Study Kanji in Context, Benchmark your JLPT skills

Read The Kanji is a simple, fun, intuitive quiz designed to help students all over the world learn to read Japanese through real life examples and sentences.

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Japanese Kanji Grid Example
  • Tracks Your Kanji Progress Progress Tracking While Studying
    Read The Kanji accurately maps which kanji you know, allowing you to visually see your progress as you learn.
  • 7000 Plus Kanji Words and Sentences Kanji Quiz in Action
    Our current database holds over 7000 words and example sentences, with more being added all the time!
  • Customize Your Own Kanji Quiz Make Your Own Kanji Quiz
    Adjust the quiz layout to best suit your own individual study method. New options being added with each release!

Why Read The Kanji?


Learning kanji is often said to be the most difficult part of studying Japanese. However, reading kanji does not require a special skill set or secret method. The only thing that differentiates a seasoned Japanese speaker/reader from a beginner is not intelligence, but dedicated practice combined with exposure to the Japanese language.

We wrote Read The Kanji as a quick, easy way to help students get that practice and exposure. It is designed to be used by both complete beginners or kanji veterans alike.

Find Out More


For more information about Read The Kanji and how you can apply it to your kanji study, check out our About / FAQ pages to learn how it can help you study Japanese.

Also if you have any questions or comments about the program, we’d love to hear from you. We’re always trying out best to make this a fantastic study tool for both kanji beginners and veterans, so we are welcome to any tips or suggestions for improvement.

Other Benefits

  • Learn new vocabulary

    Learn new vocabulary

    Contains all words required for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT), with more study decks coming soon!
  • Improve Japanese speed reading

    Improve Japanese speed reading

    Learn to read kanji patterns and give yourself the power to read Japanese quickly without needing to translate in your head!
  • Benchmark your skills

    Benchmark your skills

    With Read The Kanji’s algorithm, you can quickly test yourself on multiple levels to find and eliminate your weak spots!
  • Immerse yourself in real life examples

    Immerse yourself in real life examples

    Study kanji compounds in context and learn not just definitions and meanings, but how to properly use it in a sentence!

What People Are Saying

  • I absolutely love that you type in your answers and that the site automatically converts text to kana. This sort of interactivity is what separates Read The Kanji from lesser tools. I remember kanji readings much better this way; and since it's online, I can access it anywhere, so there's no excuse not to study.
    - Jonathan D., Jonathan's Japan Journal
  • The quiz is actually kind of addictive, and I sometimes find it hard to quit once I get started, a problem I’ve never had when studying kanji in the past!
    - Ed Jacob, Quirky Japan Blog
  • An extremely well designed website with intuitive features that is scores above all other kanji learning tool on the ‘web. A must for any learner!
    - Ollie Capehorn,
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