Change is good! 2011 at Tube8

by Woody on January 5, 2011

Here at Tube8, we’re thrilled that so many of you take the time to upload your videos – you guys make the site what it is! For this reason, it’s important to us that all uploaders get the chance to have their videos seen by the millions of Tube8 users that visit every day. At the same time, we want to make sure video viewers can quickly find the excellent content they’ve come to expect from Tube8. It’s taken some time and a lot of thought to create a system that delivers on both those requirements.. but we have done it!

We’ve realized that the best solution (obviously) is to put it in the hands of the Tube8 community. For our part, we will make sure that if you’ve taken time to upload a video, it will go on the site promptly. From there, it’s up to the community to judge the best content – videos that should become featured. This means a new filter/section on the website for Featured videos, which will take the place of the Newest videos at the top of the homepage.

How exactly do videos become featured? The more positive ratings a clip receives from the community, and the more views it gets, the closer it moves to the Featured section. This way, the most-viewed and best-rated content on Tube8 will automatically be shown at the top of the homepage… Easy access, you might say :)

So! Come to the homepage and see the best videos on Tube8 today… as judged by you! Or view videos by newest, and see every video that gets uploaded – we’ve got a little something for everyone. And since every uploader and every video has the opportunity to become featured, you could even call us an equal-opportunity employer… except that you have no work to do, and we are the coolest boss ever.

Power to the people,



Happy holiday season all you free porn lovers! Whether you spend your holidays with family, quietly reading christmas stories by a roaring fire, or pounding whiskey shots alone while lamenting the snow outside, know that you are in our thoughts, hearts and special places. We never forget who we are working for!!

So send us letters of love, or digital hand jobs, or old jizz-rags (just kidding) to show your affection and appreciation for an adult site that treats you like an adult :)

Be safe and have fun,



Our New Filter!

by Woody on November 19, 2010

Hello all you Tube8 fans! We hope things are well and that you are continuing to enjoy the best free porn on the net.

After many requests, hours of deliberation and careful coding, we have added a new Filter feature to!

You can now choose to filter content by Straight, Gay, or Shemale from any Tube8 page. This handy Filter can be found in the upper right-hand corner, just below the search box. Simply select the desired tab to choose how you want to filter your content.

As always, we look forward to your feedback about this feature!


Updated Video Player

by Woody on July 7, 2010

As most of you may have noticed, we launched a new video player on a few weeks ago. We let you guys experience it for a bit to see what you think. Well, we’ve gotten a ton of feedback about it – and we listened!

We have taken all your great feedback and reworked the video player to address the issues you have been experiencing. The updated video player is live right now, so you can test it out for yourself by watching any video on Tube8.

Please note, you may need to clear your web browser’s cache to see the new player. You can find instructions on how to do so by doing a web search for “how to clear web browser cache” for whichever browser you are using (Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari, etc).

While you get to check out this awesome new player, we will keep the Use Old Video Player For All Videos link in the Video Details section should you ever experience any issues.

Have you tried out the new video player? Let us know what you think about it in the comments section below or on Twitter – @Tube8xxx.


Tube8 Presents Masturbate-A-Thon

by Woody on May 17, 2010

Of all the things I could ever imagine an oversized banner to say, I never thought one would be as awesome as “ Presents The 12th Annual Masturbate-A-Thon“.

We partnered up with the San Francisco’s Center for Sex and Culture to present you all with this wankerific event on May 30th 2010.  The point of Masturbate-A-Thon is pretty self-explanatory.

There’s 8 categories in this awesome event:

  • Masturbation Time – Men
  • Masturbation Time – Women
  • Number of Orgasms – Men
  • Number of Orgasms – Women
  • Ejaculation Distance – Men
  • Ejaculation Distance – Women
  • Target Ejaculation – Men
  • Target Ejaculation – Women

To give you an idea of the people participating in (and winning) these events, the 2008 winner for Longest Time Spent Masturbating in the Women’s category, was a woman by the name of Ms. Kitty Kat. This horny chick set a new record by rubbing on herself for 7 hours and 6 minutes!!

Another contestant is some guy from Tokyo, Japan, by the name of Masanobu Sato, who not only won the Longest Time Spent Masturbating in the Men’s category, but also holds the World Record in this category.

According to Masturbate-A-Thon’s website, this Sato guy masturbated for 9 hours and 33 minutes in 2008. In 2009, he beat his own meat record at 9 hours and 58 minutes.

10 hours of jerking off???  Holy dick cramp, Batman!

I guess my parents were wrong when they called me the world’s biggest wanker.

To find out more about the 12th Annual Masturbate-A-Thon, visit the official website –

Speaking of jerking off, let’s take a break from reading about it & test our own masturbation endurance with this awesome video that makes you want to dry-hump your computer monitor:

[Alexis Love & Veronique Vega on]


Now You Can Watch Tube8 On Your iPad

by Woody on May 4, 2010

Okay, so in the past month, we started connecting with you on Twitter and we launched this blog you’re on right now. So, what could we possibly do next?

We decided to get with the latest in new tech, and by that, I don’t mean a Fleshbot that scans your #TAD tweets to see when you’re horny, finds you with its built-in GPS, jumps on giving you the best electronic blowjob, and then photographs you cumming, uploading the picture to Facebook & then tagging all your family & friends.

While that sounds like an AWESOME Friday night, I’m actually talking about everybody’s favorite new toy (no, not that kind of toy). I’m talking about the iPad.

That’s right, now you can watch Tube8 videos on the motherfucking iPad!

Other porn sites are still trying to figure out what the fuck email is, while Tube8 already has a site with a MASSIVE collection of free porn, a mobile website, a Twitter account, a blog, and now – an iPad site.

We’re some hi-tech porn lovers at Tube8!

If you’re an iPad owner (lucky fuckers!), then go to on your iPad’s browser & you’ll be able to watch your favorite videos of Eva Angelina and Shay Jordan in a hot threesome or the queen of anal, Sasha Grey, or whatever else makes you jizz until your body spazzes like you’re being exorcised.

So, go ahead and get your wank on, with the newest in hi-tech!

While you’re at it, check out this hot piece of ass with the world’s sexiest iPad:


Bye Bye Comment Spam

April 28, 2010

Good news! We’ve recently cleaned up the comment spam that was terrorizing our video pages.
All those “seen it on fucktube” bastards are too busy being sodomized by the Taco Bell chihuahua in hell to bother us with their bullshit spam anymore.
Now, if we could just put a final end to the worldwide epidemic that is the [...]

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We’ve Made A Few Changes

April 26, 2010

Alright, Tube8′ers,
I got 2 quick announcements for you today:
Changed Hosting Companies
First off, we changed hosting companies on March 9th.
There have been a few minor bumps in the road (as we expected), but everything should be back up & running now. If you ever notice something that’s not working, feel free to click on Report This [...]

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Customize Your Porn Search

April 23, 2010

As you fellow porn-lovers may notice, we made some slight changes to the top navigation menu here on Tube8.
Aside from it including a link to this bitchin’ new blog that you’re on right now, the other new addition is the new Search field.
Now, you can search within categories on Tube8.  So, if you only want [...]

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We’re Bloggin’ Bitchessssssss

April 13, 2010

“WTF? Tube8 has a blog?”
Fuck yeah, we have a blog!
We’re also on Twitter, so make sure to follow us at @Tube8xxx. If you don’t, your favorite sex organ will be plagued with gangrene.
And you don’t want that… trust me.
So sit back, relax, and enjoy this first treat from our bitchin new blog. ;-)











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