
November 17th, 2010

Kevin Carson’s birthday; FBI’s website talks anarchist extremism; activist tactics; GovernmentAbuse.info; being more likely to die by cop than by terrorist action; Bosco’s perfect smartphone; bile’s IRS refund update; The Onion article on men voting for a naked woman; bosco’s TRIPLE THREAT WHO AM I!!!; Futurama references; WeWontFly.com and the TSA opt out day of Nov. 24th; anarchists hold counter protest of a Nazi group in Arizona; gay female student expeled from school for living with dropped out girlfriend; Tennyson’s marathon of tech news.

Music heard: Half Ass Monkey Boy by Mother Love Bone; 21 Ghosts III by Nine Inch Nails; Ruby by Tweaker

Triple Threat Promo

November 16th, 2010

Tune in tonight for TRIPLE THREAT!!!


November 9th, 2010

Guests Pete Eyre and Adam Mueller of Liberty on Tour; Darian taking off his belt to do the mic check; Obama spending time in India; Liberty on Tour updates; how can a liberty minded individual be active where they are; moving to New Hampshire / Free State Project; contacting local government and questioning their actions; the future of the Liberty on Tour crew; hanging out with Xaq Fixx and eating Indian food; how Indian food will help anarchy; James Babb calls to talk about WeWontFly.com; raising awareness about the “porno body scanners”; what is the risk of the scanners; Bosco goes into the wilderness and has existential incident; solitary confinement; retina implants offer infrared pickup.

Music heard: The Prettiest Star by David Bowie; Empty Glass by The Tea Party; The Mark Has Been Made by Nine Inch Nails; Uncle Toms Cabin by Warrant.


November 3rd, 2010

Guest Thomas Knapp of C4SS, Rational Review and x2012; US government to allow sales for 60 billion dollars worth of weapons to Saudi Arabia; Thomas Knapp talks about using the media to get the anarchist message out and his x2012 project; Google sues US federal government; Stargate; the Rally to Restore Sanity; scientists grow part of a human liver; Greek anarchists arrested suspected of links to a domestic terrorism organization; Halloween; Supreme Court hearing case on CA ban on selling violent videogames to minors.

Music heard: Tomorrow’s Dream by Black Sabbath; Psychotic Break by Jerry Cantrell; Zombies on Your Lawn by Laura Shigihara; Think What You’re Doing by Bowling Green