Last updated: December 05, 2010

Weather: Perth 13°C - 22°C . Morning shower or two.

Perth property listings surge, RP Data

BUYERS in the market for a new house are spoilt for choice with property listings in Perth surging the most compared to other states, new analysis shows.

The Perth housing market has seen a 38 per cent surge in property listings over the past two years, say RP Data, giving buyers plenty of options and potential bargaining power as sales volumes fall.

However housing finance volumes are trending lower, which could suggest buyers are keeping away from the market on the back of recent interest rate increases.

RP Data today said Perth currently has 20,594 property listings, up on 14,992 from two years ago.

Brisbane also posted a surge in property listings over the same period, increasing by 34.7 per cent, while Sydney recorded a 14.1 per cent gain, Melbourne a 12.8 per cent climb and Adelaide a 24.3 per cent increase.

Nationally there was a 19.9 per cent increase to 247,960 property listings.

Analyst Cameron Kusher said spring was traditionally the season to record the greatest number of listings, while autumn was the busiest season for property sales.

“As we draw closer to the Christmas / New Year period many vendors have historically chosen not to advertise their property during the festive season,” Mr Kusher said.

“It may be the case this year that many vendors will choose simply to keep their home off the market until market conditions improve.

“The real test for the property market will be around February of next year.

“Overall, listings data during the early part of 2011 will provide a very timely indicator and significant insight into the overall health of the Australian residential property market.”

Earlier this week, RP Data said that the median house price in Perth had dropped nearly 2 per cent in October to $480,000.

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  • Not Fooled By Property Spruikers Hype Posted at 11:49 AM December 04, 2010

    Property spruikers will tell you there will be a small fall of 5-10% & then prices will PLATEAU or move sideways then BOOM when wages catch up?. Property investment is O*N*L*Y based on capital gains, without this or the prospect of a quick sharp turnaround with massive rises to offset the past 3 years stagnant performance TRUE investors will shortly cut their losses & bolt for the exits. Remember you have investors who bought in December 07 @ a Median of $475K looking at Dec 2010 Median being only $475K ZERO Capital Gains after 3 years & with average A*F*T*E*R__ T*A*X losses of $7500K PA . Forecasters say prices will stay flat for the next 2-3 years So all these investors can look forward to is 6 years of next to ZERO Growth & losses of $50K plus??? How long do you think they can afford to wait, before they cut their losses? BTW the TAX office says that 80% of people claiming deductions for residential property had incomes of L*E*S*S than $70K pa so these people are not made of money & cant afford to wait it out. These are the first to head for the exits causing prices to I*M*P*L*O*D*E ... It is wishful thinking if you think prices will only go down 5-10% ....

  • Not Fooled By Property Spruikers Hype Posted at 11:49 AM December 04, 2010

    Thanks Muppet ...Mark from Booming Vic Park of Booming Perth ..... Disgraced pretending to own property in Derby that turned out to be HOMESWEST housing .... This is the level of support Dogman & Travs draws on .... Keep it up all you do is show the reader you have nothing relevant to support your position

  • Mark from Booming Vic Park of Booming Perth Posted at 11:36 AM December 04, 2010

    Meanwhile back to Mindarie Primary Grade 3.... Orrr Miss, Dogman is teasing me. Stop crying Dullsville, what's the problem? He keeps saying we were stupid for listening to Prof Keen and selling the investment property in 2007 and buying Telstra shares. OOOOrrr Mrs Jones...Trevs is teasing me. What is he teasing you about Punter? He is saying that my Dad was stupid for selling that big block in Mindarie in 2007 just before the GFC. We spent all the money on Rio Tinto shares and now we are really poor. I hate that Travs. His Dad brought a heap of gold and property instead. OOOOOrrrrr Miss. Whats the matter Not Fooled? That Mark from Vic Park is teasing me about my Dad selling those 4 units in Karratha in 2008 for 400 grand each. Mark's Dad bought them all and sold em last week for 800 grand each. That Keen bloke told us to buy US shares instead ...... or Miss were really really poor now. We're going to be renting trolls forever now. sob sob sob. As I said 3 stooges. Leave the comedy to me. Punter I'm going to make you my next RTW. Scaaarrry stuff. Not

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