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Friday, November 26 2010 @ 09:42 PM UTC

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The State and the Future of Post-Crash Anarchism

Economy Crumbles

Just a couple of years ago, it was easy to believe that capitalism and the State had reached a fateful crossroads. The U.S. and much of the rest of the world were caught in a financial crisis unlike anything since 1929. The global real estate bubble was collapsing, some of the biggest financial institutions were technically insolvent, and even free-market fans like President Sarkozy in France were suggesting that the U.S. model of state capitalism might not be the pinnacle of human evolution after all. In April 2009, Barak Obama actually said to a group of corporate CEOs upset about pressure over their pay packages, “My administration is the only thing between you and the pitchforks.”

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20 Turkeys Liberated By The Animal Rights Militia

Animal RightsAfter a year that saw few liberations of domesticated animals, the Animal Rights Militia liberated 20 turkeys from a roadside pen in Vermont. The liberation came just hours before the turkeys were to be killed.
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Unions bring Portugal to a grinding halt as Irish-style bailout looms


Trades unions brought parts of Portugal to a grinding halt as a general strike shut down most public transport in protest at cuts being introduced to stave off an Irish-style debt crisis.

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If the Airport is a Police State, What is the Ghetto?

North America

It is right to howl at the indignities inflicted on airline passengers – but hypocritical, if the howls come from folks who applaud or remain silent while police in big cities across the country subject hundreds of thousands of Black and Latino males to arbitrary stop and frisks. “As a Black male who is often perceived as Latino or Middle-Eastern, I expect to get stopped and questioned, pulled from the crowd and patted down.”

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Scotand: The View from Garnet Hill – Student Walkout and Occupations

Deschooling and Education

Yesterday, November 24th, was a national day of action against cuts in the education sector and the massive rise in fees faced by students in England and Wales. All across the country students walked out of their schools, colleges and universities and took to the streets or occupied buildings on their campuses.

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The Anti-TSA Backlash: It Ain’t Just a Right-Wing Thing


Well, it seems Homeland Security and the TSA are classifying the anti-TSA backlash as a “domestic extremist” movement. A DHS memo from Janet Napolitano referred to the individuals who tried to “interfere with” the new airport security regime by objecting to it or opting out, along with public commentators and organized movements which encouraged such behavior, as “domestic extremists.” She called on the government to investigate individuals and movements associated with the anti-TSA backlash.

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Rape Survivor Devastated by TSA Enhanced Pat Down

The State

An area Wiccan discovered first hand what most of us are still unaware of – many flyers are now being forced to choose between allowing a TSA agent to see them naked or to have their genitals touched and squeezed as part of what the TSA terms “enhanced pat downs.” Celeste, a survivor of rape, described her experience with the new TSA procedures as devastating.

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Rage of the girl rioters: Britain's students take to the streets again

Breaking News

Rioting girls became the disturbing new face of violent protest yesterday. They threatened to overturn a police riot squad van as they smashed windows, looted riot shields, uniforms and helmets and daubed the sides with graffiti.

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Members of Russian Anarchist Art Group Voina Arrested

Art & Revolution

Members of the Russian art group "Voina" have recently been arrested in Moscow for one of their performance works. The are facing a possible sentence of up to 7 years in prison for “aggravated hooliganism” resulting from one of their recent works. I am linking you to a source written in English that can explain it further....

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FBI Rewards Silence In Iowa A.L.F. Investigation

Animal Rights

FBI agents have visited one man in Iowa "a handful of times" (to quote him) in recent years, attempting to question him about the 2004 Animal Liberation Front raid of the University of Iowa. Realizing he was not going to talk, this week they returned with a new incentive: handing him a $50 gift card for a neighboring coffee shop.

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U.K.: Mark 'Stone/Kennedy' exposed as undercover police officer

Spying on You

Mark 'Stone' has been an undercover police officer from 2000 to at least the end of 2009. We are unsure whether he is still a serving police officer or not.

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RAN names Coal MTR CEO Blankenship to its Board of Directors


Rainforest Action Network Names Coal Kingpin Don "Donny B" Blankenship to its Board of Directors; A "Welcome, Consistent Addition to Our Team," He Joins Fellow Mining Magnate Michael Klein, a former RAN chairman and co-owner of Palm Beach Aggregates, an aggregate rock mining company with operations in the Everglades in South Florida, where rock mining, like MTR coal mining in Appalachia, pollutes the local water supply.

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Scotland: Protesters occupy Glasgow bank to protest against government cuts

A group demonstrating against the UK Government's spending cuts occupied a branch of Lloyds TSB in Glasgow city centre today.

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New Zealand/ Aotearoa: Pike River Mine explosion: fate of 29 workers still unknown


Pike River Mine on the West Coast of New Zealand is said to be one of the most advanced mines in the country, yet workers still bear the brunt of the drive for profit. On Friday 19th November the mine suffered an explosion due to methane gas. 29 workers are still unaccounted for.

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Pittsburgh: Windows Smashed in Solidarity with David Japenga

Anti-Capitalist Movement

OAKLAND, Pa. -- A group of protestors smashed more than a dozen windows in Oakland on Tuesday night in what police said appeared to be retaliation for the sentencing of a G-20 protestor to jail time earlier in the day.

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Portugal general strike set to disrupt services


Portugal's unions hope to bring the country to a near standstill on Wednesday as they stage a general strike in protest at planned wage cuts.

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Class War in Barcelona: "Anarchism and the City: Revolution and Counter-revolution in Barcelona"

Alternative Media

Anarchism is more than just the idea of stateless socialism, and the movement is always shaped by the environment where it grows. In Anarchism and the City, Ealham’s focus is not personalities or philosophies, but anarchist activity and how it connected to working class life. He covers the context it evolved and operated in, including the ideas and actions of ruling class.

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The Rise of the English Defense League

FascismOn platform one at Bolton train station in England a mob of about 100 men punch the air in unison as a chant - "Muslim bombers, off our streets!'' - goes up. Their voices echo loudly, and as more men suddenly appear, startled passengers move aside. The protesters wave St George's Cross flags - the red and white English national emblem - and raise placards. Some wear balaclavas, others black-hooded tops. There is an air of menace.
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