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Tweets kill Harvey Norman 'Santa lapdance' ad

IT took a series of critical tweets for Harvey Norman to realise that a radio ad which asked customers if they wanted to "give Santa a lap dance" might not be the best idea.

Harvey Norman's radio ad for its Christmas family portraits special first aired on Sydney's Nova 969 station on Saturday with the question: "Do you want to give Santa a lap dance?"

The ads were pulled four hours after feminist author Melinda Tankard Reist wrote a series of tweets criticising the radio promotions.

"Go #HarveyNorman Go! to hell! #boycottHarveyNorman #collectiveshout," Ms Tankard Reist tweeted.

"Think it difficult to work 'Santa', 'lap dance' and 'family portrait' into a single ad jingle? Wasn't for #Harveynorman!"

A number of Ms Tankard Reist's 1329 followers responded, with many promising to boycott Harvey Norman on their Twitter accounts.

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  • Dorothy of Vanillaville Posted at 11:58 AM December 03, 2010

    Sigh. Our society is so vanilla now thanks to squeaky wheels like Tankard-Reist. What happened to the Aussie sense of humour? Heaven forbid someone use humour or personality.

    Comment 1 of 44

  • peter of Sydney Posted at 12:02 PM December 03, 2010

    An absolute disgrace.

    Comment 2 of 44

  • Hayley of canberra Posted at 12:22 PM December 03, 2010

    Yes cause the first thing you want to teach your kids is to give santa a lap dance. Way to go Hardly normal.

    Comment 3 of 44

  • Rachel Posted at 12:44 PM December 03, 2010

    Santa + lapdance = not funny, and anybody who thinks it is needs to educate their own sense of humour.

    Comment 4 of 44

  • Paulie Posted at 12:49 PM December 03, 2010

    Great work. As a typical blokey bloke but also a father of 3 kids, I'm glad I don't have to try and explain to my kids why they can't give Santa a lap dance for Christmas. In the end a very good and quick decision was made to pull the ad bu the question should be asked as to why they'd let such an ad go to air in the first place.

    Comment 5 of 44

  • Watcher of Reality Posted at 12:51 PM December 03, 2010

    Wow, over-reacting much? If feminists keep de-sexualising everything, we'll all (men and women) be bland, characterless drones in a drab, boring society. The ad was a joke. It was fun. Can people please stop taking everything so seriously? Bloody hell.

    Comment 6 of 44

  • Not Impressed Posted at 12:51 PM December 03, 2010

    People have to remember that Christmas is a family celebration and sexual references are totally out of order. I'm surprised Harvey Norman did this in the first place. Their ads are usually pretty sterile. Someone should sack the Einstein who came up with the idea. They lack common sense.

    Comment 7 of 44

  • John in Alice Posted at 12:58 PM December 03, 2010

    Why should it take a femininist to issue a complaint? This has less to do with women than simply being a cheap, tacky and offensive commercial that belongs in a cheap, tacky men's magazine. It certainly doesn't speak well for Harvey Norman.

    Comment 8 of 44

  • Hills of Adelaide Posted at 1:14 PM December 03, 2010

    Tweetiots.... These people aren't going to see it because they can't see past their phones anyway. PC the world and we can all be called BOB...Bob the bland..

    Comment 9 of 44

  • Witchity of Hervey Bay Qld. Posted at 1:16 PM December 03, 2010

    Couldn't Care Less...I DON'T SHOP at H.N. any more ever since Gerry tried to TAX Online Shopping !!!

    Comment 10 of 44

  • Ray of Sydney Posted at 1:16 PM December 03, 2010

    Someone really needs to shut Harvey Norman and his over-the-top SHOUTING Harvey Norman/Domayne ads that just saturdate the TV and Radio daily.

    Comment 11 of 44

  • Tanya of Perth Posted at 1:21 PM December 03, 2010

    @ Dorothy of Vanillaville, I don't think you'd be sighing if your 5 year old asked you what that thing was poking her in the bottom when she was 'dancing' on santa's lap. The implication is that if there's lap-dancing to be had then there's santa's sexual arousal and gratification to be had also. Who's gonna take care of that? Your 5 year old?

    Comment 12 of 44

  • Michael hammond of Sydney Posted at 1:38 PM December 03, 2010

    Never liked Harvey Norman in the past and never will buy anything from them, I don't care abut a company that thinks they can get away with anything, People should stop buying form them.

    Comment 13 of 44

  • dexter of melbourne Posted at 1:58 PM December 03, 2010

    Not a funny ad at all particulalry from a store which has no appeal to kids anyway. No doubt the boss will blame someone else or ask for govt protection ......

    Comment 14 of 44

  • Anonymous Man Posted at 2:00 PM December 03, 2010

    Stop being a bunch of wingers and grow up. It's just an ad. If you don't like it, don't shop there. Getting it pulled off because of a little thing like that is stupid. Like your kids would even understand what it's referring to anyway.

    Comment 15 of 44

  • Thomas of Perth Posted at 2:03 PM December 03, 2010

    How about go further and remove Santa from the procedeings, it'd be about time. Start making children realise that it is their parents who have say over if they are bad or good and deserving of gifts, and those parents who work hard to bring in the funds to buy those often overpriced gifts.

    Comment 16 of 44

  • Drp of Brisbane Posted at 2:12 PM December 03, 2010

    Get over it. Your all to sensitive

    Comment 17 of 44

  • Matthew of Sydney Posted at 2:20 PM December 03, 2010

    Ahh... Isn't the idea that only women give lapdances also SEXIST? Get real feminists. You say you want equality but you are the the majority of the people keeping the divisions alive. Everyone else has moved on. FEMINISM IS SEXISM! DUH!!!!!!!

    Comment 18 of 44

  • Mrs Claus Posted at 2:25 PM December 03, 2010

    Ooops. Better warn my husband (who is working as a Santa at Harvey Norman). Would be a bit awkward if a 5 year old asks Santa about lap dances and he had no idea of what was going on. Cringe.

    Comment 19 of 44

  • i could be king Posted at 2:30 PM December 03, 2010

    more PC gone over the top! the world has turned prudish and oversensitive

    Comment 20 of 44

  • Colonel Angus of A-Town Posted at 2:32 PM December 03, 2010

    Enjoy your 15 minutes Melinda. Feminism is a dieing practice due to modernization and egalitarianism becoming the Australian-wide standard for matters of gender. It's people like you who stir the cauldron of hatred that gives powerful women a bad name. For shame.

    Comment 21 of 44

  • Miles of Adelaide Posted at 2:33 PM December 03, 2010

    Only in Australia does the minority rule... It's happening everywhere if you stop and think about it.

    Comment 22 of 44

  • Tony Posted at 2:57 PM December 03, 2010

    They should change Santa to Jesus. Now THAT would be funny. Not that it would matter, they're both characters that were made up to get people to be good anyway.

    Comment 23 of 44

  • Nessa Posted at 3:01 PM December 03, 2010

    You've all lost your mind. Santa and Lapdance don't go together, not in my house anyway. I have 5 kids and its not acceptable for Harvey Norman to advertise in this way, especially in ears shot of children. I'm so surprised that this ad got put on air. They need to fire the person in charge of their advertising.

    Comment 24 of 44

  • Steve McStagger of Vanilla Lane. Posted at 3:45 PM December 03, 2010

    Sigh. Nanny state strikes again. Before long, Santa will be gone, as the family groups will dissaprove of young children sitting on an older man's lap.

    Comment 25 of 44

  • SoundLad of Melbourne Posted at 3:50 PM December 03, 2010

    I thought.. "Where the bloody hell are you?" Was quite disgusting when i first heard that in the united kingdom.. But when you actually think about it people these days dont have any sense of humour. Yes that ad was OTT but still "GO!!!!" hehehe..

    Comment 26 of 44

  • outoftune of yesterday Posted at 4:26 PM December 03, 2010

    Kids listen to everything!! You idiots who think "its just a bit of fun" need to get a reality check!!... it was in poor taste. Society is going to hell and all females are being brainwashed into thinking flesh and sexuality is the answer for EVERYTHING. Yet another backwards step for females. (i am male btw)

    Comment 27 of 44

  • Ronnie of Brisbane Posted at 5:28 PM December 03, 2010

    But it clearly shows that Harvey Norman absolutely lacks knowledge, experience and expertise in the area of Internet shown in his request to Government to penalize consumers for shopping from overseas online sites - just so they have some last remaining (perceived) leverage to shove their high prices down the consumers' throats...laughable!

    Comment 28 of 44

  • pete of sydney Posted at 5:58 AM December 04, 2010

    Never shop in Harvey Norman, worlds most boring stores.

    Comment 29 of 44

  • The Oracle of Newcastle NSW Posted at 6:22 AM December 04, 2010

    havey Norman lost me and I will never ever shop there due to the consitent whining and whinging and wanting a GST put on articles bought overseas by the public. He is a whinging multi millionaire-so-go harvey norman go away.

    Comment 30 of 44

  • Ian Posted at 8:41 AM December 04, 2010

    it wouls appear that you are not a christian, otherwise you wouls have not made that comment about Jesus, do you celibrate Christmas, if you do then you are celibrating the birth of Christ. thats why its called CHRISTmas

    Comment 31 of 44

  • michael Posted at 8:58 AM December 04, 2010

    Totally incompetent in writing the add I am not a femminist in any sense of the word but this comes across as insensitive and just straight out stupid One assumes the copy writer is checking out their local employment agencies

    Comment 32 of 44

  • Rebecca Posted at 12:34 PM December 04, 2010

    Actually Tony, the existence of Jesus is historically suppported, but you probably don't care about facts.

    Comment 33 of 44

  • BigMelH8r Posted at 3:55 PM December 04, 2010

    maybe melinda is embarassed that she's too fat for anyone to appreciate a lap dance from her - for fear of being crushed

    Comment 34 of 44

  • Guy Turnbull of Wollongong Posted at 4:36 PM December 04, 2010

    People who found this offensive must have really really low self esteem or be so self righteous that there excrement doesnt stink. These people like to complain for the hell of it, justify your reasons for complaining but they are justifications. Self absorbed social super heroes, go and do something that really helps people like volunteer work or shut up.

    Comment 35 of 44

  • jp of melbourne Posted at 5:01 PM December 04, 2010

    It's not about Sexism, it seems alot of half baked ideas are getting past boardrooms for the general public to swallow. Imagine at the ad pitch guys pictures this Santas, family, Lapdances. It might have got a chuckle and thats where it should have been ended. Other cases would be hey guys lets raise interest rates past the RBA rate, chuckle chuckle, easy money for us bankers, chuckle chuckle, I get my bonus for doing jack chuckle chucle, it should have been nipped in the bud at the board room. And the latest from Geriatric Harvey complaining about online shopping, why aren't you buying imported items cheaper and selling them to the public cheaper. Nah just make the Australian public pay for your laziness and greed. Now someone in the Myer boardroom has taken it to the next level and starting their operations in China - yeah dont pay your gst don't contribute to the community with your just taxes, coporate flippin greed. when will it end.. Gordon Gecko has spawned and is thriving

    Comment 36 of 44

  • Smutty Normal Posted at 6:46 PM December 04, 2010

    Its funny how gerry harvey is having a go at aussies who are buying cheaper products overseas and avoid paying gst and decreasing aussie jobs yet he will not hire a local advertising company to do his ads. If he used a proper advertising company then the advert company would have checked if it was appropiate. No wonder why I bought my gifts online from overseas!

    Comment 37 of 44

  • Sammy of Sunshine Coast Posted at 8:28 PM December 04, 2010

    As if Harvey Norman didn't know it would get this response. Still won't go to any Gerry Harvey stores. Prefer a store that has actual sales.

    Comment 38 of 44

  • silent majority Posted at 1:12 AM December 05, 2010

    Wait a minute, the ad was directed at "customers". How did that crazy feminist conclude that it was directed at women?

    Comment 39 of 44

  • Tracker of Sydney Posted at 3:19 AM December 05, 2010

    Come on, it was an ad for an FM Radio Station so what do people expect ? Harvey Norman would have had to drop several levels in intelligence, ethics, morals and decency to come up with something that FM radio listeners could relate to. Only brain dead people listen to FM stations. I am sure Melinda agrees with me ;-)

    Comment 40 of 44

  • mg of sydney Posted at 5:48 AM December 05, 2010

    This country is starting to go very weird indeed.

    Comment 41 of 44

  • Steven of Rural Qld. Posted at 7:56 AM December 05, 2010

    boycott Harvey Norman , Domaynne , Retrovision , Joyce mayne , Rebel sports and any other stores Gerry Harvey owns. He wants to whinge about the GST from online sales and HE wants everything his own way , Bout time he should realise that he can't have it all his way, C'mon Aussies.

    Comment 42 of 44

  • Amanda of Mackay Posted at 8:58 AM December 05, 2010

    Too many people forget that Christmas is about the birth of Christ. You can deny Him all you want, but this is fact: Christmas is about CHRIST. It is about those who love the Lord, celebrating HIS birthday. Put Jesus back into Christmas. Please respect that it is a holy day for those who are Christians and for those who do believe. I do not criticize those who wants nothing to do with Jesus or who denies the existence of God, so it amazes me that we are being criticized and ridiculed for what we believe in. What happened to mutual respect? Lets spread love and forgiveness this holy season and be generous to those who are less fortunate.

    Comment 43 of 44

  • June Dennis of Australia Posted at 12:05 PM December 05, 2010

    Christmas is a religious event and should be respected as such. I am appalled by this ad and the talentless person who thought it appropriate to attack the Christian faith.

    Comment 44 of 44

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