Monday, February 19, 2007

hello wandering blog reader.

this isn't so much an update as a pointer for those who still trouble themselves to look her in the vain hope that i might've posted more words of worldly wisdom. i've decided, probably somewhat unwisely, to decamp my blog onto my myspace page. i'm sure in six months time having a myspace will be an embarrasing anachronism (uh! those horrible layouts; the nasty banner adverts; the endless tedious self-advertising from third-rate fucking singer-songwriters aspiring to be the next james morrison! fuck off!) but that's the decision i've made and i'm sticking to it, shame and ignominy be damned.

anyway, so for the time being any further blog words, self promoting bluster, reviews and general inane commentary on whatever subject tickles my faddish and shallow palate today can be found H E R E (in the blog section).

Friday, October 27, 2006

martin bti's spot-on writeup of last weekend's deptford oldskool reggae mc extravaganza and last night's gig at catch 22

and my cd is now on sale via warpmart, although if you're looking here at all i've probably given you a copy already:

Monday, October 23, 2006

XYLITOL gig on thursday, JESSICA RYLAN on wednesday

well, it's been a lengthy break, but in case anyone is still sporadically browsing here, i've got another live XYLITOL gig this thursday. hopefully it'll be less of a fucking shambles than last time. it's at catch 22, on kingsland road, alongside le couteau jaune, agaskado teliverek and some other people. i don't have the faintest idea what time, how much it costs or anything, which maybe doesn't bode well, but I at least aim to have my act together live-wise (well, kind of)

you should go to the macbeth (it's a funny little boozer out on the further reaches of hoxton street) on wednesday night too, cos jessica rylan is in town and she's gonna blow your tiny mind. her 10 minute stint with chris corsano last night at the spitz was a riot of barbed electronics, haunted vocal sonics and percussion, rylan poised beside her homemade synth-patchbay-thingy like a bird-of-prey-stalking-out-a-poor-defenceless-fieldmouse; corsano beside a battery of drums, microphone halfway down his gullett, gurgling and mewing hypnotically. amazing. i was gawping at the front, my head jammed into the speaker cabinet soiling myself in catatonic reverie. go and see her on wednesday!!

currently listening to the deliriously catchy 'come on closer' by the pineapples - perhaps the greatest italo-disco track ever (after 'cybernetic love' by casco). as with all italo disco, it's all about the full vocal version, not the dub, you prissy kompakt records-listening wusses.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

please come to my gig. i'm on first by the looks of it. it'll be a good night, i promise.

Monday, May 08, 2006

i've got a new tune on my myspace page. i've called it (provisionally) 'yehyeh electronique' and it was inspired by listening to mathematiques modernes' impossibly catchy 'disco rough' and the plastic bertrand album. the link is a couple of posts down there.

oh no! my ongoing lack of postings has led martin b.t.i. to cull me from his links-bar. how long before others follow suit?? has to be said, martin's last post ('bank holiday bloodbath') had me literally crying in hysterics. sorry martin. if you have me back i'll promise to be a better blogger in future, write big essays on dubstep and alain badiou, that sort of thing.

excited to see that blissblogger has been digging my music. not only the honour of getting bigged up by reynolds, but listed alongside the likes of tod dockstader, matmos...

resonance fm reception has gone right down the toilet around se london, mostly due to a new super-fucking-loud pirate station. can barely hear the super-quiet dictaphone-recorded drum-circle scrape 'n' drone workshops and ranting deptford pensioners for ultra-compressed b-line garridge and shouting.

Sunday, February 26, 2006

as a slavish minion to the faddish demands of the conjoined entertainment/data-gathering industries, i have set up a myspace page. currently it consists of four low bitrate mp3s of my tracks and a substantial list of other myspace-bods i've 'networked'. if that sounds exciting to you then you can visit my page at

celebrity blog legend WOEBOT is going to be djing alongside the dashing SACHA DIEU, playing groovy NDW records you can't afford at the forthcoming KOSMISCHE club at the Old Blue Last on March 12th. it's on a sunday this month. i'll post a flyer up as soon as i've paintboxed one together (don't laugh, just cos i can't afford photoshop and i wouldn't even dream of using b**tlegged software)
btw, there's another kosmische club on march 4th, too:

so why not get there early for sunroof!, check out hush arbors, go to the pub for last orders and then come back for the disco??

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