Last updated: December 05, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 23°C - 33°C . Shower or two. Possible thunder.

BHP Billiton to donate $600,000 to Julian Burton Burns Trust

BHP Billiton will donate $600,000 over the next four years to the Julian Burton Burns Trust.

The sponsorship deal matched a recent State Government commitment of $600,000, said Trust chief executive and founder Julian Burton. The Julian Burton Burns Trust was established in 2003, just months after Mr Burton suffered third-degree burns in the Bali bombings.

The new funds will go towards the Trust's BurnSafe program, which educates schoolchildren and their families about the incidence of burn injury, as well as offering prevention strategies and first-aid information.

It will also help fund community education activities across the state.

"BHP Billiton's support will see South Australia as the national leader in burns prevention and education," Mr Burton said.

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  • Mrs_Sturt_Pea Posted at 7:01 AM November 30, 2010

    Good on you BHP $600,000 to Julian's Charity, $900,000 recently to the Royal Flying Doctors. Cannot wait to see the approval of the expansion of Olympic Dam Mine and the upgrade of the Roxby Downs Township. Thumbs up!

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