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Thanks for the memories Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named bike.jpgI was telling a friend visiting from Berkeley that one of the nicest things about New York is restaurant delivery. You can have anything you want almost any time. It's like room service in a hotel, but better, cheaper and faster, with more variety. And with the advent of delivery.com and seamlessweb.com, you don't have to wait on hold to explain your order to some guy who doesn't care and doesn't speak English. It works because there's lots of competition. That doesn't mean, of course, that the food is good -- it might just sound good in the writeup. The other day I saw there was a new Italian place on delivery.com, at triple the price of my regular place. Decided to try it. After all -- maybe there's something really great about a $16 spaghetti and meatballs -- when the price at Pizza Mercato is $6. Turns out not so, the $6 plate is better and bigger than the $16 one.

Thanksgiving is when you give thanks. So thanks for food delivery.

Thanksgiving posts are a tradition here on scripting.com. I might have skipped a year here and there, but ever since the beginning, in 1994 (arrrgh!) the one holiday I usually didn't miss here was this one. It's a good holiday for American bloggers. It's a holiday we share with our friends to the north, but they for some reason think it should be a few months before ours.

Thanksgiving is an American thing, with a universal theme -- thank you! We're not celebrating one religion or political philosophy triumphing over another. There's something phony (to me) about the good cheer people show around Christmas. New Year's Day is good, but it's kind of arbitrary. But giving thanks -- it's a good thing to set aside one day just for that purpose. The end of November seems just the right time. It's a clear time of change and in the change, there is a lot to be thankful for. Sometimes we forget.

Recently I read a story about the inventor Buckminster Fuller, who at age 32, despondent about business failures, contemplated suicide. He decided that instead of dying, he would live the remainder of his life as if he had died. I wonder if this sounds like a foreign concept to you, because it's familiar to me. In 2002, I came home from the hospital to a house that felt like it belonged to a dead relative. I recognized the possessions as mine, at an intellectual level, but they seemed from some other person's life, as I had recognized the things in my grandmother's house after she died. These things are all familiar, but the person they belonged to is gone.

After such a shift your priorities change. Before that, I cared a lot about what people thought of me. I still do, but there's a twist. As I'm processing the insecure feeling that comes from disrespect, I remind myself that I'm gone, I'm dead -- the person they're dissing doesn't exist. Of course they forgot about me, I'm dead. I know it must sound weird, but that's where I'm at. If my Wikipedia page is wrong, well, no one is going to care after I'm gone, so ipso facto, no one cares. :-)

Is ipso facto a real phrase? Have to look it up.

So how does one chart the course of a dead person?

The body has to do something every day. When a dead person wakes up in the morning, what's the first thing on his to-do list?

And the ego isn't really gone, but now it can be reasoned with.

Hard to write about, except on this one day. Because all there is to say is that I'm thankful for this day. I have no future and I don't remember my past. This is all there is. Finally those words make sense, in the way a mathematic theorum makes sense. No matter which direction you approach it from you get to the same place.

Funny, even though the past is a fiction, I still remember a lot of it.

Bob Hope, who lived to be 100 years old, sang about this in Thanks for the Memories.

So if we can be thankful for memories, let's try to keep the sweet ones, and keep the lessons learned from the not-sweet ones.

The great thing about memories is that every year there are more of them.

Moving across the country from a big house to a small apartment, from an ideal climate to one of extremes, time slows down. Thanks for that. It's hard to believe that we celebrated last year's Thanksgiving in Berkeley. This year -- Brooklyn.

Another year more to be thankful for.

I love the story about the guy who enjoyed his TSA patdown so much he wanted to do it again. That's the American can-do spirit. Awesome.

Thanks for the winter that's coming. I love walking in the city when it's cold. Bundled up with only my eyes and mouth exposed, each breath brings cold freshness into my core. My eyes see other bold explorers dressed as I am. Hello there. If there's slush on the ground (coming soon I think) every step is taken with thought. This let's your mind drift in interesting ways while your body is occupied with movement and safety.

Thanks for the bike riding of the summer. I thought I would do it through the winter, but it doesn't seem to be working out that way.

Thanks for living as if you were dead, I think that's not just a good place for a person to be, but it might be a good approach for the country, even the world, to adopt. It looks like the US is approaching the end of our empire. From here-on, we have many equals -- both in economics and in war. Maybe even "equal" is a lot to hope for. Even so, we flirt with disaster, seem to welcome it, judging by the leaders we elect.

But are the woes of one country anything compared to the brink we, as a planet, find ourselves on? It would be better if we gave credence to the idea that we live on a dead planet. If not, as a person who is on the brink would, we should prepare our papers and archives for the obvious and inevitable outcome.

But it's 2010 and we're still here. :-)

Still here but dead. What a world!

Static HTTP storage in FIOS router? Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named dropPants.gifI moved into a FIOS-capable apartment in Manhattan a little over a month ago, and have had a chance to get accustomed to having FIOS-level performance from home. It's pretty nice! :-)

I especially like the software in the Verizon router. As someone who has pretty much mastered port-forwarding and dynamic DNS, I appreciate the completeness of the UI. It can be hard to find some functions, but for most of them, it's all where you think it should be.

But then I wondered, as I started to set up a small server to run out of the house, taking over some of the work of my EC2 servers, why don't they give everyone a few gigabytes of static HTTP storage, right in the router. It would interface as a local-net-accessible folder. Any file you copy into the folder would be available over the net. Easy UI. A bit of the cloud right there on yer desk.

Is anyone in PodcastLand happy with their CMS? Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named tryHarder.jpgI'm once again looking into using Posterous for podcasts. I see from the FAQ that they do them, but the question is, can it fit into our process for RBTN. Which goes like this...

1. Jay creates a post but it's not published. The post contains the items for this week's show. We go back and forth, then we do the show, and after it's over, he does a light edit to reflect what we actually talked about.

2. I prepare the MP3 that Adrian, our engineer, gives me. That means verifying that you can hear us talking, adding metadata, and uploading it to mp3.morningcoffeenotes.com. It's really important that all the MP3s be served out of the same folder. I've learned the hard way that if you don't do that, a few years later half your shows are somewhere else that has gone away or you don't remember where you put them. So I keep disciplined. This means that uploading the MP3 to Posterous is not an option.

3. Then I add the MP3 link to Jay's blog post so the CMS can scrape it. It's a totally wrong UI, but I didn't have any say in it, so don't blame me, I'd much rather just enter the URL in a dialog and have the CMS render it as an icon that communicates clearly to the user what's going on. Having an in-browser player is a pretty good idea too, and would just make our UI match that of the professional sites. All of these guys make us look bad, but meanwhile we've been upgrading the production of the show, and I think we've gotten a lot better at what we do. While this is happening our technical team (wordpress.com) has been making us look worse and worse. I know Matt's a business guy, this is a business issue. We care about our users, but we can't do it if the tools vendors don't care about theirs (i.e. us).

Anyway, I haven't really figured out how to or if I can make this work with Posterous.

Wordpress, Tumblr, Posterous.. are there other choices? Is anyone out there in PodcastLand happy with their CMS? Please let me know.

Wordpress.com podcast breakage Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named lost.gifAs you may know, I do a weekly podcast with Jay Rosen called Rebooting The News.

This is a heads-up to people who subscribe to the podcast. There is a problem with the feed that will cause some subscribers to not get every episode. (It could be a majority of subscribers not getting any episodes, depending on how their clients are programmed.)

Technical: The problem appears to be caching. After a post is published, it builds the page, and caches the HTML. Somehow this is done before it realizes there is an MP3 attached. Eventually the cached feed expires, it rebuilds the feed, and now the MP3 is linked in as an enclosure. How long before this happens and how many clients have read the post and stored the guid and assume there is no MP3? Unknown. But a correctly written client that scans frequently will miss the MP3. My client does, for example

Until this problem is fixed, you should manually visit the site periodically to see if there's a new MP3 available and download it to to your listening device.

This is a repeat of a problem that hit our podcast in the beginning of the year. It was fixed, the feed was working properly for a few months, but it's broken again. The Automattic people are aware of the problem, and hopefully will have a fix soon. As I understand it, all podcast feeds on wordpress.com are broken, btw -- so if you're hosting a podcast there, you should be aware of the problem.

We continue to use WordPress because Jay is very comfortable with it. We checked out Tumblr, and it's not any better at podcast support than WordPress is.

A personal note, none of these programs work as well as the tools we had when podcasting was booting up in 2001-2004. Had our tools been this bad, there would be no podcasting, I'm sure of it. As these services have scaled, important features are breaking. This of course totally sucks.

How picture-sharing works today Permanent link to this item in the archive.

When I publish a picture from my iPhone, I:

1. Take the picture (that's the fun part).

2. Click the send icon at the bottom of the picture.

3. Choose Email from the dialog.

4. Type FU to get the first two letters of my flickrupload email address.

5. Wait because the iPhone is ridiculously slow at recognizing this sequence of clicks.

6. Click in the subject area of the envelope.

7. Type the title (a necessary step, no matter what method is used).

8. Click Send.

9. Choose the resolution from the dialog that pops up.

And that's just the beginning of the trip my picture is going to take. Now it has to get from Flickr to Twitter somehow. For that, I usually wait until I can get to a laptop with a net connection.

It'll be interesting to see how this compares to the way pictures are shared from the road in the future. Hopefully most of the steps will be gone.

The top of the Empire State Building Permanent link to this item in the archive.

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From the top of the Empire State Building. :-)

Using S3 to store a complete site Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named santa.gifI've had a persistent problem with static hosting, going back to the beginning of scripting.com in 1995 or so. That's a long time to not solve a problem. While all the incubators start new tech companies with viral business models, one of the most basic ideas about the web, a folder that maps onto a website, still requires a degree in bicycle repair (not quite rocket science) to keep going.

I talk to my friend Chuck Shotton about this all the time. Chuck used to write web servers.

I say to Chuck one day we should knuckle down for a month and do an completely brain-dead simple self-hosting server, running on a Mac probably, cause it comes with Apache built in and turned on. We never seem to get around to it.

Meanwhile, Amazon made it so that if you stand on one foot while touching your nose with the pinky of your right hand and say Wild Beatnik Pie! three times you can host a static site in S3, which seems to have been made to serve static sites. My friend Joe Moreno has mastered this art, and posted a howto about it. I am going to proceed to follow his directions and set up a simple site in a S3 bucket, one that very rarely changes, to see what happens.

Joe Moreno: How to host a static site in S3.

1/2 hour later, I think I've set everything up right, but I get a "Sorry invalid request" when I try to visit www.smallpicture.com, a site I set up following Joe's instructions. Maybe it takes a while for things to show up?

When I tried to go to dsxuvulkqwac7.cloudfront.net it correctly linked to the index file in web.smallpicture.com, but I got an "access denied" from (what appears to be) S3. After changing the permissions the index file correctly displays, but I still get the invalid request message when I go to www.smallpicture.com.

I think the problem is in Joe's step 2. I changed it so that www.smallpicture.com is a CNAME for s3.amazonaws.com. I bet that fixes it and www.smallpicture.com will now correctly show the small Mona Lisa.

Tumblr's $25-plus miillon round Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named tumbler.jpgSaw this headline roll by and had to remember to breathe. Until that moment I thought of Tumblr as a tiny company operating upstairs in a random midtown office. David Karp, its founder, is brilliant, and the site is growing at an incredible rate, and now the company is valued at $135 million. Oh to be young, talented and rich in NY in 2010. :-)

Instant comments say its more bubble bidding, but it might not be. I hope Tumblr opts for a WordPress-style business model known as "freemium," where they give away the basic site, and charge for the extras. That will keep their interests nicely aligned with their users'. I think long-term, companies like Twitter and Facebook will have big problems as they have to narrow the margins for their participants, always competing with more members of their community, forcing them to either disappear or look for greener pastures. I don't see any clear line of places they can't go. But if Tumblr charges for sites, then its users are customers, and that's something that we're all comfortable with because we're either customers or have customers in the rest of our commercial lives. The user-as-hamster model is growing more uncomfortable all the time.

Anyway, it might not be obvious at first that this is not great news for the publishing business, as it's currently configured. Flush with cash, companies like Tumblr, Foursquare and others are mining tech talent in NYC, and bidding up the already-high prices for engineers. If you're a newspaper or magazine publisher in NYC, and you've been employing technical people, watch out -- you're competing with employers with newly deep pockets. And don't forget Google is (rumored to be) buying a huge office building in Chelsea, near the meatpacking district. It's going to be filled with technical people too.

Of all the tech wunderkinds out there, it's mainly WordPress that sees the media as customers. It probably would be a good idea if they had some competition. :-)

I heart Hacker News Permanent link to this item in the archive.

I've been hooked into the Hacker News firehose feed now for about a week and I love it.

I haven't seen any spam or abuse. It's a community that seems to value news and ideas. A lot of is opinionated, and some of the opinions are disagreeable to me, but the whole thing is very good. And I learn a lot from people I disagree with, anyway -- so it's all good.

I push a handful of the links I like from HN to Twitter, so you all are getting the benefit of my reading this new source.

Highly recommended! :-)

XML-RPC keeps chuggin along Permanent link to this item in the archive.

I saw this cartoon comparing SOAP to REST in the Hacker News firehose feed, and wondered why Fox-News-style politics has to be part of technology discussions. Where is the religion coming from? Don't people want to use the best tool for the job? Would people willingly take a big step backwards? The answer to the last question is absolutely yes. It happens so often.

A picture named xmlrpc.gifOkay first -- let me get this out of the way -- SOAP is a mess. That's a strong statement coming from one of the guys credited with designing it. But I left the design process early because I didn't like the mess the big companies were making. I was quite vocal about it.

But the first versions of SOAP were really simple and easy to implement. You could do a full implementation in a weekend. The later versions were so complicated that you could never finish an implementation. No matter how complete you thought it was, someone could throw a call at your server that it wouldn't understand. A cynical observer might think the big companies liked this aspect of SOAP because they could claim to be standard-compliant without all that inconvenient interop! :-)

Luckily the simple version of SOAP was published, in 1998, and a vibrant community developed around it. There are implementations in all the major development environments. It's baked into Python and the Mac OS. And a set of APIs for blogging tools was developed and were very widely deployed. All the major blogging tools supported the protocol, including WordPress which is so popular these days. I host the XML-RPC site, and to this day it gets a lot of traffic. A lot of people are, very quietly, using it.

So when people compare SOAP to REST, and not to XML-RPC I wonder if they know that REST is missing something that it should always have had, a standardized way of serializing structs, lists and scalars. That's something XML-RPC (and SOAP) have always had, and any discussion of these technologies should include that advantage relative to REST, which forces you to cook your own serialization with every API.

Because other developers like them, I implement REST interfaces all the time, and have been doing it for years. Every time I have to re-implement a layer that's provided built-into XML-RPC and SOAP. True, there is no single SOAP, and I would never, unless forced to, choose to implement an API in SOAP. But XML-RPC is a whole other matter. It's simple, easy, and it interops.

The need for a common serialization was so great that people are dumping XML in favor of JSON to get it. And when they do it, they talk about the incomprehensible complexity of SOAP. Too bad, because XML-RPC never had that complexity.

So come on engineers, stop being so Fox-like and open your eyes. Maybe we can do better than we have been doing.

Design challenge: River of News in HTML Permanent link to this item in the archive.

I'm a big believer in designers, programmers, writers, artists, news people all working together.

So it's in the spirit of a programmer looking for help from designers that I ask the following question.

What's the best way to display a River of News in a browser?

A river is a strict reverse-chronology of news items that conform more or less to the elements of a RSS 2.0 <item>. So you could have a title, link, description, publication date, link to comments, categories, or enclosures. There are a few other elements that can be in an item. For a full list, check out the RSS 2.0 spec. It's written so that a designer can make sense of it.

Here are some examples of rivers:

1. nytimesriver.com -- designed originally for Blackberries.

2. Arc90's rendering of the 2006-era river thanks to archive.org.

3. A screen shot of the Radio 8.0 river, in early 2002.

4. east-village.org, produced by River2.

5. Twitter is a river.

7. Les Orchard's news page (the descriptions would have to be initially expanded to make it fully a river).

8. Glowdart is very interesting. I'd like to experiment with a UI like this, but one where the user could give it any number of feeds to follow. In other words it's a nice start for a generalized RoN aggregator.

The design challenge is this. GIven the latest HTML techniques, do a mockup of a great River of News. If it's really something new, I'll put the software behind it and make it live.

Earmarks, deficits, pfui! Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A very simple observation.

When the Republicans are in power and running up huge deficits, the issue of deficits is nowhere in sight.

During the last Bush presidency we should have been talking about deficits and the national debt and what we were passing on to future generations.

We were fighting two wars and had tax cuts at the same time. A very unusual confluence, and a really powerful way to accelerate debt. Usually wars are times of sacrifice, with rationing and high taxes, compulsory service. Even so we emerge from wars usually (if we win) with huge debts to pay off.

Now when the Democrats are in power, and the issue is (finally!) investing in America, all of a sudden the deficit is the big issue.

And who's making it such a big issue? The same deficit-loving Republicans (when they're in power).

Reality: No matter who's in power, what we as a country spend money on should always be an issue. Whether we go into debt or not is moot. There will be times when we will go into debt. It's as natural as the ebb and flow of the tides.

If the decision is spending our grandchildren's money on blowing up Iraq, or making them healthier or better educated -- I don't think it's much of a choice -- do you? Yet the Republicans seem to spend freely to kill Iraqis and fight against investing in America. We build new infrastructure in Iraq, and then blow it up, but we won't build new infrastructure in the US, at all. This is lunacy. We are collectively out of our minds if we let this happen.

Meanwhile our competitors invest in the health and education of their grandchildren. The next generation of Americans won't thank us for not investing in their future, they'll be the menial labor of their generation -- they will curse us.

"Running a deficit" is just another way of saying "investing." The hype is that we have to balance our budgets at home, so the government should too. But that's not true -- most of us run deficits, esp when we're young. If you have a mortgage, you're "running a deficit." And it's a good idea. When you're young you haven't had the time to accumulate enough money to buy a house, so the financial system lets you buy it a little at a time. Really, there's nothing imprudent there. If you're young and you're against debt, and don't have any -- you probably had rich parents. :-)

Student loans are also a good idea if it means you'll earn $120K instead of $30K per year. You can pay off the loan with part of the higher salary. If you don't invest, the only way to grow is by windfall -- and our windfall in America has run out. We don't have great natural resources, we're a resource-importer. That means unless we want to spiral downward, we must invest. And that's why we have deficits.

We grew up thinking it was our birthright to run everything and own everything. The truth is, that was a bubble that had a lot to do with geography, and our advantage is largely over. That's not any party's fault, much larger forces are at work. Now we have to think to keep going, and think very well. And at just this time, thinking is something it seems people don't want to do.

PS: As with deficits, there's nothing wrong with earmarks. If the government decides to spend money, either the executive branch or the legislative branch decides how to spend it. (Occasionally the judicial branch makes spending decisions too.) If it's the legislative branch deciding, that's an earmark. If it's not an earmark that just means an employee of one of the departments, likelly not even an elected official, is making the decision. To campaign against earmarks, as the Republicans are preparing to do, is to assume the people have no idea how government works, and that no one (i.e. the press) is going to clue them in.

PPS: Love this story about the newly-elected Republican from Maryland, who campaigned to repeal health care reform, pissed off that his health care (free with his new job) doesn't start for a month after he's sworn in. It's okay for the rest of us to pay for his health care, but if we want help with the insurance companies, that's too expensive! These Republicans are such greedy hypocritical and heartless assholes.

Wild speculation on iTunes announcement Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Just happened to stop in at apple.com this morning and saw this teaser.

Now what could it be?

A picture named airmote.gifI rolled it around for a bit, and decided to put a stake in the ground. I'm probably way wrong, but maybe there will some other interesting ideas.

I think we're going to see software for the iPhone that turns it into a remote control for iTunes. The two devices would connect over the LAN. And it will do things that a remote has never been able to do, because it has a software-controlled display and it knows what content is on your server that can be played. And it knows about your playlists.

Apple has always shipped fairly useless dinky remotes with Mac Mini's and Apple TVs (I don't think iMacs or laptops come with them) but I've never been able to use them. And likewise, the full-screen software for controlling iTunes is (I find) cumbersome and difficult to control. Seems like the UI for remote control belongs on an iPhone. And btw, there isn't an Android version of the software. Sorry. :-)

That's my wild speculation for today! :-)

PS: I like the idea that Apple is going directly to the customers instead of going through the press. No reason for a middleman here. They are perfectly capable of teasing on their own.

PPS: Names for such a product: iMote, airMote.

PPPS: As has been pointed out in the comments, they already have such a product. Never mind. :-)

Selective realtime location sharing Permanent link to this item in the archive.

I went to dinner last night with a couple of old friends who live on the Upper West Side. As I left my apartment, I thought I might text them to say I was on my way. As I walked to the train station I thought about an app I wished existed.

I'd like to connect my iPhone with the computer at my host's home, just for the next 1/2 hour, so they could watch my progress. That way if I was going to be ten minutes late they would know as soon as I knew. Obviously this is an opt-in thing on both ends.

Similarly if I'm going to visit someone who's going to pick me up at a train station. I used to ask people who were visiting me in Berkeley to text me when they got to the MacArthur station on BART. That was approximately when I would have to leave to meet them at the North Berkeley station. This could be automated.

Is it possible this app already exists?

The tech industry is a virus Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named waterTower.jpgI woke up this morning to stories in my aggregator about path.com. I had heard about it before their launch, and was intrigued by the name. Turns out it's yet another instant photo sharing iPhone app. I have limited enthusiasm for them, I already use my iPhone, extensively, with Flickr and Twitter.

Even so, first thing this morning I signed up for a Path account on my iPhone.

After entering my name and email address, gender and password, it asked if it can use my location. I said yes. Then I went to the People section to start looking for friends to share my pictures with. I was astonished to see a list of suggestions, all of whom are people I know. I was confused. How could they know I know all these people? I jumped to an incorrect conclusion, they were all following me. I smiled -- it's really cool that all these people, some of whom I haven't spoken with in years, are following me on Path. After happily adding eight people (noting that Andrew Baron had signed up twice, with two different email addresses), I realized that can't be it. Some of these people are so totally offline they could never be using this app on its first day of public existence.

So I went to Twitter and asked if anyone knew how they were doing it.

fr8d had the obvious (in hindsight) answer: They looked in my iPhone's address book.

I never said they could. What else did they do with my contacts? Send a copy to their server for safe-keeping? Foolish me, but I thought that was my iPhone and my contact list. I paid huge money for the iPhone, so it's not like it could be anyone's "business model" to use that data. But now, as far as I know, some unknown startup in California has all my data.

As I fumed, I said -- The tech industry is a virus.

An analogy. I'm standing on a subway platform and someone behind me is reading my credit card numbers aloud. I turn around and see they have my wallet. At that point does it matter if they're going to use the info to buy some goodies at Crate & Barrel or is the damage already done?

It's like spammers took over technology, like the pet food guys did in 1999. Everyone has a scam. This year the scam is to grab all the user's data and resell it. It's gotten to the point where it's a risky proposition to try out a new iPhone product.

Another example. When I realized that any random Twitter app who you give your credentials to can download all your private direct messages, that was the end of me using Twitter apps that want credentials. Meanwhile the team at Twitter Corp has always had access to this info. Who's to say their interpretation of one of their terms of service is that they get to analyze and mine every bit of text I enter into the system even text that's only meant for one other person to read?

It's bad. That's the point of this message. I'm trying to end it on a positive note but I can't think of one.

Barriers to entry eventually break Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named detour.gifGreat piece on Epicenter explaining, plausibly, how Facebook could grab Google's ad business by using data they gather better than Google does. Further, even though Google does accumulate some of this data, they can't use because they've promised not to.

I doubt a few years ago if Google thought this kind of route-around was possible.

The same thing happens on the journalism side of things as well. A few years ago CNET probably felt they could not be routed-around, but they were. It happens regularly, and will certainly happen again.

I have a theory that you can avoid being routed around if you don't try to erect the barriers at all. If you welcome all comers, and try to learn from them, including your competitors. In such a world, Google would have tried to do what Facebook and Twitter do as soon as they came around, without trying to use their installed base advantage to compete. I don't think that organizationally they could use their own people to do it, rather they would invest in the newcomers, aggressively.

One tech company that appears to get this is also a generally quiet company that doesn't bluster much, and tries like hell not to take sides in the technology wars. For 10 points, which company is that? Click on the plus next to this paragraph in the blog post for the answer.

After fragmentation, consolidation Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named apple.jpgFred Wilson has a post today about the explosion of platforms that developers may choose to support.

It's a race to see which one gets the killer app, the one everyone has to have, and then the other platforms will drop off, and there will be a consensus platform, the one "everyone" develops for. I hope, for the sake of all of us, that it's a platform without a platform vendor -- that no one gets to decide who has access to the market and who doesn't. Of course if that ever comes about, and the vendor throws around their weight too much, that's when the DoJ steps in, assuming the superrich haven't completely bought the government by then. :-)

Anyway, it seems to usually happen that way. There were lots of personal computers until Visicalc came along, then the consensus was the Apple II. Until the IBM PC came along and everyone wanted to run Lotus. Then Windows and Excel, and the web and Yahoo, Amazon, Google, etc.

Welcome to your hamster cage! Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named training.gifAndrew Keen tweets: "While Facebook wants all of us to publicize our personal data, its strategy is to privatize its data from Google."

To which I responded: "Welcome to the tech industry! Welcome to your hamster cage!" :-)

This isn't the first time I've written about hamster cages, but I haven't explained what I meant.

They make a wide variety of colorful and fun cages for hamsters that are designed to keep the hamster, and their human owners, entertained for hours. When you get tired of one, you can buy another. It's looks great until you realize one day, that you can't get out! That's the whole point of a cage.

Remember how they used to say: "If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is?" They still say it. :-)

Another one: "There's no such thing as a free lunch." Exactly.

When they say you get to use their social network for free, look for the hidden price. It's there. They're listening and watching. It's pretty and colorful and endlessly fun for you and your human owner. :-)

Hacker News firehose feed Permanent link to this item in the archive.

The feed is more or less done.


Each item points to the article being linked to from the Hacker News entry. The link points to the HN discussion page.

The feed is realtime, it has a functional element, and the notification server works (at least for now, knock wood, praise Murphy).

I am following it in my personal river. It's a lot of news, but I like having it there.

You're welcome to poll it, but it only updates at most once a minute, so there's no point in polling more frequently.

The source of the flow is http://api.ihackernews.com/new.

PS: Lots of interesting comments about the feed over on Hacker News. :-)

PPS: The Twitterfeed folk are using this feed to link the firehose to Twitter.

PPPS: Even better, they say they're going to hook into rssCloud!! :-)

New York observations Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Over 40 percent of all New Yorkers today were born outside the United States. This was true at the beginning of the 20th Century, but there was very little immigration after that. Only recently has the city re-opened for immigrants.

Immigrants are "colonizing" neighborhoods that, in the 60s, 70s, 80s and 90s, were in decline, thanks to urban renewal and redlining.

I can testify to that. The neighborhood I grew up in, Flushing, has become almost entirely Asian -- Chinese and Korean mostly. Much bigger than the Chinatown in Manhattan with lots of great places to eat, and what appears to be a booming economy. Russians have settled in Brooklyn, Indians in Jackson Heights.

I left New York in the 70s, and I never wanted to come back. I remembered big parts of the Bronx reduced to rubble, and the rest of it on its way. When I left, Brooklyn was in very bad shape. I always assumed my rejection of NY was more about me than the city, but it turns out that's not true. The city was in decline, it's only recently coming back. Things work now that never did when I was young. It's mostly safe, people go places that would never have been considered safe when I was growing up. Haven't heard anything about strikes. In the 60s and 70s all kinds of city workers, sanitation, transit, would strike.

You can definitely live in NY without a car. I've only driven my car twice since April, and that was just to move it from one place to another. I don't think there are any other places in the US where you can get by without a car.

However, I wish they could reduce the presence of cars in the city. I'm pretty scared to ride my bike here since the accident in September. That was caused by a car. I now live in the middle of the island, far away from the Hudson River bikeway. I know it sounds radical, but I wish we could give one avenue to bikes, and completely ban cars, buses and trucks. It would take a revolution to make that happen. But it would be transformative. Not proposing it, but thinking "what if."

Business-wise, there is a huge opportunity here, but the more I get to know people in business here, the more I hear them clinging to the ways of the past. It happens in California too. But the sooner the media, or some portion of it, fully embraces the new channels of communication and cuts its dependency on the distribution system of the past, the sooner New York can resume its central importance in the US economy. It could happen. It could be an extension of the rebound we're seeing here now.

How's the reboot of RSS going? Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Got an email from a developer friend asking if RSS had rebooted yet.

Here's how I responded..

Well it never actually needed a reboot -- with billions of feeds updating all the time, it's pretty much like Facebook, without all the money. :-)

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Did you invent RSS? Permanent link to this item in the archive.

Bill Gates didn't invent the PC. Steve Jobs didn't invent graphic operating systems. Marc Andreessen didn't invent the web browser.

Mail lists existed long before Craig Newmark started Craig's List. Ward Cunningham implemented the first wiki, but Jimmy Wales built it up to world scale with Wikipedia.

Inventing isn't something that happens the way most people think it does. Or they use the word "invent" as a shorthand.

When people introduce me, they often say I invented RSS. Rather than argue, I smile and accept the compliment and thank them, and enjoy the glow.

But I didn't invent RSS. It isn't the kind of thing that gets invented. Not in the sense of Eureka! I just invented RSS.

A picture named loverss.jpgIf you've ever watched James Burke's Connections series, the invention of RSS was more a chain of events like that. News wires, CDF, XML, Microsoft, Adam Bosworth, Vignette, Netscape (with Wired, Red Herring, Salon and Motley Fool), My.Netscape, My.UserLand, blogging tools, NY Times.

RSS wasn't invented but it did become a standard.

Every step in that chain was necessary to get to the point where the Times could get on board, and there was enough software and users that it mattered. But looking back, the moment when RSS 2.0 came out, followed by the NY Times stories flowing through it, that was the point when the fighting stopped and mass-scale deployment began. That was the moment of standardization. And my contribution was that I marshalled the users, software, content and yes, the tech industry so they were all marching in the same direction. This, imho, was a lot harder than merely having an idea! :-)

All this became clearer to me in a meeting yesterday with a major news publisher, in a 38th floor office overlooking the NY skyline. He said the publishing industry could never agree on anything like what we were talking about. I said "but they agreed on RSS." That turned the conversation in an interesting direction.

I always marvelled at how the publishing industry didn't fight the way the tech industry does. I learned yesterday that this is not true. The publishing execs probably didn't understand what they were doing by supporting RSS, but the Times was doing it, so it must be okay. (I guess, I'm an outsider to the publishing industry.)

The conversation continued. He asked why there was so much fighting over RSS. I said the tech industry doesn't like it when users prove they don't need them. That's probably why RSS has never been popular among the most powerful engineers at the big tech companies. It makes what they do seem less interesting. Of course that's why I like it, and that's why it made some important things possible.

And I think it's going to be important again, as the tech industry fights over who has the right to do what with the user's data. The problem they're going to have with RSS is that it lives outside their clouds, for the most part. It's been very interesting to watch TechCrunch covering the fight between Facebook and Google over user's contact data. I want to create data in places and ways that it isn't subject to that kind of manipulation. That is what RSS is and was all about.

RSS is a pretty good thing to have installed so widely. I think it's going to turn out to be a bit of a dormant seed, lying in wait, largely forgotten while we all learned about social networks. One day we're going to wake up and realize there's still a lot we can do with all those feeds that are still updating. And we're going to be glad that they aren't owned by Oracle, Microsoft, Google, Apple or Facebook.

Anyway to answer the question posed in the title of this piece, if you want to say I invented RSS, if it's a shorthand for all this michegas, go ahead. But it would be more accurate to say I made it a standard. That I think is the true story, the true accomplishment.

Back yards vs city parks Permanent link to this item in the archive.

I had lunch today with Ben Slivka, who I knew many years ago during the famous browser wars between Microsoft and virtually everyone else in the software business. Ben led the team at Microsoft that was working on Internet Explorer.

Back in those days a guy like me could have lunch with a guy like Ben and talk pretty frankly not only about what was going on in the technology, but also about the politics at Microsoft and elsewhere. Ben was his own guy, sort of a SWAT team leader, a programmer who more or less reported to the CEO of what was then a powerful company.

We went to Odessa where we both had a combo plate with stuffed cabbage, four perogies, a potato pancake, a big fat kielbasa and a pile of mushy sauerkraut. It was deliciously wonderful for a guy like me with a lot of Ukranian blood.

After that we went for a walk. He's from Seattle, so he saw things with his green-country eyes that my city-dweller eyes no longer see. He pointed out the razor wire on top of a fence, noting they don't have that in Seattle. I said that Pioneer Square seemed pretty grubby, and heard in myself a surprising chauvanism for NYC. I felt defensive on behalf of the city. I thought to myself, you could fit downtown Seattle in three square blocks of mid-town Manhattan (if you factor in the vertical dimension of the city). Seattle is small. Everything in NY is big.

A picture named lennonNewYorkCity.jpgWe walked past Cooper Union through NYU-land, and straight into Washington Square Park where he observed there were a lot of people in the park. I was thinking the opposite, even though it was a sunny day, it was so crisp, bordering on cold, the park looked relatively empty to me.

He said people need parks in NYC because they don't have back yards.

This struck me as completely backwards!

I tried to explain how that was just one perspective, but I failed. Later I thought of the proper way of expressing it.

In Seattle they need back yards because they don't have parks. (I know they have parks, but stay with me here...)

Parks have different meaning in Manhattan than they do elsewhere. At first, I was really confused by this, but I've been reading about the history of NY, and working my way through the excellent PBS miniseries.

New York is a very planned city. Early-on, they planned a grid that went all the way to the top of the island, even though then, everything above where City Hall is now was country. And the city had hills and ponds, streams and forests, all of which would be levelled according to the plan. However in the plan they didn't allow space for parks. So uptown they created a huge 840-acre park, but it wasn't left to nature. They ripped the whole place up and created an interpretation of nature. The artist of the park, a man who had no design experience named Frederick Law Olmsted, was creative with the design of the park the way a composer is with a symphony or an artist with a canvas. As a result the park is as vibrant a part of city life as the sidewalks, streets and subways are. It was planned that way, as integral to the flow of the city. And on a huge scale you don't see anywhere else in the US. Nowhere in the US does it even approach the scale of New York.

The life of New York is both capitalist in the extreme and democratic in the extreme. When we use our parks here, we use them with everyone else, rich and poor, blue blood and fresh-off-the-boat immigrants. And the range of activities is mind-boggling. Visit the park on a summer weekend when the rest of the city is empty.

There's so much more to say.

I have had some wonderful back yards myself, and they have their advantages, for sure. Being by yourself is great, esp in the outdoors. Hot tubs, swimming pools, casual attire. You don't get any of that in the big city. But you sure don't get any of the big city in the small cities of the country.

My Hacker News firehose is flowing again Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named ponzi.jpgFollowing up on yesterday's post about the Hacker News firehose feed.


Ronnie tweaked up his server and it's working again, and my app is polling his and updating the feed, above, once a minute.

When you read that feed you're not hitting a Ycombinator site, it's hosted in my space (on S3).

Turns out there are a lot of submissions, but that's why it's called a firehose. :-)

My Hacker News firehose Permanent link to this item in the archive.

A picture named elmersGlueAll.jpgI love Hacker News, and appreciate that they have a feed for the stories that make it to the front page. But I want more. I want to get a stream of stories, as they are submitted. For that I'd need a feed that they don't have.

I asked about this on Hacker News, of course, and found that a clever developer in Texas, Ronnie Roller, had cobbled together an API by scraping the HTML of the website. It was a simple matter to create a tool that coverts the data from JSON to RSS, which is what I did in a couple of hours last night.


That's the feed, but you'll note that it hasn't updated since early this morning. Apparently that's because Hacker News has blocked his API.

That doesn't seem consistent with the philosophy of the site. We're just playing with data and apps to see if there's something there worth developing. That's the only reason we like having the API, and Ronnie is running it entirely on his own dime.

So this is an appeal to whoever decides these things. Let us do this work. Or even better, provide us with an offical sanctioned API that connects directly to the database behind the HTML.

Last update: Thursday, November 25, 2010 at 1:43 PM Eastern.

About the author

A picture named dw.jpgDave Winer, 55, is a visiting scholar at NYU's Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute. He pioneered the development of weblogs, syndication (RSS), podcasting, outlining, and web content management software; former contributing editor at Wired Magazine, research fellow at Harvard Law School, entrepreneur, and investor in web media companies. A native New Yorker, he received a Master's in Computer Science from the University of Wisconsin, a Bachelor's in Mathematics from Tulane University and currently lives in New York City.

"The protoblogger." - NY Times.

"The father of modern-day content distribution." - PC World.

One of BusinessWeek's 25 Most Influential People on the Web.

"Helped popularize blogging, podcasting and RSS." - Time.

"The father of blogging and RSS." - BBC.

"RSS was born in 1997 out of the confluence of Dave Winer's 'Really Simple Syndication' technology, used to push out blog updates, and Netscape's 'Rich Site Summary', which allowed users to create custom Netscape home pages with regularly updated data flows." - Tim O'Reilly.

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scriptingnews1mail at gmail dot com.




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© Copyright 1997-2010 Dave Winer. Last build: 11/25/2010; 12:48:58 PM. "It's even worse than it appears."

RSS feed for Scripting News