Celebrate Winter Solstice on Belle Isle

December 17th, 2010

Via HIlls and Heights and James River News Hub:

For the third year in a row, the Friends of the James River Park is marking the Winter Solstice with a low-key yet heartwarming gathering on Belle Isle. Meet at the Tredegar side of the Belle Isle Pedestrian Bridge at 4:45 p.m. on Tuesday, Dec. 21 to walk across the river as the sun sets. We’ll warm ourselves up with togetherness, perhaps a poem or two and by giving gifts to the amazingly devoted James River Park System staff. Bring your own hot chocolate (and a flashlight).

Revised Proposal for 617 W. 19th Street (UPDATED)

December 15th, 2010

The neighborhood meeting on Saturday was a great success. The developer and architect with Daniel & Company, Inc. were very open to neighborhood concerns and constructive criticism as they explained their plans for the properties at 615, 617, and 619 W. 19th St.

They intend to renovate 615 and 619 in a fashion fitting to the neighborhood, cleaning up much of the old trees and deteriorating structures on the property. On the lot at 617 they are proposing a more modern design for a house and brought a draft rendering to show the neighborhood. Incorporating feedback from the community, the architect has recently shared a new proposed design with us:

617 W 19th St, Version 4

617 W 19th St, Version 4

I hope this meeting marks the start of a great addition to our neighborhood. Thanks to Mr. Daniels, the architect, and all my neighbors ensuring this neighborhood continues to improve!

UPDATE (8:40 PM)

We just received updated plans for the 617 W. 19th St proposal have been provided me and can be found here. This new package includes floor plans as well as front, side, and back angle views. This is what will be going in front of the Committee of Architectural Review (CAR) for approval.

I will be writing a letter on behalf of the neighborhood expressing our position to CAR. If you have any comments or concerns you’d like included in this letter, please post them here in the comments or use the contact form. We must have all input by Thursday evening so we can get the letter out in time for the CAR meeting. Thanks!

Emergency Neighborhood Meeting Tomorrow

December 10th, 2010

We have a new house and some renovations planned to take place on the 600 block of W. 19th Street. The contractor/owner is interested in meeting with the neighborhood before he submits his proposals to the city. This is our chance to request modification/revisions.

Plan to meet at the intersection of 19th and Stonewall Saturday at 1:30 PM. Apologies for the late notice, but the date was requested by the contractor just yesterday, and the architect is finishing up today.

Yard Sale Sunday

September 21st, 2010

Claire posted this on the Springhill Neighborhood Yahoo! Group:

Hi everyone! I will be holding a yard sale this Sunday from 10-5 at 505 W 19th St. The proceeds will be going to help pay for back surgery on the Clinton the Basset Hound, a dog of a friend and colleague of mine in order for him to walk again. The surgery was very expensive and a significant cost burden so we are trying to assist. Clinton was a rescue pup who was shot before Gena rescued him and everyone who knows Clinton loves him very much.

If you’d like to help, be sure to stop on by Sunday and see if an item strikes your fancy (or just make a donation-those are welcome too). Or, if you have some items lying around that you would like to donate to the yard sale please drop them off sometime this week. You can just place them on the porch. Any items not sold Sunday will be donated to charity.

If you’d like to read more about Clinton or his surgery, we have a facebook page set up in support here.

Springhill Elections

June 7th, 2010

Springhill Neighbors.  We need to elect a new President.  If  your interested or have a nomination let Jason or Greg know.    We’ll have to set an official meeting to have the final votes


Jason 603 w. 19th.

More Snow . . .

January 30th, 2010
Snow at 1 pm on January 30, 2010 on W 20th Street, Richmond Virginia

Snow at 1 pm on January 30, 2010 on W 20th Street, Richmond Virginia

Springhill Residents Speak Out Against Crosland Development Plans

January 13th, 2010

This is footage from the City Council meeting on January 11, 2010, found on the Richmond City Council Reporter and Telegraph blog. Springhill residents and other neighbors were protesting including the Manchester on the James development in the set of projects being considered for Recovery Zone Facility bonds (Federal stimulus funds, essentially). Unfortunately, Crosland won the vote 8-1. We will have more commentary on the issue soon.

Urgent: Development Rears Ugly Head Again

January 11th, 2010

I’ve just been informed that the ill conceived Manchester on the James project is once again on the City Council agenda (Consent Agenda item 17). Although the project was approved last year, the slump in real estate made the developer change their mind. Now the city is trying to divert stimulus funds to offset the developer’s taxes on the project. All to build units that will send Richmond money to North Carolina.

Please come out to the City Council meeting tonight at 6pm to protest this corporatist scheme! Also, share this story with others – we need to get the word out about this. Finally, you can call the councilman for the Springhill neighborhood, Marty Jewell, at (804) 646-6050 and urge him to oppose the measure.

Springhill is a small neighborhood and particularly vulnerable right now. Don’t let your tax dollars be used to put money in private developers’ pockets, all to fund damage to a historic neighborhood!

UPDATE: More info from Hills and Heights, Richmond Times-Dispatch, and a government site on Recovery Zone Facility bonds under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. Thanks to Richard H. for following this issue and providing all these great information sources!

New Fire Station Coming

January 8th, 2010

Sherri Johnson shares some intelligence on a new firehouse that will be displacing a portion of Canoe Run Park. This comes via Lee Shewmake on the Woodland Heights Yahoo! Group:

We are about to get a new Firehouse #17.  I just received some additional details today and they are as follows:

Stimulus grant funds of approximately 3.2 million was awarded to replace station # 17 with occupancy to be complete by 2012.

Dewberry & Davis charged with examining potential sites of the Old Johnny Johnson Safeway between Bainbridge & Midlothian, a portion of Carter Jones Park plus the existing site, or a portion of Canoe Run Park on Semmes Ave between W 24th St and the old 7-11 building.  The latter was selected as the most viable. (Not enough funds allocated for the purchase of the old 7-11 building at its present price.)

The front of the station would face Semmes Ave.  No renderings currently available, but efforts to fit the structure in architecturally with the surrounding neighborhoods is a priority.

The architectural procurement process was just posted this week on the city website and EVA(?).  This is an excellent opportunity for resident Architects to bid on a “home turf” project!

In exchange for taking park property, the city is looking at improvements to the park such as lighting.  A portion of the existing trail will be consumed, so they are also looking at how to re-route the trail to maintain the total distance it now has.

There is no definitive statement with regards to the future of the old firehouse, which is listed as a contributing structure within our historic district.  It WILL NOT be retained for use by the Fire Dept.  The city may opt to reuse the building for another purpose or place it on the surplus property list for sale.

I have requested updates at regular intervals as the process moves forward, a presentation for the neighborhood once an architect has been selected, and an open process that involves the citizenry in the project.  I reminded Mr. Taylor (oops, did not write down his rank) that people who live by and/or frequent the park would appreciate the rear elevation having as attractive characteristics as the front and sides.  This was all the info I could get right now as the project is literally just beginning.  The Association will stay on top of this and distribute info as we get it.

The Stray Cat Problem

January 7th, 2010

This comes via Sherri Johnson:

Up here on W. 19th, we’ve noticed quite a few new stray cats making the rounds. We’ve seen a black one, a brown and black male tabby, a white and orange one, and a yellowish tabby long hair. I understand that there was a colony of strays living in a garage between 20th and 21st on Stonewall this summer and my guess is that the kitties we’re now seeing might have been born there, and are now growing up and expanding their territory.

I would like to propose a neighborhood effort to get this colony under control as soon as possible.

Over the years, some neighbors and I have conducted “spay and release” missions around the neighborhood, and for a little while, had the local cats at zero population growth. Hopefully we can do this again. There are a number of vets and programs in the area that will spay or neuter stray cats for free or for very little cost.

In order to get the cats to the vet to be spayed/neutered we first have to catch them. In the past, we have accomplished this a couple of ways. 1) If the kitty can be befriended and trusts you, and if you are able to pet it, it’s often easy to pick it up and put it into a carrier for a trip to the vet. 2) More often with feral cats, a kind-trap is needed. The trap is baited with food, and when the cat goes into the trap for the food, the door shuts behind it and the cat is trapped, unharmed. Some programs and vets will loan out these traps to folks trying to capture ferals.

We need volunteers to help with a number of tasks, including:

  • placing and monitoring kind-traps,
  • donating $ to help cover spay/neuter fees,
  • taking cats to thier spay/neuter appointment, and
  • housing a cat overnight after its surgery.

If you can help with this effort, or would like more information, please let me know!

If you’d like to help, leave a comment and somebody will get back to you.