Last updated: December 03, 2010

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Police who broke man's leg over taunt may cost taxpayers $200,000 in compensation

Martin Francis

DEMANDING APOLOGY: Martin Francis with an X-ray of his broken leg. Source: Supplied

POLICE who broke a man's leg after he taunted them about not being able to park a car could end up costing taxpayers $200,000 in compensation.

The leg of Martin Francis, 46, was badly broken in two places, he lost his job and was out of work for eight months after he was wrongfully arrested in August last year and jammed into a police vehicle outside a Mount Isa nightclub.

Mr Francis yesterday said his leg was "nearly snapped in half" in the tussle with three police.

Surgeons had to pin and screw his bones together during a recovery that took six months.

"I was screaming in pain, telling them they had broken my leg," he said.

"They told me to shut up, that it was a sore foot."

He said his leg was wedged between two seats and broke as he was dragged by the hair and shoved into a police car.

"They were pumped up and looking for action and took their testosterone out on me. I deserve an apology," he said.

Extra police were on duty in Mount Isa on the night in anticipation of trouble over the opening of a Rebels bikie gang clubhouse.

Mr Francis said his troubles began when he was smoking outside the Irish Club and criticised police about a poorly parked patrol car.

His lawyer, Kyle Barram, yesterday confirmed he was negotiating an out-of-court settlement with the Queensland Police Service after a magistrate threw out the case against Mr Francis last July. He ordered police to pay Mr Francis's costs.

Mr Francis said his foot was still numb, he had trouble walking and struggled to do his tyre fitter's job.

In a damning judgment handed down on July 22, Mount Isa Magistrate Cathy Wadley dismissed all three charges against Mr Francis including disorderly behaviour, failing to leave a premise and obstructing police.

She condemned the actions of the three police officers.

She described them as "unreliable" and "inconsistent" in their evidence.

"It is obvious, on the evidence, that Mr Francis's leg was broken at the time of being placed into the police vehicle," she said in her judgment.

"It is inconceivable that any man who has had his leg broken would not scream out in pain."

She said the officers had reacted to a comment.

"This is a case where (they) should have resisted the sting of any insult," she said.

An internal police investigation has been ordered.

The Queensland Police Service did not comment last night.



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  • Austin Pet Detective Posted at 12:24 PM Today

    If a member of the public breaks a Police Officers leg either on purpose or mistake, watch a jail term come your way, but the other way around, nothing much happens to the Police. One law for them, another for us !!!

  • Zoomer Posted at 11:52 AM Today

    It's so hard to teach your kids to respect cops when you have little trust yorself and they just keep on doing this kinda stuff.

  • JD Posted at 11:47 AM Today

    As citizens, we need to have the govt set up some sort of official body to protect us from the police.

  • Marie of East Brisbane Posted at 11:25 AM Today

    Totally agree true blue, why should the tax payers have to pay for three heavies, they should have to pay the compensation from their own pockets

  • j of Brisbane Posted at 11:24 AM Today

    i don't trust the cops, and i never will. I cross to the other side of the road when i see one coming! you never know if they are going to dish out some justice on you ....

  • leane of brisbane Posted at 11:16 AM Today

    there are 2 sides to every story. we only have his. obviously the police cant defend themselves. they do a hard enough job without some tyre fitter making fun of the way the car is parked. Bet he would have been the first to ask for help from them if he needed it.

  • JJ of aus Posted at 11:12 AM Today

    Was his broken leg the consequence of his actions resisting police arrest? Or did the police actually hold him down and jump on his leg. Mmmmmmmm I have to wonder? Most injuries occur when criminals resist police and fight them.

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