We’re hiring!

Raised Eyebrow is looking for a Web Project Manager to join our friendly team of experts. Find out more.

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BC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDSBC Centre for Excellence in HIV/AIDS
DataDotGC.caBC Association for Community Living

Raised Eyebrow helps mission-driven organizations use online tools more effectively. We help you identify and meet your online communications goals so you can reach new audiences, create deeper relationships with your supporters, and keep making the world a better place.

What makes us different from the other firms you're considering? Let's start with these three things:

Raised Eyebrow is a dream to work with: professional, savvy, artistic and able to explain technology in plain terms. The websites they have designed for us fit our needs and our budget perfectly.— Shannon Daub, Communications Director, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (BC)

  • We are web specialists. We work exclusively in the online sphere, and we have more than a decade of experience helping clients in the nonprofit, government, and progressive business sectors communicate better online. We do what we do very, very well and we'll refer you to other specialists if you need something that's outside our realm of expertise.
  • We focus on the long term. We believe in starting with a clear, smart strategy, then implementing it. We've been in this business for a long time and we've worked on a lot of web projects – we've learned that the successful ones are planned carefully and provide a deep, long-lasting return on investment. And we're proud that our client roster includes many long-term relationships.
  • Our work is fuelled by love: Love of the planet and its citizens; love of our clients and their missions; love of our happy, healthy workplace; and love of our work itself, from long-range strategy to the nuts and bolts of techno-craftsmanship.

If you are starting on an online project, we would love to talk to you. Have a look at some of our work, the services we offer, and get in touch.


t. 604.684.2498 | f. 604.721.4007 | e. turningheads [at] raisedeyebrow.com