Last updated: December 03, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 17°C - 32°C . Fine. Mostly sunny.

Broadband job revolution


THE National Broadband Network will transform the way business operates, an Access Economics surveys says.

Computer games 'no worse' than TV, music

violent video game

VIOLENT computer games have no "greater impact" on players than movies or music videos, government research has found.

23 comments on this story

US clamp-down on illegal download sites


US AUTHORITIES have shut down dozens of websites offering pirated music, movies and software.

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Mobile radiation 'a serious risk'

mobile death

KEEP your mobile phone in your pocket and you risk "serious harm", according to Blackberry, while Apple admits its iPhone can exceed exposure guidelines.

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Threat to trade in 21st century


GOVERNMENT censorship of the internet is tantamount to trade war, Google says.

Why Facebook can leave you red-faced


FASHION savvy women have a new enemy when preparing for a night out - Facebook.

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Facebook makes us friendlier


FACEBOOK users say they are more likely to mingle with others since signing up, contradicting claims social networking reduces face-to-face interaction.

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Facebook wants to overhaul email


FACEBOOK has unveiled a new messaging platform which takes aim at one of the internet's first applications, email.

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A gold rush on techno trash


OUR throw-away culture could soon lead to "landfill mining" becoming a commercial reality.

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Robots get down and dirty


ROBOT reconnaissance is the way of the future for US and Australian defence forces.

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James Cameron on future of 3D TV

James Cameron

IF there is one man who can speak with authority about the future of 3D, it is James Cameron. Chat with technology writer Stephen Fenech after he met the director.

One giant leap for tinmankind

Space Shuttle Robot

ROBONAUT 2 - affectionately known as R2 - is hitching a one-way ride to the International Space Station aboard the final flight of space shuttle Discovery.

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Is this Barbie doll evil?


EXPERTS warn a new Barbie doll incorporating a hidden video camera is a potential paedophile's paradise.

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We need help to face work


LOGGING on to social networking websites such as Facebook at work can improve employee productivity rather than reduce it, experts say.

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Flood of iPad rivals on its way

ipad 100

THE Apple iPad is about to get smaller, cheaper competition after Australia's biggest telco revealed its new tablet computer to be launched next Wednesday.

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Google admits 'spying'


GOOGLE has admitted secretly copying millions of passwords and private emails from home computers.

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Flicking the switch on a fast future


THE first South Australian cables are being laid in Willunga for the National Broadband Network - a network which will give Australia the fastest internet access in the world.

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Rise of the machine

Terminator robot

WHEN NELL calls US President Barack Obama a "politicianus", she means no offence.

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Turnbull turns up the heat on NBN

ipad 100

THE multibillion-dollar National Broadband Network faces a rocky passage through Federal Parliament with the Opposition demanding a detailed financial analysis of the project.

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Who wins from Telstra's separation

COMMENT: Legislation to force the structural separation of Telstra will fix problems caused by the telco's privatisation in the 1990s.


Modern Warfare 2 - explosive fun

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2

THIRTY years after Space Invaders, the most hyped release in video gaming history has switched off the safety catch and sprayed the world with high-calibre controversy.

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Guitar Hero duo churn out tunes

Guitar Hero: Metallica

THE Guitar Hero franchise keeps pumping out the hits with enough regularity to give fans premature arthritis.

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Salinity changes Coorong wildlife

FUR seals are being drawn to the sheltered waters of the Coorong as the area's salinity continues to rise.

Few laughs as the kings rehash the old jokes

wog boy

TEN years after Nick Giannopoulos turned his wog comedy into box-office gold with movie hit The Wog Boy, the wogs back together for the sequel The Kings of Mykonos.

Finally the RSLs win some heavy armour


THREE years after they were promised to RSL clubs around Australia, 29 Leopard tanks will finally be delivered at a cost of $950,000

How cheaper products will cost you more

Canadian backpacker

IN-CAR satellite navigation systems that give wrong directions, poor picture quality on big-screen TVs, are among a litany of problems reported by buyers.

How cheaper products will cost you more AP

IN-CAR satellite navigation systems that give the wrong directions  and poor picture quality on big-screen TVs are among problems reported by buyers.

How cheaper products will cost more LP

couple with fridge

IN-CAR navigation systems that give the wrong directions and poor picture quality on big-screen TVs are among a litany of problems reported by buyers

How cheaper products will cost more EC

couple with fridge

IN-CAR satellite navigation systems that give the wrong directions, poor picture quality on big-screen TVs, are problems reported by buyers.

The action keeps coming

Brutal Legend

WE take a look back at an exciting couple of months in the world of video games - and preview the big titles coming up.


Net Adventures - March 20. 2010

Supersize Me

SOME serious watching is to be done through the Free Documentaries website. Whole, quite significant docos are lined up.

Net Adventures - March 6, 2010

Trans Siberian Railroad

THE Internet does not get more wonderful. Google has given us the gift of travelling on the Trans Siberian railroad.

Net Adventures - February 20, 2010


DESPERATELY, in these times of whirling overload, we need levity. How better should it be delivered that with dogs?

Net Adventures - December 12, 2009


IN ALL our pandamania, we could reflect on the fact that the panda is symbol of the World Wildlife Fund which now husbands some 1300 conservation projects around the world.

Net Adventures - December 5, 2009

Jonas Bendiksen

THE ForeignPolicy is one of those vast and engrossing e-zines which encompass comprehensive and alternative coverages of world affairs.


Driver dies in high-speed horror

police tape

THE impact of a fatal Seaton smash was so violent that a car destroyed a Stobie pole after bouncing off a bus during what police have been told was a race.


Victor Harbor Schoolies 2010


MAC Photo Booth, Schoolies, Victor Harbor Schoolies, Victor Harbor 2010

Miners killed in NZ disaster

APTOPIX New Zealand  Mine Explosion

A second explosion has left no hope of finding 29 men trapped in a New Zealand mine alive.

New chimp enclosure at Monarto Zoo


Four female chimpanzees from The Netherlands went on public display for the first time at Monarto Zoo today.

Miss South Australia

Miss South Australia

Organisers of the Miss South Australia contest are celebrating 60 years with an exhibition at UniSA's City Campus

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