The goal of is to provide a non-sectarian source for news about and of concern to anarchists. It is also to provide a location for discussion about such news.
From Occupied London

On Thursday night, around 2,500-3,000 anarchists marched in central Athens against state terrorism and in support of the imprisoned comrades. Police presence was huge, with riot police deployed on both sides of the streets for the entire route of the demonstration. The apparent tactic, it seems, was of obstructing contact between the demonstrators and any passers-by. At the end of the demonstration, outside the Propylea of Athens university, there were scuffles with the police.

The next anarchist demonstration in central Athens has been called for December 11th. On December 6th, the anniversary march for the death of Alexis is taking place, while the 15th is the day of the next general strike.

The delusions of the present rooted in the past. Holding us captive to unfathomable standards. All is preconceived now, so filth and flailing are all that can be depended on. In the midst of servitude we must look to the imaginary days. The desires of dreams dreamt by the dead or impoverished or desperate. Hell we are all the same in the end. The end is the end. The end is now and not now, at the same time. Deluded to our self-worth. Value is a value of property. And we all know by now what property is. And we all know what property did. To move on from that, we must find a collective rock bottom known as the here and now. Like shambling addicts we must pursue purity. Addiction or freedom. Us versus them. Does not matter versus does not matter. In the arena of geological time only does the full scale of our epic pointlessness become apparent. Be aberrant for as long as possible. Be abhorrent to depths that can be taken. The imaginary days fought for in the trenches of the soul. In the downtime between their dead moments. The dreams we could live in, if we tried harder to stay asleep. To stay out of it and never wake fully in the horror. Only with our permission does the calendar march forth. Or stop. It is all the conscious decisions made in the days which do not exist. There is no time befitting of this all encompassing critique. The imaginary days are the only hope. All we want is war on all.
-The February 32nd Movement
During the first hours of Thanksgiving Day, the front windows and door were smashed out of the Wells Fargo on College Avenue. This was done for Oscar Grant. Normality stops only when it is interrupted. On Black Friday, the people shopping on the avenue will see the topmost windows of the bank boarded up. Solidarity to the sisters of London, Alfredo, and the people of Oakland. Omnia est communia.

-Friends Of Mayor Dellums

From Libcom interviews a member of the Seattle Solidarity Network, a direct action group that is dedicated to winning small fights against bosses and landlords over issues such as unpaid wages and stolen deposits.

Who are you?
I'm Matt, currently unemployed and living in Seattle, having moved here from England six years ago. I've been a member of Seattle Solidarity Network since it started. Before that I was in the IWW in Seattle and various anarchist groups, such as the Anarchist Federation in the UK.

Briefly, what is the group?
Seattle Solidarity Network (SeaSol) is a small workers' and tenants' mutual aid group that focuses on winning small fights against bosses and landlords, over issues such as unpaid wages and stolen deposits, through the use of collective action in the form of pickets and demonstrations.

From Nomadic War Machine

In honor of anarchist bank robbers, Nomadic War Machine has released their first album, "I Have A Gun. Give Me All The Money In The Register."

The first video for the album depicts such a bank robbery, in lego stop-animation

the album can be downloaded for free

There are radical goths out there. There is anarchist industrial. Our history as a subculture is nearly as explicitly radical as that of punk, but a stigma against the gothic remains in the anarchist scene. We aim to help rectify that, and to call more of us out of the spooky closet.

From Modesto Anarcho

Broke Rage in Post-Election California - PART 2

Everything that we read and hear about in the mainstream media leads us to believe that the economy is in dire straights. That the excesses of our "socialist" government has pushed us into the red, and that immigrants, unions, and environmentalism are to blame. However, the truth is far from these myths being spun by right-wingers. The economy isn't failing, in fact it's doing quite well! You probably didn't get the memo, but this quarter, Wall Street reported record profits. Meanwhile, many people fight just to get by. Lines for food donations this Thanksgiving stretch around the block in Modesto. Unemployed workers also must wait and see if the government will extend unemployment benefits in the next two days - the deadline being November 30th. As we speak, according to the newspaper Internationalism, "The official unemployment rate in the United States for March was already 10.2%, but if we count those who have given up looking for non-existent jobs, this number is raised to 11.5%, and if we add workers who are employed part-time because they can't find full-time work, the number is 17.5% of the civilian population." Meanwhile, prices continues to rise, homes continue to be foreclosed on, and millions are out of work as California has become a leader in unemployment. As Tom Eley wrote:

From Chicago CBS

CHICAGO (STMG) — Two of six people were convicted on Thursday for their alleged involvement in damaging a 2016 Olympic banner being put on the Daley Center’s Picasso statue during the push to host the games last year.

Jeremy Hammond, 24, of Chicago and his twin brother, Jason Hammond of Glendale Heights were convicted of mob action following a bench trial, Cook County State’s Attorney’s office spokesman Andy Conklin said.

Jeremy Sorkin, 21, of Chicago and Brian C. Brown, 22, of Itasca were acquitted, Conklin said.

From Void Mirror

More than 150.000 students abandoned their classrooms in 24th November 2010 in U.K. participating in occupations of universities, demonstrations, sit-ins and teach-ins all over U.K. making it the biggest wave of student protests and occupations in a generation.

First reports say around 20,000 on today's march in London. Marches in Leeds (1,000), Hereford (1,000), Manchester, Bristol (2,000), Sheffield (2,500), Liverpool, Brighton (3,000), Newcastle (2,000), Durham (1,000) Cardiff (200) Exeter, Bournemouth, Milton Keynes (200) and Ipswich.
Occupations include University College London, London South Bank University, Birmingham University, Warwick University, Oxford, Strathclyde, Cardiff, Dundee, University of East London, Portsmouth, Leeds, Royal Holloway, SOAS, Manchester Metropolitan and UWE Bristol, Nottingham, University of Plymouth.

Round-up of some of the actions

From Robert Graham Blog

Geoffrey Ostergaard (1926-1990) was an English anarcho-syndicalist who also wrote about non-violence and direct action. His publications include The Gentle Anarchists, with Melville Currell, Nonviolent Revolution in India, and The Tradition of Workers’ Control. I included excerpts from his essay, “Fabianism and the Managerial Revolution” in Volume Two of Anarchism: A Documentary History of Libertarian Ideas: The Emergence of the New Anarchism (1939-1977). In “The Relevance of Syndicalism,” originally published in Colin Ward’s Anarchy magazine, Volume 3, No. 6, June 1963, he argues for the relevance of syndicalism by connecting the syndicalists’ anti-statism and direct action tactics to the burgeoning peace movements of the 1960s. In the mid-1980s, he revised the article for inclusion in a book of articles on influential anarchist thinkers and movements that I was putting together (but for which I was unable to find a publisher). This is the first time that his revised version of the paper has appeared, in the first of two parts.


Mark is a third year Biology student studying at Sheffield University and a member of the Anarchist Federation. He is one among many students currently occupying the Hicks Building on Sheffield University campus. The views expressed in the interview should be considered his alone and not that of the occupation’s general assembly.

- Why are you occupying the Hicks building today?