so distractingly poor the focus moves away from the dancing and the music to them. Unlike men of our generation who restrain their movements so they don’t create too much of a scene or distraction, our elder statesman will tear through the dancefloor with flailing limbs attempting impossible breakdance routines and/or attempting to sing over the music.

2. The awkwardness of seeing middle aged men ogling and flirting with girls up to 30 years their junior it’s not only creepy but can scare all the fish out of the pond as it were.

3. This includes chatting up barmaids, holding up the line of party-revellers waiting for a drink.

4. They turn into camels, losing any control of their saliva which flies onto people’s clothes, drinks and our faces.

5. ACDC shirts, flowing beards and old football jackets are not appropriate nightlife attire. Their intoxicated presence at these places in general can make clubbers depressingly reassess their lives, not wanting to be “that guy” when they are older. At fifty years old the time to hang up the playboy crown is increasingly dawning on Kevin Foley and for him to not only acting his age, but his role in society demands.


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    • S.L says:

      06:02am | 03/12/10

      Well yes there is something to be said for partying at an advanced age. I went on a date on Saturday night to the local sporting club. I’m in my late 40s, my ladyfriend her early 50s. After dinner at about 8.30 she had to go as she had a family day at Darling Harbour arranged for sunday. I stayed on and after one more schooner, a $20 donation to the pokie gods and with the “teenyboppers” starting to file in I thought to myself “what am I doing here?” I was soon hailing a taxi home!

    • TChong says:

      07:26am | 03/12/10

      Partying as we grow more wise ( not elderly) is great, if thats your cuppa, and “we” ( pompous , I know) as in life partner and associates, want to grow old disgracefully, but without making the news.
      Unless you are a good Hindu, or Budhist, you only live once, so enjoy yourself, whether its reading on a comfy sofa , or “Growing Olde Disgracefully”- like the Ullyses club, as long as you hurt no- one else along the way.

    • acotrel says:

      06:12am | 03/12/10

      Yesterday on ABC Goulburn Murray there was a representative of Montessiore School in Beechworth, complaining that the wealth of her school had been overstated on the My School web site.  She complained that the process of assessing the school’s wealth was flawed, and erroneous.  Wealth of schools is assessed by the sites people on the basis of statistics provided about the student’s parent’s occupations and earning capacity.  The claim was made that many of the parents were retired professionals, living in the country and earning less than expected.  Motessiore claim that they are actually a disadvantaged school.  This claim was made with the reason that they ’ keep their school fees low, because we believe in the value of a Motessiore education’.  It’s a simple fact of life that businesses offering a quality product, do not lower its price because they ‘believe in its value’.  The usual reason is to achieve a competitive advantage!
      The Local member for Indi, Sophie MIrabella, has be come involved, and in her own inimitable way, has taken the opportunity to cast doubt on the whole My School concept.  Christopher Pyne has taken up the cudgel and has again attacked Peter Garrett with it.
        I suggest the Australian public should look closely at what/whom it is subsidising when it give private schools State Aid.  The assessment on the My School web site obviously affects the level of funding which will be going to those schools.  Montessiore is clearlyy trying to ‘work the system’.  It’s scamming has begun to affect the politics of our country.  If the school is on a ‘mission from God’ I could believe they might reduce their fees ‘because they believe in the value of a Montessiore education’, otherwise their claims are total political bullsh*t

    • Jim says:

      06:46am | 03/12/10

      The MySchool website was probably the single best idea to come out of the ALP for 20 years. In typical Labor style though, the execution was about as messy as Mitchell Johnstones bowling. Of course the opposition should question the use it’s being put to!
      Give one good reason why Peter Garrett is in charge of (in my opinion) the most important portfolio - education. Please.

    • ann jacq says:

      11:51am | 03/12/10

      Jim because he threatend to resign if he wasnt given a ministerial position after the last election or so the rumour goes here in the ACT.

    • Jim says:

      07:17am | 03/12/10

      Nice read smile

      You forgot to mention the thing that is far far worse than the lonely middle aged guy trying to mix it up with the younger ones…the middle aged woman!

      Decending into a nightclub like a pack of Meerkats, they form a chattering circle that somehow manages to block access to both the bar and the toilets, while they take turns on look-out duties. Oblivious to the fact that chiffon went out in the 80’s, and that their muffin tops are not very sexy, they hit the dance floor - again in a large circle…like marking their territory and pushing everyone else off. The coordination and facial expressions as they dance and try to sing make even Tina Turner look elegant, and if the music ever stopped midway through a re-enactment of a Dirty Dancing scene you’d hear the squeaking and clicking of old knees.

      Out of any group of middle aged nightclubbing women, there is the ‘decoy’. The cute one who stands off to one side, sipping her drink through a straw, slightly bobbing up and down in time with the music while smiling at her friends make a mess on the dancefloor. She is put there specifically to lure the young bucks out…feigning disinterest but laughing at al the right times; just enough to keep them engaged. Eventually the names of the Meerkats will be revealed and said young bucks will think they’re in. Then, on some unseen signal, the pack will gather around and hand in hand will leave the premises for the one across the road. Leaving the young bucks standing there holding ridiculous looking drinks and cursing their bad luck.

      Oh well, off to find a random hens party….

    • NicoleG says:

      08:33am | 03/12/10

      Hahaha Jim! That’s bloody funny! But…....what’s your definition of middle aged?

    • S.L says:

      09:03am | 03/12/10

      Great observation Jim. For thirty years there has been a nightclub in one of the bottom bars at Central Coast Leagues Club near Sydney. It has had the nickname “Grab a Grannys” for that long few can remember its official title! Also just up the road there’s a new pub patronised by the local Professionals, Bankies and other Yuppies and it already has the nickname “The Cougar Bar” ..........

    • Jim says:

      09:19am | 03/12/10

      I always thought middle-aged was a relative term NicoleG…in my teens and twenties I always thought it was 15-20 years older then me. Now I’m in that age bracket I have to reassess that theory of relativity!

    • Macca says:

      09:20am | 03/12/10

      @Jim, that is just gold!

      @Nicole G, 30? I really don’t see myself getting very far past 60.

    • MelD says:

      09:29am | 03/12/10

      CCLC is not ‘near’ sydney it’s in bogan territory

    • TheRealDave says:

      09:32am | 03/12/10

      Its even worse when its your mother and her friends in the same club as you and your mates…...

    • NicoleG says:

      10:05am | 03/12/10

      Jeez 30? That’s it, I’m officially grounding myself!

    • Shane C says:

      12:19pm | 03/12/10

      Haha! been there more than I would like to admit. Cougars definitely are cold blooded and methodical predators.

    • Mary says:

      03:53pm | 03/12/10

      A favourite term for the piano bar at the Casino used to be the Boiler Room ... my husband’s (much older) ex-wife spent a lot of misspent time there trying to pick herself up a younger man… or husband number 3!

    • Joel B1 says:

      07:19am | 03/12/10

      Gillard seemed to take her last election near loss just a bit too calmly. Now I know why.

      Having got 1 out of 22 votes in the Soccer World Cup bid Gillard says “we came so close to the ultimate prize”.

      That’s denial on a grandiose level.

    • iansand says:

      07:27am | 03/12/10

      Poor bubba.  Let me tell you one of the joys of old age.  You learn that the opinion of whining little shits about your behaviour is ...  Actually I’m surprised that whining little shits notice my behaviour.  How quaint.  Why would they bother?  Why don’t they relax and enjoy themselves?

    • TheRealDave says:

      07:50am | 03/12/10

      Excuse me, ACDC shirt NEVER go out of fashion.


    • Liz says:

      08:14am | 03/12/10

      Time for Kev to concentrate on getting the State in order and retracting the savage cuts.Don’t care what he does after hours if he does a good job when he’s ‘on duty’.

    • bella starkey says:

      08:16am | 03/12/10

      It is a well studied phenomenon that as a man’s age progresses the probability that his dance moves mimic Mick Jagger approaches one.

    • TimB says:

      08:56am | 03/12/10

      I read this piece and I can’t help but think (with great reluctance and nausea) of Notshow and his honeys.

    • fairsfair says:

      09:48am | 03/12/10


      really well written though - well done Shane.

    • NicoleG says:

      09:53am | 03/12/10

      Thanks TimB. I was really looking forward to my lunch. Not anymore.

    • Macca says:

      09:23am | 03/12/10

      My partner’s Grandparents just celebrated his 80th. They were at the local from 340pm watching the cricket. They’d ducked out from home during the tea break so they didn’t miss anything.

      We turned up to meet them for dinner at 7. After a few bottles of wine between our group of 10 (i’m going to say 8 or 9 bottles were consumed) we decided to move next door and continue. By 1130, my partner and I, and her parents, were pretty keen to call it a night.

      The Grandparents, however, were still keen to kick on, asking if anyone wanted to join them on the dance floor. I have never been so embarrased… How did an 80 year old drink me under the table?

    • marley says:

      11:16am | 03/12/10

      @ Macca - a lifetime of training.

    • hot tub political machine says:

      09:46am | 03/12/10

      Yeah, I’m too old to be in a bar wearing T-shirts splattered with funky text ect an I know it. But not uncommonly I see men 10 years my senior in bars wearing T-shirts that would be too immature for someone near the end of their 20’s. Is there anything sadder than a middle aged man dressing like a kid with a fake ID?

    • BT says:

      10:18am | 03/12/10

      Well I saw a 50+ woman with a tshirt saying “Single and Fabulous” emblazoned all over the front a couple of years ago…so I would say yes! To this day I still cringe thinking of it.

    • The Badger says:

      11:52am | 03/12/10

      When casting your net, you never know what might be pulled from the deep.

    • hot tub political machine says:

      12:32pm | 03/12/10

      BT…you win

    • fairsfair says:

      10:10am | 03/12/10

      Society does send very ambiguous messages. 1) we should be allowed to express ourselves in anyway we wish 2) if you express yourself to be different at any point - you are a twit and send the message to the world that they have permission to ridicule you.

      I feel sorry for the older Gen Xs as modern society sees us getting “old” at a later age, but the younger generations still view anyone over 30 as past it. While I am certain that this has happened with ever generational baton change, it is a bit more noticeable today. Whether or not it be because the older Xers and younger Boomers are simply refusing to acknowledge that the gig is up and retire quietly to Better Homes and Gardens and Fish and Chips on a Friday. Mind you I am Y and can’t miss my weekly dose of laughter and shock of Tara Dennis’ creations. It is like a car crash…

      This poor old dude deserved a night out on the town after his Christmas Party, but in doing so he needed to be well aware that he was opening himself up to ridicule (maybe not a king hit, but pointing and laughing). I don’t agree with that - but I just think that is the society in which we live. As for Politicians - well they deserve ridicule even if they knit and do lawn bowls. I am sure he is used to it!

    • BobbyDan says:

      10:51am | 03/12/10

      Better than Malcome F. without his pants on?

    • MarK says:

      11:00am | 03/12/10

      I really wished I lived in Sth Australia.

      Politics Sth Aussie style is just awesome. If you don’t like them just bash them. So simple and such a good way to keep them on their toes between elections.

    • fairsfair says:

      11:34am | 03/12/10

      I am from Katter Country. It goes on here, but you just don’t hear about the people who try one on BobKat. If he doesn’t finish them off with a display of ample wit and prose, his supporters do with sticks.

    • Robert Smissen, rural SA, God's own country says:

      02:06pm | 03/12/10

      The reason he was only hit once was because nobody else recognised him except for one “alledged” attacker, personally I think he just walked into a light pole

    • AnthonyG says:

      03:30pm | 03/12/10

      Its a bit rich having ago at middle aged guys when the clubs are full of these desperate 35 plus women that not only cant hold their drink they are a danger to anyone in there near vicinity let alone the poor guys they are drooling over. Some people call them cougars but I think Trollop is more appropriate.I have a feeling Shane that you are probably jealous because the older blokes are scoring and you have to hand feed it.

    • NicoleG says:

      04:16pm | 03/12/10

      What? That’s a big load of regurgitated vomit Anthony. So all women over 35, who go to clubs are trollops hey? You’re confused. There is nothing worse than watching men your age, drooling all over chicks that are young enough to be your daughter and thinking your sh!t don’t stink. I’ve watched you do it Mr. I think you’ll find that your hand is going to be your best mate after that stupid statement!

    • Shane C says:

      04:21pm | 03/12/10

      Not true. But perhaps I do have a soft spot for the older lady…

    • AnthonyG says:

      04:25pm | 03/12/10

      Can i please retract that statement . If i keep talking like that I might end out single and having to get back into the meat market so what i was meant to say is these women are fine upstanding full of life, vivacous beutful trollops.

    • NicoleG says:

      04:51pm | 03/12/10

      I’ve just thought of the perfect Christmas present for you Ant. A Dictionary. Clown!

    • lance boyels of bayswater says:

      03:59pm | 03/12/10

      another peanut who thinks it was youth who invented having a good time


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