Last updated: December 05, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 23°C - 33°C . Shower or two. Possible thunder.

New funding for green companies

CLEANTECH industry players in South Australia will have access to $5.45 million in new State Government funding, Trade Minister Tom Koutsantonis announced today.

The funding over five years can be accessed through the Department of Trade and Economic Development's Business Sustainability Alliance, Cleantech Partnering Program and an Eco-Innovation Program.

Minister Koutsantonis said the programs will help local companies capture opportunities for new products and services and bolster the competitiveness of existing industries, such as manufacturing.

"We want to see the cleantech sector expand and develop innovative solutions that promote resource efficiency, waste reduction and re-use, and sustainable manufacturing,'' he said.

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  • Cockroach of The Blue Room Posted at 7:24 PM November 19, 2010

    Trying not to laugh because earlier in the week I said Tanns head will be buried in Twitter so they will wheel out other ministers. I joked they would even use Tom and low and behold there he is. Now what was he announcing? I just think of dangerous driving when ever I see his name.

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