Last updated: December 05, 2010

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US clamp-down on illegal download sites


Source: AdelaideNow

The US has rejected talks with WikiLeaks over its planned release of thousands of secret documents.

US AUTHORITIES have shut down dozens of websites offering pirated music, movies and software.

A spokeswoman for the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency, part of the Department of Homeland Security, told The New York Times the court-ordered seizure of domain names was part of an "ongoing investigation".

She declined to provide further details, but Torrent Freak, a website about the popular BitTorrent file-sharing protocol, published a list of more than 70 sites it said had been targeted.

A visitor to the sites is met with a message reading: "This site has been seized by ICE - Homeland Security Investigations, pursuant to a seizure warrant issued by a United States District Court."

It informs visitors that copyright infringement is a federal crime carrying a penalty of five years in prison and a $US250,000 ($A254,764) fine while trafficking in counterfeit goods carries a 10-year sentence and a fine of $US2 million ($A2.04 million).

The sites targeted included,,,,,,, and

The move comes almost exactly five months after US authorities launched a crackdown on websites offering pirated copies of movies.

The domain names of nine websites offering first-run movies were seized in late June along with bank, Paypal and advertising accounts as part of what US officials dubbed "Operation in Our Sites".

US authorities said at the time that Operation In Our Sites would target not only pirated movies but other items distributed over the internet such as music, counterfeit pharmaceuticals, software, electronics and games.

The Senate Judiciary Committee approved a bill last week that would give US law enforcement even more tools to crack down on websites abroad engaged in piracy of movies, television shows and music.

The Combating Online Infringement and Counterfeits Act, which has the support of the entertainment industry but has been strongly criticised by digital rights and other groups, was approved by a vote of 19-0.

Senator Ron Wyden, a Democrat from Oregon, said that while online copyright infringement is a legitimate concern he planned to block the bill unless it was modified.

"It seems almost like using a bunker-busting cluster bomb when what you really need is a precision-guided missile," he said.

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  • Mark of Adelaide Posted at 12:39 PM December 01, 2010

    Richy, if the product was available in Australia in either a physical or digital format - and at a worldwide equal price - then I don't have a problem. But what I download from such sites now is stuff that is not available to me here either at a good price or at all!!! And for the record, if I download it and it becomes available in Australia, then I will purchase the official product and delete the 'pirate' version. It is time that the owners ofnthese products caught up to the digital age and realize we have no boundaries now so they need to do something to win back our business. Just look at the small independent labels who actually state that downloads actually increase their sales...

  • Wotam of Melbourne Posted at 8:21 PM November 29, 2010

    What a total waste of time on the part of the US Govt. This is just an exercise in 'Making noise to give the impression that they are in control'. As soon as the US Govt hijacked the domain names, the owners re-registered their sites under alternate (Non-US-Controlled) Top Level Domains. Have a look at Lo & behold, the old running just as well as always. I wonder if Governments will ever get it through their collective skulls that the internet is, and always will be, totally anarchistic, and outside the control of any one group or Government. (Perhaps our own Senator Conroy might even be struck with an episode of enlightenment regarding his futile 'Clean Feed' censorship)

  • Ivy of Just Dreamin of it all Posted at 4:25 PM November 29, 2010

    I should have added that the album was readily available on Itunes America site but for their reasons they have us separated by country. We can only purchase off what is on the Aussie Itunes site. Thats why I'm so peeved cause not only did I have to buy the album I had to pay for postage.

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