Last updated: November 26, 2010

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Watson's raunchy love letters

gabe watson

HONEYMOON killer Gabe Watson passed time in prison reading steamy love letters from his new wife, Kim Lewis.

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'Cookie Monster' gets the sack

A FORMER Queensland Health executive has been sacked from his Canadian health post after refusing to stop eating a cookie to talk to the media. Watch the video

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More kids on ADHD drugs

THE number of Queensland children taking subsidised drugs for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder has increased by over a third.

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Iconic sports stay on free-to-air

FREE-TO-AIR networks must show major sporting events live or risk losing them to other television channels under a major shake-up of broadcasting rights.

Prosecutor: 21 years for Nuttall

FORMER minister Gordon Nuttall could serve more time in jail than many rapists and killers, but it was no reason not to impose the maximum 21 years for corruption, a court has been told.


Geek wins beaut prize

Michael Price

FIFTY grand might not be a huge sum for an electrical engineer but Beauty and The Geek winner Michael Price came away from the show with a lot more than money.

Hey Hey's future in lap of gods

Daryl Somers

DARYL Somers admits this weekend's edition of Hey Hey It's Saturday could be the last.

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Sm wildlife calendar

Brought to book

egobook 1

Get your Facebook as a hard copy.

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Google weirdness

google funny pics nov25

The things you see on Google Street View

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Schoolies wedding


Teens meet then exchange vows

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Cartoon chase

chase video nov24 new

Animated version of wild police chase

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Who's a clever dog

Cat and dog

Dogs are smarter than cats, study claims

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Is the way clear?


Check out 78 traffic cams across Queensland

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Homemade zappers

taser scrollo

Shocking DIY tasers are on our streets

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Brilliant images

Top shots

The best pictures from around the world.

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Funny viral images

cm scrollo viral images

The most amusing pics from cyberspace.

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Ordinary people


Meet Frances, just one of our extraordinary stories.

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26/11 Cricket VIC vs QLD Soon
26/11 Cricket WA vs NSW Soon
26/11 Football ADL vs GCU Soon
24/11 Football BRI 3 vs PER 2 Details

Pollie jaunts slug taxpayers

Former prime minister John Howard

NEARLY $800,000 for "family travel costs" and nights in Mexico and Cuba are just part of the multimillion-dollar tab taxpayers will pick up for Australia's federal politicians.

Miners lead burgeoning investment

Mining activity

BUSINESS investment surged in the September quarter but pundits say the Reserve Bank is likely to wait until next year before sending interest rates higher.

Rent eats a third of income

For rent

MOST rental accommodation in Brisbane is unaffordable, with renters forking out over a third of their income to put a roof over their heads.


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Today's poll

Are there too many cooking shows on television?


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Sorry. You can't rescue that princess from the tower unless your ladder has been checked by our health and safety engineers. And you can't build that gingerbread house in this... Read more