The Human Centipede

Jack Marx

Thursday, April 15, 2010 at 07:53am

It might just be the sickest premise for a horror flick in motion picture history, and it premieres in two weeks in the United States. It’s The Human Centipede, a film that takes the “torture porn” genre into depths not previously fathomed, and which will surely not find its way onto Australian cinema screens without a fight. The plot of The Human Centipede deserves a decent summary and, in what is a most appropriate use of the word “spoiler”, I feel compelled to warn readers that what follows may not only ruin the movie, but lunch as well. It goes like this…

Two pretty American tourists, Lindsay and Jenny, on a road trip in the German countryside, have the misfortune of encountering that horror movie triptych: night, rain, and a flat tyre. While most of us would probably choose to sit matters out until the morning, the foolish pair make the decision to emerge from the vehicle and wander through the dark and slippery woods in search of assistance. At last, they come across an isolated homestead, whose inner lights seem welcoming enough. As fate would have it, the home belongs to one Dr Josef Heiter, a respectable surgeon who has made a career out of separating Siamese twins. Unhappily for Lindsay and Jenny, however, Dr Heiter has come to something of an impasse in his previously noble career, all that separating of human beings having played upon his mind, and not in a good way either.

The doctor invites the wet girls inside and engages them in an hour or so of tense conversation, during which they somehow fail to notice their host twitching and leering like an evil genius. One thing leads to another and, before long, they find themselves strapped to beds in a basement surgery, whose bleak outlook they share with Katsuro, a Japanese tourist who evidently suffered a flat tyre at some earlier inconvenience. It’s at this point that the girls demand to know the bad news from the doctor himself, and, utilising detailed diagrams and a somber bedside manner, Dr Heiter gives it to them straight.

His plan is to create a a kind of hybrid human by joining the three ‘volunteers’ in something of a permanent conga-line arrangement which he calls a” human centipede”. He will do this, he carefully explains, by surgically attaching mouths to anuses, uncoiling the gastrointestinal tract so that it runs through all three subjects, from front to back. It will not be easy - indeed, he tried it before on some dogs and wound up in a right old mess - but he’s got it all worked out this time and he’s keen to give it another try. Exactly why the good doctor thinks a human centipede is at all desirable, let alone necessary, is not made clear.

Not surprisingly, Dr Heiter’s visitors do not share his enthusiasm for the project, and they table their various objections most strenuously. But, alas, mad German scientists tend to frown upon the notion of democracy and, after much corralling of the errant guinea pigs and some seriously intense moments of surgery, the human centipede takes its first steps into biological history. As with so much experimental surgery, however, there are complications: Katsuro, who has scored what is arguably the premium position as the front part of the centipede, repeatedly refuses to do as he is told; the girls complain, wordlessly but nonetheless vehemently, whenever Katsuro has to ‘use the bathroom’; and Dr Heiter becomes increasingly annoyed at his sleep being disturbed by the midnight screams of his victims - a downside to the whole affair that seems not to have previously occurred to the muddle-headed doctor.

To cut a long story story, the ‘centipede’ only partially survives, but viewers will note that The Human Centipede comes with the subtitle: “First Sequence”. In other words, there is an unknown number of additions to be made to this dreadful piece of surgical horror.

Early reaction to The Human Centipede has been mixed, to say the least. According to the film’s writer-director, Tom Six, certain aspects of the film’s plot were kept from financiers until the very last moment, and several actresses stormed out of studios when deeper perusals of the script revealed the type of movie for which they were auditioning. Not even the actresses who eventually took part in the film were made aware of the plot’s more unpalatable details until such time as they had signed on for the job. Nevertheless, the film has been a hit at the few fringe festivals where it has screened, notably at LA’s horror festival, Screamfest, where it won Best Picture. Somewhat hilariously, Total Film described The Human Centipede as “slow moving” and “repetitive”.

As I say, I have serious doubts about this film making onto screens in this family fun park we call Australia, although I’m not sure how I feel about that. While I’d be the first to defend anyone’s right to screen or see The Human Centipede, I’m perhaps more ready than many to admit that what I’d be defending is one’s right to indulge in a bit of the old psycho-sexual sadism. What probably tempers The Human Centipede is that, unlike the Saw series, it’s just so breathtakingly silly as to be fascinating, in the tradition of The Man With Two Heads or The Creature From The Black Lagoon. Indeed, the genesis of the film is almost well-intentioned: Tom Six claims the initial inspiration came from an off-the cuff comment he made to friends one night, in which he suggested child molesters should have their mouths stitched “to the ass of some fat truck driver”.

At very least, The Human Centipede doesn’t pretend to be something it’s not. Robbed of the right to use the old “based on a true story” marketing ploy, the film’s tagline is the no less intriguing: “100% medically accurate”.

We’ll just have to take their word for it. 

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Farque Jack - thanks, I’m going to the dentist this arvo for some major dental work, hope no arsehole’s involved! I hear that Dame Helen Mirren and Meryl Streep turned down the roles of Lindsay and Jenny when they found out that Russell Crowe was considering the role of lead centipede.  Great review Margaret, I’m giving you 3 and a half stars.

Funny, Ms Patonga...I had some major dental work yesterday. Big old wisdom tooth yanked out. Feels today like I’m the very back bit of the human centipede - sore face, bad taste in the mouth, and very, very cranky. 

Jack Marx
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:28pm)

Preferred the original title, “Suck-Ass”.

Ross Sharp of Brisbane (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (01:54pm)

For those of us who chose to read your work during our brief lunch period, this particular piece of work was particularly challenging.

Richard of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (02:20pm)

For those who need to be reminded, you should always check that the spare tyre is properly inflated.

Earl of Camperdown (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (02:43pm)

I’d love to see those words appear out of the darkness at the end of the closing credits. 

Jack Marx
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:18pm)

I wrote nearly the exact same story in Year 8 (1982), but mine was set in Canberra and featured a women’s prison, a drug-demented gastroenterologist and the victims were all former stars of Johnny Young’s “Young Talent Time”.

Cj (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (02:46pm)

I envisage an Australian remake featuring a deranged Mark Latham performing this procedure on the Federal Labor Party.

I call it, “Conga-line of Arseholes”.

Roland of Gilead (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (03:13pm)

Yes...I thought the entire plot of The Human Centipede sounded rather like the NSW Labor Party, only with the members reversed: two voiceless blokes at the rear and one woman as the front bit who just won’t do as she’s told, but whose a**e nonetheless belongs the blokes behind her. 

Jack Marx
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:08pm)

What a spectacular movie to take someone to see on a first date.  Thanks for sharing the twistedness.

I too wonder how this movie will be received in Australia.

Ando of Fitzroy (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (03:17pm)
Fadi replied to Ando
Fri 16 Apr 10 (09:28pm)

Thanks Alan or James. It’s been a while.

“What a spectacular movie to take someone to see on a first date”. - Indeed...the old tockley-in-the-popcorn trick would probably be well received for being comparatively charming. 

Jack Marx
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:21pm)

I wonder if this will pass Senator Dickhead Conroy’s internet censorship when we try to download it?

potatoes of the Sunny Coast (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (03:28pm)
Roland of Gilead replied to potatoes of the Sunny Coast
Thu 15 Apr 10 (05:11pm)

I’m also hoping Michael Atkinson will make an about-face soon.
I’d hate to miss out on The Human Centipede: The Game.

jess replied to potatoes of the Sunny Coast
Thu 13 May 10 (12:38pm)

HAHAHH! best comment ive seen all day.

That is the dumbest fkn thing i have ever heard.

bella starkey (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (03:39pm)
Tane replied to bella starkey
Wed 21 Apr 10 (12:37pm)

I must admit, my first reaction was WHY GOD WHY?! I can’t see any possible advantage and physiologically it makes no sense at all (as it would if he’d put the three stomachs at the front in parallel, then connected the intestine behind them… or am I putting too much thought into this?)

It also puts me in mind of this:

According to IMDB, this is Tom’s 4th foray into the silver screen.

Reminds me slightly of Peter Jackson (yes him of Lord of the Rings directorial fame). Check-out his back catalogue including “Bad Taste”, “Meet the Feebles” and “Braindead”.

Sometimes absurd productions evolve people into accomplished professionals.

For that matter I miss the Valhalla in Glebe, the last bastion of seriously alternative cinema and probably the only venue with the tenacity to screen ‘Human Centipede’

CP of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (03:51pm)
CP replied to CP
Thu 15 Apr 10 (11:05pm)

The Valhalla is one of countless nails in the coffin hammered-in to me by this nanny state. I know that police were involved to shut down a (name escapes me) French film screening about a vengeful prostitute.

Then there’s the so called MEGAplex cinema thoery being the way to go, this way we can feed people (at $15+ a ticket) S*#T in air-conditioned comfort ALL IN 3D! By the way your modestly-sized popcorn will be $7 thanks…

Methinks this film is more than a B-grader, rather a metaphor for many of my own modern day observances, namely ‘eat S*#T or die’

I’m thankful for types like Tom Six who question and push the boundary.

Whoa, I’m late for the next Twilight instalment! gotta go!

Iconoclast replied to CP
Fri 16 Apr 10 (01:30pm)

Jeezum Crow Jack, who’s side are you on with this thing. I can’t tell whether your for it, or against it. Are you defending it or condemning it. Give me a clue which way you are leaning with this.

You do realise that I never heard of this creation until you made it the topic of your blog (are you really that bereft of inspiration?), and you are giving this carp exposure that it would otherwise not deserve or get.

I, too, miss the Valhalla. But perhaps those dudes from Popcorn Taxi can do something about The Human Centipede. The Ritz at Randwick is a nice venue, which has shown itself to be up for this sort of thing. 

Jack Marx
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:22pm)

If the censors could be made to understand the medical benefits of this film they’d give it a G rating.

cNm (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (03:59pm)

Well thanks Jack, I just about disappeared up my own fundament trying not to laugh while reading your superb review. I often wonder how some films do get made, given that appeals for funding are typically made while the piece is in script form only. Can you imagine the pitch meeting…

So we’ve got this evil guy who’s a doctor. And he’s got an accent. And two girls who are hot who get a flat tyre and naturally take off for help. Then they get stuffed into the basement where there’s another girl already waiting.
So then the doctor says he’s going to stitch one girl’s mouth to the anus of the other girl and so on until they’re all joined together.
And then what happens?

Bitten (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:08pm)
Roland of Gilead replied to Bitten
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:52pm)

“...there appears to be no “redemption” whatsoever.”

More than made up for by Six’s powerful exploration of themes of retention in my opinion.

I need a new handle replied to Bitten
Thu 15 Apr 10 (06:51pm)

The pitch was probably more focussed around things like “Have you seen 2 girls 1 cup? Will this isn’t it - but it does involve 3 hot young women, a crazy scientist and ass.”

One can tell that it’s not strictly an American film, as there appears to be no “redemption” whatsoever. 

Jack Marx
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:10pm)

“Exactly why the good doctor thinks a human centipede is at all desirable, let alone necessary, is not made clear.”

Well, it’d be handy at the pub for a start.
You could skive off to the bog without missing a second of the footy.

Roland of Gilead (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (04:58pm)

‘Flesh for Frankenstein’. I had the gross misfortune to watch this many, many years ago as a 14yr old while at an older friends 16th Birthday sleep-over. Not to say that i actually ‘watched’ that much of it after my initial horror, but it’s certainly a film that has stayed with me throughout the years.

yuckynono (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (05:03pm)

Jack, I’m starting to worry about your apparent fascination with a***holes.

Not a movie I’d go to see, but each to their own.

bullwinkle of the bush (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (05:09pm)

Such a hilarious precis of the film, Jack. I’ve been giggling all afternoon in spite of the horrific subject matter.

Reminds me of your brilliant reviews of music film clips from several moons ago.

Alex (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (05:10pm)

You gotta love those wacky Germans and their fearless, trailblazing medical experiments.  It’s precisely this kind of out-of-the-box thinking that enables us to have things like electricity, pencillin and live donkey sex shows.

Now, if they could team up with those naughty Nigerian scam artist boys, we would really see some fireworks!


Killer Bees of Brisbane (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (05:35pm)

Women Who Stare At Goatse.

Ash Simmonds of Adelayed (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (06:03pm)
Stephen replied to Ash Simmonds
Fri 16 Apr 10 (11:34am)

I lol’d.

Great article Jack. This is the first piece of yours I’ve read and I loved the comedic, satirical tone (which I rarely read without it sounding condescending or wanky). I’ll be back for more.

Nick of Perth (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (06:06pm)

What a fascinating concept.  It looks like one of those films you wish you never saw but just can’t look away.  “First Sequence”, the mind boggles.

Weird dreams tonight, thanks Jack - very funny though.

Cazzy of SE Qld (Reply)
Thu 15 Apr 10 (06:16pm)

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Jack Marx

Jack Marx

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