Out of office email replies we would like to use

Kate Southam

Thursday, December 02, 2010 at 06:34am

I doubt any of these have been used for real but they offer a bit of vicarious living for those struggling to get through these final weeks until the holidays. What would your ideal out of office reply say?

Read this lot for inspiration. I love 4 and 7 best.

1 I am currently out of the office at a job interview and will reply to you if I fail to get the position. Please be prepared for my mood.

2. I am on holidays until x date. I will allow each sender one email. If you send me multiple emails, I will randomly delete your emails until it is pared down to one. Choose wisely. Please note that you already sent me one email.

3. Sorry to have missed you, but I’m at the doctor’s having my brain and heart removed so I can be promoted to our management team.

4. I will be unable to delete all the emails you send me until I return from holidays. Please be patient, and your mail will be deleted in the order it was received.

5. I will be out of the office and returning next week. I have incredibly easy access to a phone and email, but I assure you, it will not be used for work purposes.

6. The email server is unable to verify your server connection. Your message has not been delivered. Please restart your computer and try sending again. (The beauty of this is that when you return, you can see who did this over and over and over....).

7. Thank you for your message, which has been added to a queuing system. You are currently in 352nd place, and can expect to receive a reply in approximately 19 weeks.

8. Hi, I’m thinking about what you’ve just sent me. Please wait by your PC/Mac for my response.

9. I’ve run away to join a different circus.

10. I am currently in the office but swamped with work. This work was probably due to something you already requested. If you are sending me another request, go ahead and recall your email now.

11. I am out of the office at the moment. Unfortunately, I’m returning tomorrow.

12. I am currently interviewing for a new job. Upon my return, I hope to give two weeks notice and never respond to your email.

13. I am in the office but completely incapacitated by the monstrous Chinese buffet lunch I ate earlier today.  It would be best if your questions waited until tomorrow.  Thanks.

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Hi Kate,
It is a good idea to put your out of office on your email and it is so easily something that can be forgotten. How many times have you or someone else emailed someone at a company to get no answer and to then find out weeks or months later that this person was on leave, or has left the organisation.

The ones listed in your post are very funny and puts a smile on your face but it is a good reminder to make sure that you put your out of office on before you leave to have your holidays and fun.

One major thing that would say to make sure that is in the out of office is the staff member that can be contacted in your absence and also the date when you are expected back.

Everyone understands that the holiday season is upon us and are only to happy to talk to the person listed on the email reply or to wait till your return to the office.

I myself cannot wait for Christmas, summer and the holidays. It is always such a joyous time for me and the family. Have a great one everyone.  grin

Suzanne of Katoomba (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (01:10pm)

Hi Kate,

Those are hilarious!!

I once received an out of office from someone who was attending a big cricket match. He said that he would only respond to emails if his team won!

I think these quirky responses allow a bit of personality to shine through and we all love a little bit of tongue in cheek grin

Bella (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (02:28pm)

Hi Kate,

I don’t think I have laughed that hard in ages!! I absolutely love number 1!

My ideal out of office email reply would be something along the lines of: I’m not really out of the office. I’m just ignoring you. Please take a hint and refrain from asking me anymore vacuous and inane questions.


JH of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (02:30pm)

Great blog Kate!  Ah, wouldn’t it be fun to really be able to create an out of office message that summed up how you really felt!  You’ve certainly got some gems on your list.  For your personal email, you can go to town on a funny/cheeky message but at your place of business, there is not a lot of room for moving away from the standard.  I agree with Suzanne of Katoomba, it’s important to put the dates you are away for and importantly, a contact in your absence.

stella-by-the-sea of sydney (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (02:36pm)

These are absolute gold!  The risk of getting fired for using them is almost worth it… almost.

It does raise an interesting question though, do people actually closely read the content of out of office replies?  If you were to throw in the line “I’m currently away travelling through time and will return last week” would anyone actually notice?

Dylan of Sydney (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (02:37pm)
stella-by-the-sea replied to Dylan
Thu 02 Dec 10 (02:58pm)

Fantastic Dylan - hilarious!!!

Especially love no.1 and Dylan’s comment - great! I guess I’d like to just say, “thanks for leaving me an e-mail, I’m currently on holidays in Hawaii and should I decide to return to work, you will certainly be considered for a reply in the not too far distant future.

mountain mama of blue mountains (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (03:11pm)

hahahhaaaaaaaaaaa. I LURVE number 13!!!

listvianka of sydney (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (04:29pm)

This should be used by people in admin and payroll who in my experience are be some of the laziest workers I’ve ever met:

“I am currently out of the office due to an imaginary meeting or training session (I am most likley having an extended morning tea, gossip session or lunch) and will ignore your email in the same fashion as I usually do as soon as I get back to earning a ridiculously over priced salary for my level of skills”.

Hard worker (Reply)
Thu 02 Dec 10 (05:59pm)

Kate, are you going to credit Emily Everywhere’s blog, where you pulled the Out of Office replies from and presented as your own?
I had a good laugh reading them on hers, and I laughed again reading them on yours, but credit where credit is due!

??? of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (07:42am)

I love Emily Everywhere but she didn’t come up with the list. I didn’t claim to either. Most of the items were sent to me on email by someone. I then went hunting for the original source but saw the same items on a number of websites with no credit mentioned. I swapped out two of the items that were not as funny for two others I found on the web and then added a few more so it is not the exact same list. I definitely give credit where credit’s due - when I can find the original source. 

Kate Southam
Fri 03 Dec 10 (07:52am)

I’ve not actually set as a reply...it was a simple matter of copying into the format of an auto-reply (font, subject format etc) and sending to them when they sent me an e-mail...mine read:

“Please note that I’m currently out of the office, and will be returning <date>. If the e-mail is from , your e-mail has been deleted without being read and will not be addressed upon my return as is not deemed to be worth perusing”.

The phone call I received a short time later from her was priceless. The e-mail was unprintable.

Blackadder of Gold Coast (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (09:21am)

Such a great idea for a post, Kate!

I recently emailed a very humourous colleague and got an out of office reply that said he was swanning around in Bali and while we could try and contact his co-workers, they’ll probably just palm us off.

I couldn’t stop laughing, because of course, we all know this is what happens and think about it as we’re writing it!

I guess you also need a very unique personality to get away with it if you work in a very professional environment though.

I love turning on the out of office and save up doing it to the last minute before heading away. My favourite one was setting a recent five week holiday ...bliss!

The only downside of course, is coming back and switching it off, that’s a real kick in the guts

Lucy (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (10:33am)

The Out of Office thing is certainly useful but I’m always amazed at how many of my clients ignore the fact that I’m “Out of Office” and still expect an answer. I think some less tech savvy ignore or don’t understand the auto reply.

Sarak5 of Brookvale (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (11:11am)

i enjoy setting up rules to auto reply to thendelete out of office emails to spam the mongrel that went on holidays.

john doe (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (12:01pm)

“5. I will be out of the office and returning next week. I have incredibly easy access to a phone and email, but I assure you, it will not be used for work purposes. “

My absolute favourite as it’s so very, very true.

cubemonkey (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (01:04pm)

Im feeling much better today so I won’t be coming in

Fran of Sydney (Reply)
Fri 03 Dec 10 (02:00pm)

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Kate Southam

Kate Southam

Career queen Kate Southam gets to grips with all the emotional highs and lows, legal puzzles and human drama of the workplace. No elephants in the room will be ignored.


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