Last updated: December 03, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 17°C - 32°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

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Interest rate rise off the radar

bizmoney interest rates 20100202

ANALYSTS are tipping Australia's economic inertia could delay the next interest rate rise until March or even April next year.

How the banks rake in billions


THE big banks are pocketing at least half the size of your original home mortgage in pure profit.

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No December interest rate rise - RBA


HOMEOWNERS have been given an early Christmas present with rates on hold until next year.

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RBA's finger off rate trigger for months


THERE is likely mortgage relief ahead with rates tipped to stay on hold for at least four months.

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Christmas cheer with rates 'on hold'


THE RBA may take its finger off the rate button after weaker than expected construction figures.

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Retailers watch TV screens fall flat

Gerry harvey

RETAILERS of flat-screen televisions are struggling to make a profit, Harvey Norman boss Gerry Harvey says.

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Interest Rates Guides & Tools

Repayment calculator

WORK out your interest and principal payments.

Compound interest

SEE money grow through the magic of compound interest

Borrowing power

FIND out how much you can expect to borrow.

Loan component

Calculate interest and principal payments on a home loan.

Split loan stimulator

Calculate a split loan with fixed and variable components.

Fix bad credit

Get out of debt with this how-to guide on fixing bad credit ratings.

Business News

OlyDam document in the bag

A KEY milestone in the expansion of Olympic Dam mine was reached with the handover of the draft Supplementary Environmental Impact Statement.