and other news from Today in Palestine

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At last. Wikileaks is set to dump leaked classified documents, cables, n love letters involving Israel and the U.S. Both countries are said to be "tense". I guess Julian Assange gets it. Haaretz:

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And other news from Today in Palestine:

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You have to hand it to Hebrew School. What a training ground those late weekday sessions have shown to be.

Salon produced its Hack Thirty List-- "our all-star team--of the most predictable, dishonest and just plain stupid pundits in the media"--and by my reckoning at least 16 of the 30 are Jewish. Even more impressive, Jews occupy the first five, and six out of the first seven, positions on the list. It's a complete rout, dear Gentiles.

Congratulations to Richard Cohen of the Washington Post, who beat out Mark Halperin, Tom Friedman, David Broder, Marty Peretz and Jonah Goldberg for the top honors. Poor Jeffrey Goldberg came in only at number 26. Just shows how tough the competition was. 

I am wondering whether the Jewish Weekly, the Forward, and Ha'aretz will write this up. hey usually never fail to notice such honors.

If ever there was a reason to give your kids a good Jewish education, this list must be it. Well, the Fortune 500 list is nothing to sneeze about either.


The New York Times has done a good thing today by putting AIPAC on its front page in a piece that says that Israel was "one of the big winners" of the midterm elections, due to the elevation of Republicans who support Netanyahu's hellbent course.

The encouraging news in the piece, on the front page, is the statement that Kentucky Senator-elect Rand Paul might take a stand against aid to Israel, he has already said as much to AIPAC. This threat is quickly countered by Chuck Schumer: 

“One of the first things Congressman [Eric] Cantor can do is to make sure that his colleagues vote for aid to Israel,” said Senator Charles E. Schumer, Democrat of New York, who also met with Mr. Netanyahu.

Mr. Schumer and others worry that support for Israel in Congress, long a bipartisan article of faith, could become politicized in a way that will end up harming Israel’s interests.

So: American support for Israel might be "politicized." I.e., the American people would then get to debate the issue, rather than face wall to wall support among their leaders, enforced by fatcat lobbyists with access. And journalists would have to write about the lobby, as they write about the gun lobby, the anti-abortion movement, or any other ideological special interest.

Though the Times reporters, Mark Landler and Jennifer Steinhauer, are typically close-mouthed about the character of that special interest. They speak of Eric Cantor's devotion to the Jewish state without saying anything about his recent pledge of allegiance to Netanyahu over Obama; maybe they should have described Schumer's genuflection to AIPAC, when he declared that he is Israel's guardian, in Hebrew. God forbid it should say a word about the religion of Schumer, Cantor, or Robert Wexler, who all play tambourines and speak in tongues in this report.

P.S. The Times also mentions wingjob Allen West, the new Republican congressman from Palm Beach, a heavily Jewish district. From West's website:

Above all, the Jewish State needs stronger representation in Congress and a solid voice that will not be afraid to stand up to the Obama Administration’s appeasement of Islamic terrorism.

Congress, including Ron Klein, whom West beat, almost unanimously backed the Israeli mass killing of civilians in the Gaza Strip in January 2009: 390-5. I guess that's not good enough.


The headline is intended to inoculate me against the immaturity charge. This is a picture of the head of the Shas party, Rabbi Ovadia Yosef, at Angry Arab. It's getting passed around.

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I keep saying that if our journalists only described conditions in Israel and Palestine honestly, Americans would rise up. But they don't. Which makes all the more refreshing Joel Dreyfuss's piece at the Washington Post, explaining why a multiethnic society would not wish to emulate Israel's security methods at airports. At a time when many mainstream journalists are piping the line that Israel does it right, Dreyfuss recalls a trip to Israel five years ago. Dreyfuss, please go back and visit the West Bank and East Jerusalem and Negev and tell young Americans what's going down, gov't land theft carried out on a racial basis..:

"Are you Jewish?" he asked. I told him no, but that my grandfather had been. I didn't think it would be helpful to explain I was born into a racially-diverse family in Haiti and that I was Catholic. I had already noticed that the combination of my tan complexion and short mustache frequently drew suspicious looks during my stay, but I assumed my body language tagged me as a foreigner. On the flight back, when I raised the issue with a seatmate, she said, "Well, you look like you might be Arab."

Apparently, my security screener had the same impression. The next thing I knew, I was being directed to a very long line. Almost all the people on my line were Arabs or Africans. The much shorter, fast-moving line consisted mostly of white Americans and Europeans. Everyone on my queue was asked to open their luggage for inspection. When the security team got to me, they went through the books and magazines I had packed. A booklet from the Peres Center for Peace, which I had visited at the request of my publisher, seemed to raise alarm. The man searching my bag called a supervisor, who called his boss over. They asked me why I had visited the Peres center. "Because I'm a journalist," I replied. I must have said the magic word. "Journalist?" the boss repeated. Suddenly, my books were put back, my suitcase was snapped shut, and I was on my way home.

If Americans adopt Israel's approach to security, they should be prepared for racial and ethnic profiling, questions about their religious preferences, and careful examination of their reading material. Maybe full-body scans are a less intrusive after all.


Happy Thanksgiving. How much more information do we need about the current Israeli regime? Where is Obama's outrage? Oh he can't muster any, doesn't have it in him. Remember Nir Rosen calling Israel a "rogue apartheid state"? What kind of people do this kind of thing? Reflect that the Jordan Valley, where many of these demolitions are happening, is the "security zone" Israel claims, unilaterally, endlessly expanding. Note too the military response to the popular committee members-- arrests for protesting landgrabs. Where are the American Jewish organizations rising up and saying, This must stop? From Joseph Dana's blog:

Israeli forces demolished Palestinian homes in the Jordan Valley and the South Hebron Hills today in what seems as a wave of demolitions following yesterday’s demolitions all across the West Bank. Non-violent leaders from Beit Ummar have also been arrested in night raids. Grassroots organizers Mousa and Yousef Abu Maria were arrested from their homes as harassment continues in Beit Ummar

After carrying demolitions in the villages of Qarawat Bani Hassan near Salfeet, al-Jiftlik in the Jordan Valley and Hizma near Jerusalem yesterday, Israeli bulldozers returned to the Jordan Valley today. At 6:30 this morning, Israeli Civil Administration bulldozers accompanied by soldiers and armored military jeeps entered the Jordan Valley village of Khirbet Yarza, east of Tubas, and demolished the village’s mosque, a houses and four animal shelters. The demolitions rendered eleven people homeless.


They call us insane because we want the truth. They call us insane because they say we want too much. They say we are crazy because we do not settle for less. They say “take what you can get” as if we will be “getting” something.

If you ever defended the two state solution as a Palestinian, know that you are throwing away land. Know that land in the 48 borders was Palestine, and the only reason it is not today, is because of racism and greed.

For all the non Palestinian “activists” who believe the one state solution will not work, please, do not advise the Palestinians to leave what is lawfully theirs. If you want me to state why I think it is lawful and very legitimate, (other than the fact that it was taken forcefully, other than the fact that there are more than 4 million refugees waiting to go back, other than the fact that the one state solution is already in place along with a system of apartheid) the UN can explain it. The UN declaration of Human Rights article 13 states (I know this by heart)

“Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state, Everyone has the right to leave any country, including their own, and to return to their country.” The refugees have a right to return, no debate needed about that.

To Chomsky’s followers: I do not see Noam Chomsky as a leader on these issues, but as a Zionist, who supports and accepts Israel as an international Jewish state.

In an Israeli interview, Chomsky explains his stance: “Israel should have--should have--all the rights of a state in the international system, no more and no less.”

[read the full article…]


Here's a report on the Washington Post's hiring of "conservative" blogger Jennifer Rubin. The report includes the announcement memo from WP Op-Ed editor Fred Hiatt. Some points of confusion:

--Rubin is regularly referred to as a conservative columnist. Is she against abortion and stem-cell research and does she dig Scalia? I don't know; I don't read her regularly. But I sense that's not what people mean.... 

--Isn't conservative a misnomer for neoconservative, and blind support for Israel? As Daniel Luban points out, this is Rubin's core position. She lives in the U.S. and writes for Commentary and thinks that all of Palestine belongs to the Jews, or some other hokum that rationalizes the killing of Palestinian noncombatants at a rate of one every other day in the Jim Crow Jewish hinterland. Israel is the core of her engagement; but of course the announcement and news story don't mention that angle. Here M.J. Rosenberg says that Rubin's politics boil down to contempt for Muslims.

[read the full article…]


‘Rabbi outcast,’ a biography of visionary anti-Zionist Elmer Berger, is coming to bookstores soon

by Philip Weiss25 November 2010

This is exciting. Jack Ross’s book on Rabbi Elmer Berger, the leader of political anti-Zionist activity in the U.S. during the 1940s-60s, is being published shortly. There’s a link for the book on Amazon, and a handsome cover too: Rabbi Outcast: Elmer Berger and American Jewish Anti-Zionism. You can order the book now, for later [...]


Israel holds entire family in detention–including 52 year old woman

by Seham24 November 2010

and other news from Today in Palestine:


Brooklyn-Jenin: The boycott Is legitimate for promoting peace

by Udi Aloni24 November 2010

Oh, Weakness
On the way from Brooklyn to Jenin I stopped for a bit of a rest in Tel Aviv and saw that the community of creative artists was still in an uproar around the Ariel Culture Hall issue. I think that some things should be said in the name of militant art and the more [...]


For killing 9 on the flotilla, Israel should apologize to…. Israel!

by Philip Weiss24 November 2010
Thumbnail image for For killing 9 on the flotilla, Israel should apologize to…. Israel!

As many of you know, the Simon Wiesenthal Center is building a museum of “tolerance” on a Muslim cemetery in  Jerusalem. You can see the construction walls in this picture’s middle ground, amidst the gravestones.
Another branch of the LA-based Wiesenthal center is on 42d Street in New York; and last night demonstators from Jews Say [...]


The Palestinian right of return is not for the US, Israel, or Israel’s supporters, to bargain away

by Nima Shirazi24 November 2010

When discussing possible solutions to the current Israeli/Palestinian impasse during a recent panel discussion entitled “Jewish Perspectives on the Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions Movement,” participant Gil Kulick suggested a return to the proposals of the 2000 Clinton Parameters, the 2002 Nusseibeh-Ayalon agreement, and the 2003 Geneva Accords. This would effectively declare the Nakba a Zionist fait accompli and force us to pretend [...]


Arava Institute claims to promote peace, but remains silent on justice

by Adalah-NY24 November 2010

The Arava Institute’s online event “With Earth and Each Other,” held Sunday, November 14, exemplified why the Palestinian call for a boycott of Israeli academic and cultural institutions is vital. The event was billed as a celebration of Palestinians, Israelis and Jordanians working together for the environment. But it failed to educate viewers about the most basic facts of Israeli policies, and thus [...]


I start profiling

by Peter Voskamp24 November 2010

Let’s stop playing games and start profiling. That seems to be the sentiment emerging from some quarters in reaction to the furor over TSA groping. The terrorists have by and large been male and Islamic, the argument goes, and, well, we know how to pick them out. No need to prod and poke nuns, eight [...]


Extremist group appropriates J Street slogan, ‘pro-Israel, pro-peace’

by Philip Weiss24 November 2010

Here is StandWithUs appropriating J Street’s rhetorical positioning– “pro-Israel, pro-peace”– in a call to buy goods from the illegal Israeli settlements in the West Bank.

The pro-Israel, pro-peace community urges you to join a counter campaign. We are making November 30 a BIG (Buy Israeli Goods) Day….When you go holiday shopping, choose presents from the wonderful [...]


Let us not give thanks for xenophobia sweeping the country…

by Philip Weiss24 November 2010

LA Times editorial. Great. Where is the voice of populist progressivism elsewhere in our press?

Across the country, xenophobia is enjoying a heyday. Oklahomans, of all people, recently approved a ballot measure to ban the use of international law and, specifically, Sharia law, in their courts. As has been widely noted, that manages the rare feat [...]


Give thanks to the community we are building

by Philip Weiss24 November 2010
Thumbnail image for Give thanks to the community we are building

I give thanks today to my community. We are building it, a diverse community of brave people working across traditional tribal and ethnic and religious lines to try and forge a vision of coexistence in a troubled brutalized place. Let us celebrate our commitment, and learn from one another. I’m trying to learn myself, and [...]


NY activists confront Hebron Fund director Yossi Baumol

by Adam Horowitz24 November 2010

And more:


The establishment sees the (day)light

by Ali Gharib23 November 2010

Two scholars at top think tanks on either side of the Atlantic Ocean just came out with a new book: The Sixth Crisis: Iran, Israel, America, and the Rumors of War.  
I haven’t read the book yet, but I did see the two think tankers – Steve Simon of the Council on Foreign Relations and Dana Allin of the International Institute [...]


The Israelification of America

by Paul Woodward23 November 2010

As the Transportation Security Administration faces a barrage of criticism, some indignant Americans are calling for the “Israelification” of US airports — as though the security procedures used in a tiny Middle Eastern ethnocracy with one international airport could easily be scaled up for America.

Ironically, Israelification is not what we need — it’s what we [...]


Congressional request for Pollard pardon just another example of putting Israel’s interests first

by Maggie Sager23 November 2010

In one of the United States Congress’ most recent displays of “Israel First” policy, 39 Representatives, all Democrats, have requested that President Obama pardon Jonathan Pollard, an American convicted of spying for the State of Israel in 1987. Pollard is currently serving a life sentence for his crimes.
According to American Muslims for Palestine:

Pollard, who was [...]


Do liberal zionists think that international law should be ignored because Israel will never adhere to it?

by Nima Shirazi23 November 2010

Much discussion has already taken place here on Mondoweiss regarding the recent panel discussion entitled “Jewish Perspectives on the Boycott/Divestment/Sanctions Movement” which was held at the Church of Gethsemane in Park Slope, Brooklyn a couple weeks ago.  I attended the event and think some of the most instructive aspects of the evening have so far been overlooked.
One important distinction [...]


If you wear the ‘neoconservative burqa,’ you will never see the ‘root cause of Muslim antagonism to the U.S.’

by Philip Weiss23 November 2010

Prince Turki Al-Faisal of Saudi Arabia spoke to the National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations in Washington last month. The speech was reprinted in the latest Washington Report for Middle East Affairs (I subscribe; this issue’s not online yet). Some staggering excerpts, emphases mine:
Saudi Arabia has had a clear view of where it is going and [...]


Ging should have sidestepped the BDS question

by Anonymous23 November 2010

On Sunday November 14th, John Ging, Director of UNRWA (United Nations Relief and Works Agency) programs in the Gaza Strip, spoke at Columbia University.  This speech was one in a recent series of campus speeches by Mr. Ging that was sponsored by the left leaning pro-Israel advocacy organization, J Street and its national campus group, J [...]


IRS asked to revoke AIPAC’s tax exemption

by Seham23 November 2010

and other news from Today in Palestine: