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Kimberly Loos, D.D.S.

5 star rating
based on 1 review

Category: Dentists  [Edit]

4110 Moorpark Ave, Suite B
San Jose, CA 95117
(408) 985-6779
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1 Review for Kimberly Loos, D.D.S.

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Photo of Brandi C.




Brandi C.

San Jose, CA

5 star rating

Finding a dentist is very hard - especially a good one, but Dr. Kimberly Loos and her staff are the best in the South Bay!  Their office is super clean, well decorated and they use the latest in dental technology.  During my first visit Dr. Loos and her assistant, Joan (who is a major crack up!) sat down with me in their separate consultation room (how nice was that to sit face to face instead of laying down talking up to someone) as we went over my dental history and the other dental services that I needed. I had my teeth cleaned that day which I normally dislike due to having very sensitive teeth, but the procedure was totally painless and I left feeling happy and not annoyed. So with that said - check them out! They are truly wonderful and definitely more deserving than 5 stars.

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