
Welcome to Suffusion, my first experiment with a WordPress theme! Suffusion is a free Open Source package distributed through the official WordPress themes site. The theme is licensed under GPL version 3.

Suffusion is updated very regularly and the changes from one release to another might throw you off. I make honest attempts to capture a decent change log, which documents what has changed. So it might be a good idea for you to subscribe to the theme news. It will also preempt posting of any queries on the support forum that might have already been answered through this site.

Suffusion is a multi-featured theme with several customizable options:

  1. Multiple “skins” out of the box
    Suffusion has 17 pre-defined color schemes for you to choose from. Moreover you can pick a skin and customize the colors further based on your likes and dislikes. 
    United Colors of Suffusion - 16 Canned Skins to Choose from

    United Colors of Suffusion - 16 Canned Skins to Choose from

  2. Widget areas and widgets
    Suffusion provides you with 19 different widget areas to place your widgets. These widget areas let you define a theme with one column, two columns or three columns, and have the added advantage of letting you define widgets above and below your content. Suffusion also comes with bundled widgets for Twitter, Social media, Category Posts etc that you can set up.
    Pick your own Twitter icon from the set provided

    Pick your own Twitter icon from the set provided

  3. A terrific Featured Posts section
    The theme leverages the amazing JQuery Cycle plugin to build a featured posts section. What’s more – it lets you pick a transition effect from JQuery’s entire array of effects: fade-in, slide-up, slide-right etc.
  4. Tabbed Sidebars
    Suffusion lets you define a static tabbed sidebar, a.k.a. tabbed widgets. The standard WordPress widgets can all be included amongst the tabs, so go ahead and use this feature! In addition you can make some of your sidebars themselves tabbed dynamically.
  5. Exceptional control over most features that you can think of
    This is best illustrated through examples:

    1. A multi-level drop-down navigation bar
      1. Can explicitly select which page and category you want to show.
      2. Exclusions work perfectly. If you decide to exclude a page or category all its children are excluded too.
      3. WP 3.0 menus are supported, too.
    2. Control over which type of page you want excerpts to show up
      1. Explicit excerpt settings for each kind of page.
      2. Ability to define a thumbnail for a post that will be shown in the excerpt.
      3. Automatically fetched thumbnail images for your excerpts if not explicitly defined, etc.
    3. Fine-grained control over pagination options
      1. Support for the popular plugin WP-PageNavi.
      2. Alternative pagination approaches provided if the plugin is not being used.
      3. Pagination is supported both for posts and for comments.
    4. Comment control
      1. You can separate trackbacks and pingbacks from comments or hide them altogether
      2. In your “separated” mode you will have pagination for each type of comment
    5. Lots of other such features, including but not restricted to header look and feel, custom footer etc.

I have tested the theme for the following browsers:

  • Internet Explorer:
    • 6.0, 7.0, 8.0 – Works fine, but doesn’t show rounded borders or shadows (CSS3 features).
    • 5.5 – Doesn’t show rounded borders or shadows (CSS3 features) and shows extra space below the navigation bar. I haven’t had much time to debug for a fossilized browser.
  • Firefox:
    • 3.0, 3.5 – All features work as designed.
    • 2.0 and below – Haven’t tested, but I think it should be okay for everything apart from the rounded borders or shadows.
  • Safari:
    • 4.0+ – All features work as designed on both Windows and Mac
    • 3.2 and below – Haven’t tested, but I think it should be okay for everything apart from the rounded borders or shadows.
  • Opera:
    • 8+ – Works as designed, except for rounded borders and shadows
  • Chrome:
    • 2.0 – All features work as designed.

The theme is XHTML 1.0 compliant. Please feel free to pitch in with comments and bug reports by posting them on the forum.

Please don’t use the comments here any more for reporting issues or for support queries. Please use the support forum instead. This will help you track and search issues better.

248 Responses to “Suffusion”

  1. [...] (RSS) . . . . . . © 2009 Sayontan Sinha | Suffusion WordPress theme [...]

  2. Thanks for a great theme. I have jsut installed it and am starting to customize it to suit my needs. I will evolve my installation over the next few days.

  3. Thanks for a great theme. The your theme very nice, I very like.

  4. Toan,
    You are welcome. Please let me know in case of any bugs or feature requests.


  5. Hi, is there any chance of a Home button on the menu like most other themes?

    A couple of other comments that you might like to consider 1050px is a little too wide for any visitors with a 1024 screen did you consider a width of 1000px to suit them or is it not possible with the design? The 50px top margin on the wrapper pushes the top of the bog down rather a long way I have reduced this to 10px and find that it looks better. Since the upgrade the default file in the WP edit widow is pale-blue.css rather than the usual style.css.

    The configuration that you have built in to the theme is great I wish other theme designers would do it too.

    Thanks again for a great theme.

  6. Colin,
    Thanks for your feedback.

    I have actually been spoilt by screens of higher resolutions, so the 1050px setting crept in as a result of that. I will look at reducing the width for the wrapper.

    I will also put in an option for reducing the margin at the top – I agree that it doesn’t always look good and a lot of people don’t like it. I will add a “Home” button option too in one of the next releases.

    Regarding the default file in the edit window, I have no control over it (or at least, I don’t know how to control it yet).

    Thanks again for your inputs!

  7. Sayontan

    I am afraid that I have found a bug in your code.

    Go to and see the bottom of the page that “Sorry, the comment form is closed at this time.” is repeated twice.

    If you look at it is only there once.

    I have edited your page template to remove the lines all together on another page with this code


    It would be great if you included this as an array option to hide the 'comments closed' from pages in your extensive theme configuration section. If not I will have to continue to edit the page each time that you do an upgrade.

    Thanks again

    • Colin,
      I will take a look at this. I have finished coding your other requests, BTW. You should see a release after the weekend.


  8. I see that the php has been stripped out. Details of the code mod are here


  9. Hi,
    I really like your theme, as it’s customizable but still easy to understand.
    The only thing limiting my wife (the site-owner) to be really happy: when using red-on-dark the sidebar is quite difficult to read as the font color is gray and not white.
    Please advice how to change!
    Thank you

  10. Hello, how can i disable the widgets moving function in the sidebar ? thx

  11. Michael,
    Thanks. I will include the customization of sidebar fonts in the next release (which I will submit today, but it will probably take a couple of days to get approved). In the meanwhile you can modify the file “dark-red.css, accessible through Appearance -> Editor:

    1. Add the following lines:
    #sidebar, #sidebar-2 {
    color: #ffffff;

    2. Change the colors for the opening lines of this file. You will see “a” and “a:visited” with “color: #8a1717;”. Change it to:
    a {
    a:visited {
    color: #ffffff;

    3. In the same file you will see lines with “#sidebar a:hover, #sidebar-2 a:hover” etc. Modify them:

    #sidebar a:hover,
    #sidebar-2 a:hover,
    #sidebar a:focus,
    #sidebar-2 a:focus,
    #sidebar a:active,
    #sidebar-2 a:active {
    color: #ffffff;

    Hope this helps.

  12. Michael,

    Go to WP admin then appearance and then to ‘Suffusion theme options’ then to ‘Body Font Settings’ and you can change the font colour about half way down the page.


  13. Matthias,
    I will be submitting a new version of the theme today, which will probably be approved by Wednesday. I have included the functionality to prevent the sidebars from moving in the new version. So if you can wait for the new version you don’t have to do anything for now.

    But if you want to change it by yourself, you can go to the Appearance -> Editor screen in your Admin menus and select header.php. There you will see some lines starting with “var sidebar = …” and “var sidebar_2 = …”. You can comment out those lines (right up to ‘%mytitle% [%dbxtitle%]‘). Note that if you disable this, you will not be able to click on the “>” to move the widgets up and down.

    Hope this helps.

  14. I really like this theme, Sayontan, thank you.

    Because I am a technical idiot, please help me make an addition on my blogsite.

    My site: is an affiliate of, and they have given me a script to add to the site.

    It begins


    Where do I insert this? (I told you I was an idiot, and this is proof!)

    Thanks for your help!


  15. naturally, that didn’t compute – it actually begins
    search artprice

  16. Jerice,
    This is somewhat of a hack, but here is what you could do:
    1. In the “Suffusion Theme Options” go to the tab that says “Analytics”.
    2. In the “Enable Analytics?” section click “Analytics enabled”.
    3. Then in the “Custom Google Analytics Tracking Code” section enter your script, then click “Save”. Note that this will add your script to the footer.

    Alternatively, if this is something you want to display, you might want to consider putting it on the sidebar. If that is the case you could define a new “Text” widget in “Appearance” -> “Widgets”, then add your script to it. In this case you can avoid doing this through the Analytics section.


  17. Thanks!
    Works great!

  18. Thank you so much for the theme-it is really great!! But I have some problems with comments – I can’t see them – some fatal error.(( You can see it on my blog I don’t know what is the reason of such error – maybe it was me who did smth wrong but I download the latest version today from the
    Thank you

    • Instead of comments it writes “Fatal error: Only variables can be passed by reference in /home/liberty4/public_html/katya/wp-content/themes/suffusion/comments.php on line 28″

    • Katya,
      I am looking into this. Which version of WordPress are you on?


      • the latest one – I switch now to your theme – version Suffusion 2.2.0
        Thank you,

      • Okay. I may have found the bug. I just submitted a new version to WordPress – it might take a couple of days before it gets approved.

        In the meanwhile you can do this:
        1. On your Admin dashboard go to Appearance -> Editor
        2. Open the file comments.php.
        3. At line 28 you will see:
        $comments_by_type = &separate_comments(get_comments(‘status=approve&post_id=’ . $post->ID));
        4. Replace it with the following two lines:
        $all_comments = get_comments(‘status=approve&post_id=’ . $post->ID);
        $comments_by_type = separate_comments($all_comments);

        Let me know if it you still get the error.


        • Hi Sayontan,

          it’s a pity – doesn’t work, still. a new error as parse error, unexpected ‘=’ on same line 28.
          Could you help?- we just like this theme ))
          Thank you. Oleg

        • I tried going through the source code on your website, both for and for – there seems to be something else that is wrong with the site. Particularly if you look at you will notice that the sidebars are nested within one another.

          Maybe there is some plugin you are using, which is causing some kind of a conflict with this theme. Can you try deactivating your plugins one by one and see if it still breaks?

          Also did you try to change any code on any file distributed with the theme? I would suggest downloading the latest version of the theme again – that will overwrite any manual changes that you made to any file, but any theme settings that you have done will remain intact.

          As a last resort I can advise you to change some more code on comment.php, but before I do that I would really like you to try the steps above.


          • alright, will try to do it. in truth I already did it but not sure correct or not, just delete all and will instal again.l inform you as soon as change it. let’s see
            thanks for you help, cheers, oleg

          • Hi Sayontan,

            now it’s look like very well. pls, take a look at , i has replaced all files of wp and installed your theme as a new. works as well. but for myself just changed file comments.php which took from and it work also )) with plugins too. do not understood what’s happened in real but doesnt matter in the end.

            Thank you very much for your job and help for us!
            all the best from moscow, oleg

          • Oleg,
            Glad that it worked!


  19. I really, really, really, like this theme.
    However I may not beable to use it if it cannot be made narrower 950 to 1,000 would be great.
    Is there any way to make it narrower?

    “I can see it now” SaidTheBlindMan to the only deaf blogger with a High Res. monitor

    • Looks like I really, really, really have to address this! As you can see Colin has requested this too.
      I did try it during the last round of changes, but I had some trouble with the navigation bar spilling over into two lines.
      But I guess I will give it another shot and bring down the width to 1000px. Wait for about a week.


    • By the way, you can make it narrower, but you will have to change quite a few things – best to wait for the 2.2.5 release (currently submitted release is 2.2.1)

  20. hello

    i have installed your theme.. i want to adjust total width of the page. how it is possible? please help me.

    • Rubeena,
      Are you looking to have a customization option for the width? If so, that is not possible with the current set of options. However I plan to add this in the next big release, since a lot of people have requested this feature.


  21. Sayontan. I`m looking to install your theme in a Institute of an University. It`s look nice. I have only one question: Do you include the widgets in the footer? You can see many themes with differents widgets, in general, three widgets. It´s important for me to install 3 widgets in the footer of the pages.
    Thanks and sorry for my english

    • Eduardo,
      Unfortunately in my theme definitions you can only have widgets in the sidebar, not in the footer. However I plan to add widget support for the footer in a later phase (maybe in the next 2 weeks or so).


  22. Sayontan, Thanks for V2.2.1 I upgraded to it this evening. The home button and the suppress comments is great. Thank you very much.

  23. um …
    (remember, I AM an idiot)

    Sayontan, I can’t seem to get out of the dark-orange.css mode when attempting to edit this theme.

    I absolutely love the theme, but I wanted to make the Header to have less margin and its font to have more pixels.

    No matter which template I click on, it takes me to dark-orange.css

    I am so confused!


    • Jerice,
      Your theme is actually “Gray Shade 2 on a Dark Theme” (note the gray calendars, gray sidebar headers and gray navigation bar highlights). Here is what you should do:
      1. Go to “Header Customization”
      2. Change the font colors to what you wish and the margin (“Empty Space Between Top of Page and Header”) to whatever you require (you cannot change the font sizes, unfortunately)
      3. Save

      Alternatively you can:
      1. Click on “Reset Page to Default Options” (mind you, you will lose customizations that you have made here)
      2. Select “Custom Styles” from “Default styles or custom styles for header?”
      3. Set the “Empty Space Between Top of Page and Header”.
      4. Save.


  24. Thanks! – that solved the Header issue … but … the “Edit Themes” still allows only dark-orange.css to be edited – something which I don’t even use.
    I have used (and REALLY like) the dark-gray2 color scheme.
    Regardless which Template I click on to edit (Header, Sidebar, etc), it only shows dark-orange.css.

    • Jerice,
      Unfortunately that is an artifact (and shortcoming) of the design. What happens is that if you have clicked “Save” on any of the screens, it saves the settings for that screen. So if you have changed themes later, and you have “custom styles” enabled for any of the other themes, those “custom styles” take precedence.

      The way to address this is to reset each of those pages to default options (don’t do an overall reset, because you might end up inadvertently erasing some settings that you require), and you will see the selected theme’s defaults on that page at that point.

      Hope this helps,

  25. ahhh, so!

    Big Thanks!

  26. Hi Sayontan – I love your theme, and I think it will work wonderfully for my site. One problem, though: I’m trying to use a single custom header background image, but the version I have now appears to be too tall for the space available. What are the maximum dimensions for that image?

    • Hi,
      Are you looking to use the Navigation Bar (the one that shows the page dropdowns)? If so, then you might want to keep in mind that the Navigation Bar will also take up some real estate. In any case, an image with height 120px will fit into the header space, and if you are thinking of using the navigation bar then the space above it is 95px.

      Hope this helps.

  27. I hadn’t originally planned on using the navigation bar, but after testing I think I will use it. Thanks for the info!

  28. You said
    “The way to address this is to reset each of those pages to default options (don’t do an overall reset, because you might end up inadvertently erasing some settings that you require), and you will see the selected theme’s defaults on that page at that point.”

    Well, I laboriously did so. I set each and every page back to default settings for that page. And I saved each time.
    When I was done, I went into the Edit Themes, and I STILL am stuck on dark-orange.css It simply won’t move away from that file.
    Would you suggest that I do an overall reset, and try to regain the lost work later?


    • Jerice,
      Probably I am unable to understand what you are trying to do. When I look at your site, it is using the “Gray Shade 2 on a Dark Theme”. Also, when I hover over your links etc. I see that the color is always gray. The only place I don’t see gray but I see orange (actually it is red) is for your blog header and description. When I look at the source code for your page I can see this:

      h1.blogtitle a {
      	color: #FF0000;
      	text-decoration: none;


      .description {
      	color: #FF0000;

      This is setting your blog title and description to a red color. Are you looking to change this to gray? If so, then:
      1. Go to the “Header Customization” tab
      2. Look for “Blog Title / Header Color”
      3. Set it to CCCCCC. (The text below should mention that the default is CCCCCC)
      4. Look for “Blog Description / Sub-header Color”
      5. Set it to CCCCCC. (The text below should mention that the default is CCCCCC)
      6. Click “Save”

      This should work. Ideally resetting your options on this page should take care of this, but apparently this is not happening.

      If you are looking to change some other specific setting, please let me know and I will try to help you there.


    • Also Jerice,
      Is it possible for you to mail me a screen-shot of the place where you are seeing dark-orange.css? You could mail it to me so that I can understand better.


  29. me again.

    I don’t know what to do. I attempted to do what you wrote, above, but that did not correct the problem.
    So,now, this is what I have done since then:
    1) I have pushed the “reset options in all pages to default values” – other than the theme turning green, nothing happened.
    2) Next, I deleted and re-installed Suffusion – again – no change.

    With both of those, the Editor still presents me with no file options other than dark-orange.css

    I then installed a fresh copy of Suffusion on an entirely different blog ( It runs exactly right!

    Because I deleted Suffusion from, and THAT didn’t work – I really am at a loss. Something must be crawling around in the Suffusion/ArtSoupcon connection… but what? and what can I do about it?

    Thanks for your incredible patience with this,

    • Jerice,
      Did you try using another theme (like the WordPress Default theme) on your blog? Did that make a difference?

      If it works with another theme then I guess your best option is to go with something that works and discard Suffusion.

      If it doesn’t work with another theme then the culprit could be a plugin that you have enabled on your blog. Do you have any additional plugins that you have enabled?


  30. I am an new WordPress and Suffusion user. Thanks for the theme, I am still figuring out the whole process and I am looking forward to learning more about what I can do to customize this theme for my photoblog.

  31. Is there any way to add RSS feed buttons to the header area?
    Like on the same line as the navigation buttons?

    • Matt,
      No, currently this cannot be done. But I am planning to add a few more widget areas in the near future, which will let you do this.


  32. Sayontan,
    Thanks I need to figure out next how to put an RSS feed for the photo of the day. I didn’t see anything built into the theme.

    Please direct me?

  33. Linda,
    Do you already have the RSS feed for the photo of the day? If so, you can:
    1. Create a text widget (from Admin -> Appearance -> Widgets)
    2. Add the widget to the sidebar
    3. Include the link to the widget (see the “Meta” widget on this page, for example)

    Alternatively, if you want to add this to the “auto-discovery” feeds for this page, you have to modify header.php. I will include support for this in my next release, if you are willing to wait a few days:
    1. Go to Appearance -> Editor
    2. Open header.php
    3. You will see a line:

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> RSS Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" />

    4. Below this line add your feed:

    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="Whatever your feed is called" href="Your_feed's_complete_url" />

    5. Save

    Hope this helps.

  34. Does a More tag work with this template? thnx

  35. Hi there, I’ve been using your theme for a while, simply becouse its style suits me best, its very elegant.

    I have few questions regarding its customization – and maybe you might incorporate something new in future versions.

    1. Is there a way to limit menu depth – but allow everything to show in navi bar?
    For instance, if you have a page “Stories” and 10 subpages under it, drop down menu will show all those subpages and it will clutter the page. If you exclude subpages from showing in navi bar – you will be left without possibility to navigate to subpages – using navi bar. So limiting the menu depth and allowing all subpages to show in navi bar would be solution.

    2. I was using Lightbox Gallery plugin and noticed that when u click on picture -and it expands accross the menu bar (big picture :) ) – menu bar goes in front of the picture instead of resting beneath it. So, you cant see picture well.

    3. Infamous “page title” issue, when you dont wanna have the title of page automatically put on the page as a header. The option to choose would be nice, not being forced to edit files.

    Cheers, keep up the brilliant work.


    • Hi Max,
      Thanks for the inputs. Regarding your questions:
      1. Couldn’t really understand this one, so let me ask in my own words. If I see this page, in the navigation bar I have one node called “Tutorials” and two others. When I hover over “Tutorials”, I see “WordPress Theme Options”. When I hover over this I see 4 other pages – “Ideas for Theme Options”, “WP Theme Options: Getting Started”, “WP Theme Options: Setting and Retrieving” and “WP Theme Options: Bells and Whistles”. I can actually go to my settings and prevent any of these pages from showing up, so that clutter is avoided. In terms of menu depth I cannot go beyond 3 in the drop-down menu (that is a shortcoming of the drop down design). Also, you should only be seeing the children of the pages you hover over – if you are seeing extra pages, then it is a bug I have to look into. I didn’t understand the bit about limiting the menu depth – how will that reduce clutter? Is there an example you can point me to? I will be glad to look into it.

      2. This, fortunately, is easier to fix, though I would have been able to tell you exactly what to fix if I had that plugin! What is happening is that the “z-index” (which lays content on top of other content) is creating issues. The fix can be added to the “Custom CSS and JavaScript” section. Can you give me the URL where you are facing this difficulty? I can tell you what to do from that point.

      3. Again, let me ask my own way. This particular page has a title called “Suffusion”. Do you want to be able to customize this and change what shows up in the header?

      Thanks again,

      • Thnx for reply, Sayontan,

        I will send you the URL as soon I fix the mess I made in the meantime :)

        I’m sorry that I was so not precise, let me try to clarify things a bit :

        1. Stories (parent page) – Theme 1
        Theme 2
        Theme 3
        Theme 4 –(parent of-)-> -Story 1
        (these are subpages) Story 2
        Story 3
        Story 10

        And lets say that this is how the drop down menu looks like.
        So, “Stories” is one of pages in the menu. It has 4 subpages, and one subpages has 10 subsubpages.

        When you hover over “Stories” – dropdown menu whill show 4 items, and if you hover over the “Theme 4″ – 10 items will be “dropped down”.

        And thats were the clutter happens.

        If I exclude those 10 items to show in the “Navigation Bar” – they will bot be showing in l3 nav, which is what I need for sound and elegant navigating.

        2. Im having the “z-index” issue with few other things as well (youtube clips over drop down menu) I started fixing it ….wlll get back to you…

        3. When i click on the “Suffusion” under the menu “Themes” I get this page, starting with “Suffusion” – as a “header” or a “title” (h2.posttitle)

        I would like, lets say, that ur page starts with a “Sayontan’s theme Suffusion” – but at the same time to keep only “Suffusion” under the “Themes”.
        Or, furthermore, to be able to have no title on page, but to keep it in the menu.

        To shorten it : #nav content different from h2

        Cheers, thnx for reply

        • Max,
          Thanks for the clarifications. So:
          1. Is it okay if I provide the option to include / exclude the pages in the l3nav? That way you can exclude them from the drop down, but show them in the navigation.

          3. Ah, good that you brought this up! I will be very happy to look into this feature myself, since I have not been too happy with long titles. In fact I considered tackling this earlier, but I had to put it on the back-burner primarily because nobody asked for it (features explicitly requested get a higher priority :-) ). The thing is, I am not yet aware of how to solve this. This being my first experiment with a theme I am still trying to figure out a few things myself. But this is something I will definitely tackle.


  36. Thnx for reply, I made a mess so as soon as I fix it (MySQL thingie) I will send u the URL.

    1. Under “Tutorials” u have 1 subpage “WP theme options” and under that 4 items. Lets say that instead of 4 you have 12. Hovering with mouse over the “WP theme options” – all of 12 items would show. We dont want those 12 to show.
    But still, we want to keep them all visible under the “breadcrumb” or “subnav”. so that we could navigate to them.

    2. Im having the z index issue with the youtube clips as well – this time its vice versa, clip is over the drop down menu,as I said i will send u the URL as soon as have something to show :)

    3.When u choose the “Suffusion” under the “Themes” – page (or better said Post) is being shown with title “Suffusion”. Lets say that you want your title of the post to be “Sayontan’s theme – Suffusion” but keep the string “Suffusion” in the menu. To shorten : click on the Suffusion in the menu —> and get something else as a post title – or nothing at all.

    (#nav content different from h2.posttitle)

    Hope you understand me now,



  37. ups, delete last one, i thought i failed to send ….sorry.

  38. 1. Yes,include/exclude in l3 nav would be perfect.

    3. Dunno either, maybe an IF condition somewhere reagrding h2.postitle depending on 3 kind of options – show the same, show something else, dont show at all (“blank” title) :)



  39. Hi, me again…took me some time…
    here’s the link :

    I’m in need of idea : if you go to “multimedia”->”galerija”->”korpo…..” and click on the 1st picture, you will be on the page that is child of “korpo…”.

    And there lies the navigation problem – if im on that page (galerija1) i dont wanna navigate back to choose another child of “korpo….”….
    Nor I would like to construct some lame navigation like I already did (using subtitles, only for trials)

    Furthermore, Path to child of “korpo…” is not lit (its not orange)…everything in l3nav is gray.

    Ofcourse I could go with the layout that doesnt require level 4 items, but….

    The best would be if the l4nav existed :)

    Or, if the breadcrumb approach would allow level4 items to be displayed in the navigation bar.

    Any suggestion would be more than welcome.


    • Max,
      Building an l4nav presents some challenges, since there is a good amount of code involved for the drop-downs. That is one of the reasons I support only 3 levels of navigation at present, as opposed to unlimited. To keep the volume of code small this was something I had coded, otherwise there was the easy way of using jQuery, which I did not want. As an alternative I can suggest this:
      1. Use only the top level navigation (don’t build the drop-downs)
      2. Add a “Pages” widget to the sidebar that will show the full structure.
      3. I think the “traditional breadcrumb” navigation feature will show the full path (all levels), irrespective of the levels – maybe you can try using that.
      For now I am not considering significant changes to the drop-down code – may be 3 releases down the line (there are a lot of things in the current development pipeline). I am fairly quick to add new features, so 3 releases is probably not as far as you think!

      Sorry if I wasn’t able to provide a more positive response!

  40. Hey, thnx for the reply!

    As it goes to breadcrumb, it doesnt do what it takes, its a pitty it is not more customizable.
    For instance, breadcrumb shows only the path to the last of the parents – but it doesnt show the last of the children – so, if u want to navigate between those children (the youngest :) ) – u cant.

    I made a level4 navigation, u can check it out :

    but, as u can see, the path is not lit :( u can navigate among the children, but their parents and the grandparents are not lit (they are not orange).

    Any idea of how to achieve that?

    I’m analyzing the page.php but I dont quite see how u lit those parents….

    Cheers, Max.

    • Hi Max,
      The link highlighting is done using the current_page_item class.
      In my code you will see repeated calls to wp_list_pages, which automatically sets the selected item to the current_page_item class and that takes care of the highlighting.
      In your case I guess something appears to be broken – if I click on the second level, I don’t see anything in the levels below (normally you should). I will go through the code tomorrow – I just got back from a long flight.


  41. in case u are interested, link to page.php is

    cheers, Max.

  42. Thank you.

    I think Im close.

    L4 exists only on the link I sent you, its main purpose is navigation through galleries, it shows only when u are on the last of the children, showing other children. Thats all.

    Btw, L3 , by default, doesnt lit if you are on the level 4 pages.

    Cheers, Max.

    • Max,
      I have made a release (2.4.3) today that takes care of multiple levels in the drop-down hierarchy. Also, l4nav, l5nav etc have been created, FYI. One thing that doesn’t still work is a highlighted path all the way to the lowest level – I will fix that soon.


  43. Any way to center the navigation bar?

    • Matt,
      It is a bit difficult to do that because of the search bar. You will have to effectively drop the search bar altogether for that effect. Assuming the “search” wasn’t there you could do that by adding a bit of custom CSS.

      I am in the process of releasing a new version which will help you center this better. Do you want to wait for a couple of days? Or do you want me to give you the method for now?


  44. Sayontan,
    I can certainly wait a few days. If you take a look at my site, you can see that I moved the search to be above the pages menu bar, and widened the pages menu allowed width, because at one time my pages menu bar was even wider than it is now.
    Because I am using 3 columns with the blog in the middle, I think a centered pages menu would look better.
    Thanks for your fast response, and I look forward to the new release.
    Will the update void the changes I made to the css?

  45. Matt,
    I see that you are using version 2.3.0. In that case there is a provision to do custom definitions of your CSS. A few questions:

    1. Where did you put in your CSS? Did you modify style.css / red.css? If so, then you run the risk of losing your changes when you upgrade. To get around this, if you can backtrack your changes and put them in the “Custom CSS and JavaScript” section, you will be safe from upgrades, because those settings are not overwritten. From what I can see, you have modified the background color for #wrapper, you changed the height of #header and you changed some border colors – probably not too many changes.

    2. In version 2.3.0 you can actually decide to remove the Search bar from near the navigation bar and add it explicitly to your sidebar. If you do that then you will not have to modify the header.php file. In the next release, the area currently occupied by the Search bar will become a widget area, which you may choose to exclude by choice. If excluded, you can actually center the navigation bar through the custom CSS section quite easily.

    Hope this helps.

  46. [...] full Library © 2009 Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == [...]

  47. This is a beautiful theme. Simple and elegant.
    I have two questions (for now):
    1. where do I alter the location of the header image? I would rather use a local reference to the image than to use a hyper-link.
    2. I am having trouble with sidebar-1. I can drag and drop widgets into it, but I cannot see them after I have done so. What am I doing incorrectly?

    • JinTN,
      To answer your questions:
      1. The path of the image is relative to the installation folder for the theme. So if your image has an absolute path and your blog is at, you should be able to use the path “../../../../images/header.jpg”. The “..” reads from the parent folder instead of the same folder.
      2. I can see your widgets on your website (Twitter and Links) – where are you facing the problem?


      • Hi. Thanks for that info. My difficulty with the sidebar one is that although you see the widgets, when I am in the dashboard and wish to modify sidebar 1, I do not see those widgets. I just went back to the dashboard and refreshed and now I see them. My bad!! All is well right now. Thanks for the quick reply!!

        • Wait I replied too soon. I’m doing something wrong.
          I wanted to just put “header.jpg” into the images directory of the theme and let the theme default to that header image. By doing so, would that eliminate the need to make a specification in the theme options?

        • JinTN,
          What you are trying will not work. You have to explicitly say which file needs to be picked, because different people have different ways of naming files. Also, I would recommend putting the header image outside the theme directory, because if you update your theme from WP, you will overwrite the changes you have made to the entire theme directory. The options you have saved will stay in the system, though, when you upgrade.


      • Hi Sayontan,

        I am still having difficulty with the path to image. Please help.
        I have put my image “header.jpg” into the wp-content/themes/suffusion/images/ directory. but i do not see it coming up. what might i be doing wrong?

  48. Hi,

    1:is there a page definition available without a sidebar as I want to embed the wp-forum in another site that I am doing and it needs all the page real estate without any sidebars.

    2:I want a taller image in the header than currently allowed, where is the best place to increase the header image size in the CSS?

    • for #2 I should have said the navigation overlays the image which I don’t want.

      • Colin,
        Interesting timing – version 2.3.5, which released today, supports single-column (0 sidebars) formats. Go to “Sidebars and Widget Areas” to set it up.

        For #2, you can go to “Custom CSS, JavaScript & RSS” and add the tweaks in the “Custom CSS” section there:

        #header {
            height: 55px;

        Set whatever height you feel is appropriate.

        • That’s great news about the next version, just have to wait for WP to make it available.

          A question about it, is it possible to have one page of the site linked to no sidebars and the rest with one sidebar? That is what I want to do.

          • WP released the new version today – doesn’t it show up as available for you?

            I do plan to release what you are asking in terms of pages with sidebars and without – probably another week or so. It is quite simple and if you want to give it a shot I will be happy to tell you how.


          • If you could that would be great.

            If you have a look at you will see what i am having a problem with. Mind you I have just noticed that I have the problem on this on all the other pages too, it seems to be a problem when I have the particular skin enabled in the wp-forum plug-in

          • Colin,
            Can you try disabling the “Recent Gallery Images” widget to see if things improve? Alternatively, if the widget can be given a title then try specifying that in the widget administration area of WordPress.


          • Also, even after disabling if you face this problem, add this piece of custom CSS:

            #sidebar, #sidebar-2 {
                margin-left: 10px;
  49. Don’t worry I have in fact fixed it by adding a bit of custom css to the custom.css file.

    • Colin,
      Probably you should move the code from custom.css to the “Custom CSS” section in the options – I didn’t notice this earlier, but what you put in custom.css gets overwritten when you upgrade.

      Also, I am seeing a style “.right” with a “border-top” defined on your page – was that your addition?


      • Sayontan

        Thanks for the advice to move the css as I had just found that it was overwritten when I did the upgrade to 2.3.5. I only installed your theme on this site yesterday morning and the upgrade did not appear until about 2200 RST on the WP site.

        [quote]Also, I am seeing a style “.right” with a “border-top” defined on your page – was that your addition?[/quote] No that wan’t me I am not sure where it has come from.

        I am still not happy with the layout on the forum page so I think that I am going to have to go with a custom page template for this page. When you have time could you please give me a quick run through on how to do this please?

        One last thing IIRC at some stage of my development your credit footer was in the main page div and not below it. Is this something I have changed? Or is it as it should be. I would prefer it at the bottom of the page within the page div BUT don’t just change it for me.

        • Colin,
          You are right – the footer should be in the main div. That is the reason I asked you to provide a title to the “Recent Gallery Images”.

          Here is what happens – I have some styling enabled for the widgets (even if you specify that you don’t want any styles for the widget titles). The styling automatically adds some tags before and after the widget is created and before and after the title of the widget is created. The WP default text widget is coded to skip the “before” and “after” tags for the title if the title is missing. That causes an imbalance in the <div> tags and messes up the layout. Not only will you see the credits spill over, but you will also have problems when you add more widgets to the sidebar.

          I fixed this problem in version 2.3.5 by slightly modifying the text widget, however there still are custom widgets provided by people, which are based on the default text widget, and I have no control over those.

          Let me know if you can enter a title, or I can work with you to get around this.

          About the custom template, I will respond later today.


          • Sayontan

            The problem is that I can no longer do anything with the widgets I can’t add or remove them, so I can’t try what you want.

            If you want to pm, me I will give you the admin user id and pw so you can see for yourself if it helps.

            Thanks for the template information I will give it a go.

        • Colin,
          For the custom template here is what you need to do:
          1. Create a new PHP file. Let’s say it is called “my_template.php”
          2. At the beginning of the file put in this text:

          Template Name: My Template

          Then fill out the content. You can look at page.php to get an idea about how to do the coding. When you are creating a new page, you will see an option to use templates – just pick the one that you created.


  50. Sayontan

    I think that I may have found a problem with the latest release (or it could be my system) but I can no longer add any widgets to sidebar1.

    • Colin,
      That’s surprising – I made sure that I tested the code well.
      If you haven’t already done so, can you try hitting a “Ctrl+R” (a hard refresh) on the widgets administration page? Sometimes information is pulled from the cache.


  51. Hi, i also have problems with the sidebar. As soon as i enter more than a text widget it gets messed up and the widgets get displayed near the footer over the whole width of the site. Also, when entering a link with an image (clickable image) in a textbox, there is no chance to get it centered. Would be cool if you could contact me by email as i want to use that theme on a corporate site. Thx.

    • Sascha,
      You are using version 2.2.2 of the theme – if you upgrade to the latest version (2.3.5) you should be fine. If you want to continue on the older version, in your widget administration page provide a “Title” to the text widget – that will take care of things.
      And you can center clickable images in text boxes – enclose them in <center> and </center> tags.


      • I already tried the thing. it doesn´t work. Also, i think you looked at where i used the workaround of just using one box. I can´t post the site i want to use it as it is not yet officially published. And i always use titles in boxes where i can. i even tried to play around in the sidebar.php and the style.css but no luck. i will update to new version and check back here to let you know if it solved my problem… Thx for the fast reply though.

  52. Are there plans for this theme to be tranlation ready?

    • Max,
      Actually I do have translation hooks built into the theme (only the front-end of the theme, not the admin pages) and I provide the files required, but to actually get it translated costs money – something that I cannot afford since I make nothing from the theme.

      If somebody is willing to translate I will be happy to cooperate with that person. It is just that I haven’t had any volunteers.


  53. I was thinking about *.po (*.pot) files.
    I saw only few strings there.

    Extracting strings using PoEdit gave no results.
    How to extract strings in english (i presume?).

    Also there is no load_theme_textdomain in functions.php.

    So, I was thinking about getting those strings.

    Cheers, Max.

    p.s.Nice work with new version about excluding in menu, showing in navi. Extremelly useful.

    • Max,
      I constructed my suffusion.po file using POEdit and it lists 50 strings – are you referring to that file? If you look at my overall theme, I only have around 50 places where I have custom strings – the rest is all entered by the user. Note that I haven’t made the options page translation-ready, because of the volume of options that I have. Maybe it is something I will do in the future.

      You are right though – I obviously missed the load_theme_textdomain. I will fix it.


  54. Btw, just a quick question, im having problems with translation of My theme login.Maybe u know about this plugin.
    I use qTranslate as well, hard coding with its tags to be able to switch between languages.

    The thing is, theme my login (in admin dashboard) shows good translations , qTranslate should have no problem with it…but when I switch langagues on the page – only some are listed correctly, like if qTranslate has problem reseting…

    I was trying to hard code it without luck.

    Can that have something to do with your theme?

    Cheers, Max.

    • Max,
      That shouldn’t be the case – I have specified a domain “suf_theme” for all my translations, so unless the plugin is using that domain, there shouldn’t be any conflict from Suffusion.


  55. Sayontan

    I have done a complete re-install of wordpress and slowly but surely added the widgets.

    The Events Calendar seems to be the one in conjunction with your theme that stop the widget’s working, it does however work fine with the standard theme so there is some sort of conflict between the two.

    The NextGen Gallery widget is what messes up the footer and again it seems incompatible with your theme. This one is important to me I can live without the Calendar so i will need to see if I can find what is wrong.

    • Colin,
      Seems like the NextGEN gallery issue was resolved – I see the footer in the right place. I believe the problem was with specifying the title – was that the case? I will look at EventCalendar.


  56. Sayontan

    No it wasn’t actually. The widget I am using is a separate plugin for the Nextgen gallery the one that comes with the gallery is still broken.

    I wouldn’t bother with the Events Calendar at the moment it has some other bugs in it reading the support forum. There is a new version due later this week so let me check it out before you waste any time on it.

    IMHO it would be worth looking at the NextGen issue as it seems to be the most widely used gallery.

    When you are doing another build and if you have time could you consider installing favicon code into the index page as part of the core release? Or can I do it in some way so it is not overwritten with each new release of the theme?

    BTW I got rid of the Forum Server plugin and went for the wp-forum plugin and that resolved the forum display issue I was having.

    • Colin,
      I will definitely take a look at this, since the problem is not restricted to NextGen alone, but any widget that doesn’t print its title in the traditional sense.

      For favicons you don’t really need any support from my side – you can drop the favicon.ico file anywhere in your path – either in or in the directory where your blog is installed. It certainly doesn’t have to be in the theme directory. Browsers automatically pick that file up. Note that you might need to restart your browser to see it in effect, and you might not see it right away, but it will get picked.


    • Colin,
      As it turns out, if you uncheck the “Enable IE8 Web Slices” option, things work fine in the NextGen plugin. I tried it on your site.

      Nevertheless I will work on fixing this issue from a broader perspective.


  57. Sayontan

    Thanks for the update I’dd go back to the original widget.

    I thought that you needed

    in the head section of the page template to get it to display the favicon. I’ll give it a try.

  58. link rel=”shortcut icon” type=”image/x-icon” href=”/favicon.ico”

    is what I meant to say

  59. Sayontan

    I have just been playing some more with the latest version of your theme. Can I say that it is great. The ability to have widget bars other than in the left or right side bars is excellent. I now have a large photo strip along the bottom of the page which for what I want is great.

    A little tweak that would be more visually appealing IMHO would be to change the carat character that you use to minimise widgets. The change I would suggest would be to + and – as this would be more intuitive. This isn’t a biggy just a comment.

    Thanks for all the help and support that you give especially considering that the theme is free and you are not making anything from it financially. Finally thanks for a great configurable theme.


    • Colin,
      Thanks for the feedback.
      Redoing the icons is rather low on my list, assuming it is even on my list. The thing about icons is that they take a lot of time to do and are not of much value if people don’t like them very much. And particularly since I am not much of a Photoshop / GIMP person, I tend to design my icons the slow and old-fashioned way on these fancy tools.


  60. Sayontan

    I use Photoshop a lot so leave that up to me I will knock you some up in the next couple of days. Likewise if you want any others done / updated let me know. It is the least I can do to give something back to you for the excellent theme.


  61. Hi, I love Suffusion, very easy to customize. However, after I change the colors, fonts, etc, and I click on “visit site” I don’t see my changes, still shows the default page (black and green).
    How do I see the new page with my changes?
    Please let me know,

    • Carmen,
      Make sure that you have “Custom styles” selected instead of “Theme styles” for the section where you have done customizations.


  62. I’d like to build a custom header but have a couple questions.
    1) Is there a recommended header size?
    2) Where should I save the header once built? Does it go in themes/suffusion/images?
    3) Does it need to have a particular filename?
    4) Does the theme have a default header image already that can be edited, if so where is it? (I’ve looked but haven’t been able to locate one.)

    Thank you for such a great theme!!!

    • Amy,
      To answer your questions:
      1. The header area is 1000x120px if you are not going to use the drop-down menus (navigation bar) and 1000x95px if you are going to use the navigation bar and don’t want the navigation to overlap the header image.
      2. You can save it anywhere you want – preferably NOT in the theme directory. That is because if you upgrade the theme when a new version is released, the entire folder is rewritten.
      3. No, you can name the file as you please.
      4. There is no default image. The rationale was to provide a lightweight theme by default, fully customizable to add new features.

      One question that you haven’t asked, but you probably will, is how to specify that an image is a header image. For that, go to your admin screen, then to Appearance -> Suffusion Theme Options. Click on “Header Customization”, select “Custom Styles” and in the “Header Image” field put in the full URL of the image. Then Save. You will see your header on the page. Note that even if you upgrade this setting stays safe.

  63. I love this theme.
    but I have 2 questions.
    When I enable widget area with the 2 columns under the header I do not see anywhere to place widgets in the 2nd column. did i miss something?
    Also is there any way, within the admin to add a flash header or should i do that in the template file or css?

    Looking forward to your reply,

    • Marc,
      Your widgets have to be defined in the Appearance -> Widgets section of your admin screen. You will see a widget area called “sidebar-2″. That is where you add the widgets.
      There is a way to do the flash header:
      1. Create a text widget and place it in the “Widget Area below header”.
      2. Call your flash file in that widget and don’t give a title to the Text Widget.


      • I know that you add widgets to sidebars, but when i enabled the 2 widget areas below the header all it allows is 1, on my webpage you will see 2 images there, GHL and Fauna Marin. they are both residing in one widget.

        I’d like 2 widgets side by side so I enabled the below header widget area to have 2 columns. should i not see “Widget Area Below Header” AND another one called “Widget Area Below Header- 2″ or something? If you wish to bring this to email feel free to do so.

  64. I like this theme a lot. It’s very clean and elegant. Thanks for posting it! However, there are a couple of features that I’d like to request:

    1) The option to add a header logo to the left of the blog title, instead of (or maybe in addition to) the header background image.

    2) The option to display the time an item was posted. This might go after the posted-by line, like “Posted by Nate at 8:02 pm” for example.

    I will look into implementing these myself, but I’m very new to wordpress, and I’m still feeling my way around. If these sound like good ideas to you, I’m sure you could do it much more effectively than I could.

    Let me know what you think.

    • Nate,
      Thanks. Regarding your points:
      #1 can be achieved with the theme setup options. You can go to the “Header Customization”, define a header image, then set the tiling option to say “Do not repeat – show background once only”, your header image position as “Center Left” or “Top Left” and your blog title / header alignment as “Right”. This should do it for you.

      #2 is on its way. I have had this request from another user too and it is to be included in a patch that I plan to release today.


  65. I wish there was an icon that allowed the end user to switch between certain color choices. I personally want a dark theme, but many visitors are visually impaired and need more contrast to the theme. Is is possible to include this on future revisions to allow user switching between selected theme colors and making one the default.


    • No plans to do that, because it would make things slower. I spoke to one particular designer who has this feature enabled and he believes it really slows things down on slow connections (Inanis Glass is the theme).

  66. Dear Sayontan,

    First I want to thank you for making such an elegant and stylish theme. I absolutely love it. I also appreciate the user friendliness. Had to change from my old theme because it was impossible to work out (I am a novice in the whole wordpress thing).

    I just have a quick question. Would it be possible to place the name of the blog and the tagline above the header (as seen here

    Kind Regards, Nadia

    • Nadia,
      You can do it without changing any code, but it will need a bit of effort:
      1. First go to the “Header Customization” and set the “Header Image Position” to “Bottom Left” or “Bottom Center”, whatever works well for you.
      2. Now go to the “Custom CSS, JavaScript and RSS” and put in something like this:

      #header {
              height: 100px;

      This should move up the title. Try increasing the height of #header if you want the text to move higher.


      • Thanks for the quick reply,

        I did what you said. Changed the place of the header and in Custom Styles (under the “Custom CSS, JavaScript and RSS) I added the code. Now the blogtitle moved up a bit but it is still in the headerimage. I am trying to have it above the headerimage as seen here

        Did I do something wrong?


  67. Hi,

    I’ve two questions:

    1. In the admin panel I can switch post ito get shown in excerpts, which is pretty cool, but It doesn’t shows then any images… as I have in every posts in the top left corner a thumbnail which is linked to the categoriy it would be nice to to show those thumbails too when I choose the excerpts fuction.

    2. I lve this theme, because of his many posibilities to optimise it for my own taste. but one thing is left. Like many newer magazine styles for WordPress I would like to have the main body (where the post are) as a two column style, where I can show (together with the excerpts option) two Posts in one line.

    Perhaps the newest post above and then in excerpts two older post beside each other under the newest.

    Or two rows for two different categories… would have a few Ideas What I can do with such stuff.

    • Hi,
      For #1 I made a release last night (2.4.5, not yet approved) that shows the images. You can either define a thumbnail image or it will pick up an image associated with the post (though I don’t have anything to link to a category).

      For your second point, I didn’t design this with magazine styles in mind, but I can explore the option. It will take a few weeks, though, since it is not just a layout change, but it requires an addition of a lot of new features.


  68. Nadia,
    Your header image is quite tall (310 px), which is causing this to happen. Try putting this in the custom CSS:

    #header {
    height: 100px;
    #header-container {
    background-position: 0px 50px;

    As I mentioned earlier, I am not familiar with your blog’s settings, so you will have to experiment a bit. If you are still not getting the desired results, change the header height to 120px and background-position to “0px 60px”.


  69. thx for quick answer

  70. nope sorry have the last update of your theme, and tried. no thumbnail get shown…

    • You have version 2.4.4. The changes are in 2.4.5. When we release a theme or a new version, it takes 1-3 days to get approved by the WordPress team. I submitted 2.4.5 last night – it might get approved today. You will see it in that version.


  71. Great theme for a newbie, thanks.

    So I had an swf in html and I used it, then I had some bugs due to moving files to a new domain. So I reinstalled and I think the header file changed. Now I am a bit confused as to where to add in the code for a swf/flash header. I had managed it to put it in, but the current line that ran horizontally at the bottom of the header, dropped down about 100px once it hit the sidebar and I want to keep it going all the way across under the header.

    In conclusion, I would like to know where I can throw my swf html into the header.php file please.


    • In your “Custom CSS, JavaScript and RSS” section of the options you have some code in the “Custom CSS” section, that sets the header height to 200px. If you remove that then the horizontal line will be at the correct place. A question, though – where did you add the flash file?

  72. Hi, perfect. I believe previously I had header instead of header-container and its there I threw in the code. So …

    <img style="visibility


    So now I have added it onto header-container and that's gone well. I just need to try and figure out how to reduce the space under the flash. I know setting a header height messes with the line again. Any ideas?

  73. Ok, managed to get it sorted, header height impacts one, and header container impacts the other. :) thanks for your help

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  83. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha Posts webslice Posts webslice 60 My First WordPress Theme comments webslice My First WordPress Theme comments webslice 60 st_go({blog:'10874312',v:'ext',post:'111'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(10874312,111,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  84. [...] new MAP website was developed in WordPress (now 2.9.1), using a really easy theme called Suffusion which provides much of its customization options through the administrative interface by [...]

  85. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-9775531-4"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(); a2a_linkname="Primo task"; a2a_linkurl=""; st_go({blog:'10789433',v:'ext',post:'20'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(10789433,20,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  86. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-11474869-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} [...]

  87. [...] installation with a clean, unfettered appearance. I looked for themes without sidebars and hit on Suffusion, which is easy to customize even if you can’t or don’t want to dig into code. I knew I [...]

  88. [...] Info | Preview | Download AKPC_IDS += "89,"; (No Ratings Yet)  Loading … [...]

  89. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha [...]

  90. [...] to properly utilize WordPress’s Theme/Plugin/Widget system, created the new layout based on Suffusion, customizing it and overriding its default CSS where appropriate. This also required restructuring [...]

  91. [...] you are using WordPress, the Suffusion theme is incredibly powerful. This theme is designed, not just assembled. There was forethought, and well [...]

  92. [...] Suffusion » Aquoid News (tags: wordpress theme) [...]

  93. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-74545-1"); pageTracker._initData(); pageTracker._trackPageview(); // st_go({blog:'4056381',v:'ext',post:'2020'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(4056381,2020,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  94. [...] something similar to TaskForest’s current design, so I chose the remarkably customizable Suffusion theme.  After some tinkering I was able to get a site that was quite similar to the original, with [...]

  95. [...] tema en cuestión se llama Suffusion y está creado por Sayontan [...]

  96. [...] over hundred (ouch!) installed plugins in need of major cleanup (nuke whatever isn’t needed).ThemeSuffusion is one of those modern themes, packed full of features and user-friendly options in administration [...]

  97. [...] Coastal Repertory Theatre – 1167 Main Street, Half Moon Bay, CA 94019 (650) 726-0998 Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha Customized by Village Green Studios BUY [...]

  98. [...] I've been doing some web design work for a charity recently using Sayontan Sinha's brilliant Suffusion WordPress template. [...]

  99. [...] I will also totally rave about the incredibly customizable free WordPress theme that I am using, Suffiusion. including a bit about the way it creates a “for dummies” interface to create custom [...]

  100. [...] The Search for Themes Posted on June 22, 2010 by gcmstech I am finding that one of the keys for using WordPress is to find a good theme to work with.  As I do not have the time to create my own from scratch, I have been looking through a lot of different themes to find something that works.  I settled with Suffusion. [...]

  101. [...] product and wondered if there was anything similar out there. A bit of hunting about led me to Suffusion from Aquoid Themes by Sayotan Sinha [...]

  102. [...] har også (selvsagt) valgt et helt nytt tema denne gangen, det heter Suffision og utmerker seg med å kunne forandres på hundrevis av måter etter at det er innstallert. Jeg [...]

  103. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-3181266-11"); } catch(err) {} try { // Cookied already: pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} FB_RequireFeatures(["XFBML"], function() { FB.init("fbc61da5ae520522cec2ac0b5cae4b42", "", {"permsToRequestOnConnect":"email"}); }); st_go({blog:'5747025',v:'ext',post:'1574'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(5747025,1574,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  104. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-15190422-1"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-15190422-2"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} [...]

  105. [...] commentsJul 202010For those of us who like to use highly customizable free WordPress themes like Suffusion and Thematic, there is some good news today: Atahualpa 3.5.2 is available for download. [...]

  106. [...] have so I combined them into one site using WordPress and an amazingly customizable theme called Suffusion by Sayontan Sinha. Now my blog and html pages are in the same place and each drives the other. When [...]

  107. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha st_go({blog:'11875106',v:'ext',post:'184'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(11875106,184,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  108. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha [...]

  109. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-1798923-3']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl&#039; : 'http://www&#039 ;) + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); [...]

  110. [...] end of the year, but I do lose support). There are plenty of others. A popular new free theme is Suffusion. The advantage of both these theme providers is that they give you an admin panel to fine tune your [...]

  111. [...] wishing to read their wordpress blog.This blog, uses WordPress and the Suffusion Theme Template for display and ‘fancy stuff’.  Suffusion is without doubt one of top 5 themes any [...]

  112. [...] 11:50 TIPS & TOOLS OF THE WEEK: Atahualpa WP theme and Suffusion WP theme. [...]

  113. [...] with the intention of using eVid for my project. I ended up choosing to go with Suffusion instead for a various reasons. The primary reason is that, for now, it’s easier to work with. [...]

  114. [...] I first came across the Suffusion WordPress theme I thought it was a dull looking generic style design. However if you scratch [...]

  115. [...] De hecho, es evidente que WordPress se está abriendo paso con enorme fuerza en la publicación de sitios web especializados que poco tienen que ver con la estructura y el contenido habituales en un blog. Muchos temas de pago desarrollados por empresas como CrowdFavorite, PageLines, Premium WordPress Themes o WooThemes, así como varios de entre los frameworks para WordPress más conocidos (Genesis, Hybrid, Thematic, Thesis) ofrecen soporte para taxonomías y tipos de contenido personalizados. Esta tendencia también ha llegado a los temas gratuitos, que o bien utilizan dichas funcionalidades para lograr propósitos específicos (casos de temas como News, Portfolio Press o Portfolium), o bien las contemplan en algunas de sus opciones de personalización, tal como ocurre con los temas Arras, Atahualpa, Constructor o Suffusion. [...]

  116. [...] We will consistently be doing our best to keep upgrading both levels of service here at We have just made two additions to our Pro Level service, the ability to seamlessly add Google Analytics to your site and a new theme called Suffusion. [...]

  117. [...] plugin provides compatibility for the Suffusion WordPress Theme with BuddyPress. It is based on the BuddyPress template pack for building the basic [...]

  118. [...] Suffusion is an elegant, versatile and browser-safe theme with a power-packed set of options. It has 19 widget areas, one-column, two-column and three-column fixed-width and flexible-width formats, 10 pre-defined templates, 17 pre-defined color schemes, two customizable multi-level drop-down menus, featured posts, a magazine layout, tabbed sidebars, widgets for Twitter, Social Networks and Google Translator. [directory listing] [...]

  119. [...] WPのテスト環境を整えるには、自宅サーバー(ローカルサーバー)を立ち上げるしかない。と言うことで、色々物色していたら、MAMPというツールをインストールすればいけるというのが分かった。 MAMPとは、Macintosh, Apache, MySQL, PHP を省略したアプリケーションで、簡単にApache, PHP, そして MySQL を Mac OS X にインストールすることができるという優れもの。MAMPのHPでPROじゃないほうを選んでダウンロード。 解答すると、「MAMP」と「MAMP PRO 1.9」というフォルダーが現れるので、ProじゃないほうをApplicationsにドラッグしてコピーする。 MAMPを起動して、新規データベースを作成してWordPressをダウンロードしてインストール。MAMPでのドキュメントルートは「/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/」になる。 詳細はこのサイトを参照。。。簡単に出来ますのでご安心あれ。 さあ、これで存分にいじれるぞ。。。。。私のターゲットにしているのは「Suffusion」でThe theme is licensed under GPL version 3.という事なので、自由に使え安心。しかし、機能の凄さにきっと驚きますから。。。既に昨夜も寝不足。 ps. データがなかったらピントこないので、公開しているブログのツールからエクスポートして、ローカルサーバー上でインポートしたら、よりリアルに編集できます。 Twitter & FacebookShareTweet [...]

  120. [...] પરિચય પખવાડીયાનો પાંચમો થીમ છે: સફ્યૂઝન (સફ્યુઝનનો અર્થ: ઊભરાઈને ચોમેર ફેલાઈ [...]

  121. [...] Suffusion WordPress theme by Sayontan Sinha [...]

  122. [...] found the best WP-theme EVER. Can’t see how I could have overlooked it before, in my search for the ultimate theme. There [...]

  123. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha /* */ Enhancement BlogLog InSign Up [...]

  124. [...] (al menos de momento). Así, en sólo salen 19 temas compatibles (uno de ellos Sufussion, en el que Buddypress se instala como plugin aparte, facilitando la tarea). Os recomiendo usar este [...]

  125. [...] soon. Of course I’ve used WordPress (what else?) together with the particularly suitable Suffusion theme, which I have modified only a little. Also I have imported a couple of articles from the old forum, [...]

  126. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-19663965-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl&#039; : 'http://www&#039 ;) + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); st_go({blog:'17703462',v:'ext',post:'3818'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(17703462,3818,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  127. [...] this setup over and over again with a different backround image and one logo switch. This wonderful Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha is customizable in every way by the client: including every column width, every dimension, the [...]

  128. [...] this setup over and over again with a different backround image and one logo switch. This wonderful Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha is customizable in every way by the client: including every column width, every dimension, the [...]

  129. [...] and I am trying to determine if the problem is with my web hosting service,, or Suffusion, the WordPress theme I have been using, or something [...]

  130. [...] Gallery plug-in to organize and display my portfolio images within a modified version of the theme Suffusion. There is a lot of customization and power available to the developer with WordPress — which is a [...]

  131. [...] recommend using suffusion theme (download here Suffusion » Aquoid Themes) since it’s extremely versatile and allows a myriad of different designs. It has great [...]

  132. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-19663965-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl&#039; : 'http://www&#039 ;) + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); st_go({blog:'17703462',v:'ext',post:'4066'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(17703462,4066,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  133. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha /* /* ]]> */ (function($){ $(function(){ $(",,").flightbox({size_callback: get_sizes}); }); })(jQuery); [...]

  134. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha var gaJsHost = (("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://ssl.&quot; : "http://www.&quot ;) ; document.write(unescape("%3Cscript src='" + gaJsHost + "' type='text/javascript'%3E%3C/script%3E")); try { var pageTracker = _gat._getTracker("UA-0000000-0"); pageTracker._trackPageview(); } catch(err) {} [...]

  135. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha var _gaq = _gaq || []; _gaq.push(['_setAccount', 'UA-19663965-1']); _gaq.push(['_trackPageview']); (function() { var ga = document.createElement('script'); ga.type = 'text/javascript'; ga.async = true; ga.src = ('https:' == document.location.protocol ? 'https://ssl&#039; : 'http://www&#039 ;) + ''; var s = document.getElementsByTagName('script')[0]; s.parentNode.insertBefore(ga, s); })(); st_go({blog:'17703462',v:'ext',post:'4511'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(17703462,4511,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  136. [...] site a été conçu à partir du CMS WordPress et du thème Suffusion développé par Sayontan Sinha. C’est, en ce qui me concerne, une première puisque je suis plus souvent amené à [...]

  137. [...] výběrem vzhledu WordPressu, až jsem dnes znovu zabrousil k doporučeným šablonáma tam objevil Suffusion 3.7.8 od Sayontan Sinha. Přešel jsem na tuto šablonu a prozatím jssem s ní okouzlen. [Translate] [...]

  138. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha /* */ SHRSB_Settings = {"shr-publisher-4728":{"link":"","shortener":"bitly","title":"The Grand Tour and Behind the Scenes Info","notes":"Welcome%20to%20the%20newly%20redesigned%20Relishments%21%0D%0AI%27ve%20been%20dying%20to%20update%20the%20site%20since%20late%20last%20year%20and%20I%27m%20so%20glad%20I%20finally%20got%20to%20do%20so.%0D%0A%0D%0AFor%20perspective%2C%20this%20is%20what%20things%20used%20to%20look%20like%20around%20here%3A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0A%0D%0APlease%20poke%20around%20and%20check%20out%20all%20the%20new%20stuff.%20%20The%20About%2C%20Recipes%2C%20Recomme","service":"2,191,5,201,236,38,78,7","apikey":"8afa39428933be41f8afdb8ea21a495c","expand":true,"src":"","localize":true,"share_src":"","rel":"nofollow","target":"_blank","bgimg":"","bgimg_padding":"26px 0 0 10px","center":true,"twitter_template":"${title} – ${short_link} via @Shareaholic","mode":"inject"}} /* */ st_go({v:'ext',j:'1',blog:'21547673',post:'4728'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(21547673,4728,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  139. [...] Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha SHRSB_Settings = {"shr-publisher-2683":{"link":"","shortener":"google","title":"Noumu00e9aParis version 2011 est arrivu00e9","notes":"Et%20bien%20voil%C3%A0%2C%20c%27est%20fait.%20Essuyez%20vous%20les%20pieds%20sur%20le%20paillasson%2C%20et%20entrez%20donc.%0D%0A%0D%0AJe%20pr%C3%A9cise%20que%20pour%20la%20banni%C3%A8re%20et%20le%20fond%2C%20je%20n%27ai%20utilis%C3%A9%20que%20des%20photos%20que%20j%27ai%20faites%20moi-m%C3%AAme%2C%20et%20ouais%20m%27dame.%20Pour%20la%20premi%C3%A8re%20fois%20dans%20l%27histoire%20de%20ce%20blog%2C%20en%20fait.%0D%0A%0D%0ASinon%20et%20bien%20je%20suis%20part","service":"5,74,257,207,40,7,195,10,78,43,52","apikey":"8afa39428933be41f8afdb8ea21a495c","expand":true,"src":"","localize":true,"share_src":"","rel":"nofollow","target":"_blank","bgimg":"","bgimg_padding":"26px 0 0 10px","center":true,"twitter_template":"${title} – ${short_link}","mode":"inject","shrlink":"1"}} st_go({blog:'3081601',v:'ext',post:'2683'}); var load_cmc = function(){linktracker_init(3081601,2683,2);}; if ( typeof addLoadEvent != 'undefined' ) addLoadEvent(load_cmc); else load_cmc(); [...]

  140. [...] I was playing around with the header image here. The theme [Suffusion] I use for my WordPress blog here is the best, because you can make anything you want [...]

  141. [...] in one of your sidebars (better if you can place widgets in your theme’s footer, as the Suffusion theme allows), thenput the shortcode [ phpcounter ] into the text widget and save it (remove the spaces [...]

  142. [...] gunakan dahulu. Banyak fungsi yang terpadat pada tema ini sebenarnya. Fungsi ini boleh dilihat di SINI. Suffusion menyediakan banyak konfigurasi untuk tema ini yang mana setiap satunya tidak memerlukan [...]

  143. [...] 2. 采用的页面交互方式,同采用Suffusion theme。 [...]

  144. [...] 可能是自己沒再深究其功能已一段時間了吧?現在的 WordPress,配上功能強橫的 theme,可做到的效果還真多,而且不算是很複雜,也不需要甚麼編程的經驗,單是在管理版面內選這選那的就能完成,非常方便。 現在換了「新」的域名(希望是最後一次更換了),配上新的佈景,感覺很「從新開始」的正面感覺。現在的佈景其用家評價差不多是滿分,這個我也很同意,因為彈性太大了,出來的效果於視覺上又不失我喜歡的簡約感。說一點最新 WordPress 加這佈景在技術上的新功能(最少對我來說是新的): [...]

  145. [...] which also holds the Flywheel Design Blog and the Gizmet Game Poems blog. I freaking love the WordPress theme that the Flywheel blog [...]

  146. [...] Posted by admin at 3:57 pm Tagged with: new theme, Suffusion [...]

  147. [...] really just thrown this site together using the first WordPress theme that caught my eye (Suffusion in case it wasn’t obvious from the footer).  As I navigate it myself a bit more, I’ve [...]

  148. [...] site is built on the ‘Suffusion’ theme – incredibly reliable and infinitely flexible. Other design work included some of the [...]

  149. [...] tweak to the look of the site. Having had a deeper delve into the options provided by the lovely Suffusion theme, I found that replacing the rather dull plain text in the header with a logo was a quite simple [...]

© 2011 Aquoid Themes Suffusion theme by Sayontan Sinha