Last updated: December 05, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 23°C - 33°C . Shower or two. Possible thunder.

SA's Musgrave area explorer plans $15m listing on the Australian Securities Exchange

ONE of the least explored areas of the state will be targeted by a new company seeking to raise up to $15 million.

Musgrave Minerals was born out of the idea to combine the Musgrave tenements of a number of companies, and list them on the Australian Securities Exchange.

Mithril Resources managing director Graham Ascough said a number of companies had Musgrave tenements which were under-utilised because they were focussed in other areas - in Mithril's case on its Huckitta copper/cobalt project near Alice Springs.

The Musgrave area in the far northwest of the state has great potential however, he says, but has been under-explored.

"Some time last year we recognised we were going to struggle to fund Mithril's Musgrave program because we'd had some success at our Huckitta project,'' he said.

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  • John of Fullarton of 5063 Posted at 7:28 PM November 30, 2010

    Um...lets see who the directors are and front end loaders with the money!!! Look at their history and what they have done and of course the underwiter backing the IPO.

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