Archive for June, 2009

What I’m Up To

Tuesday, June 30th, 2009

Lena and I got back from Porcfest on Sunday night and on Monday we moved to a new apartment in North Jersey. I don’t expect to have internet access there until July 8.

Unfortunately we both had some kind of cold or flu and ended up missing out on some of the Porcfest fun. But I did get to hang out at least a little with friends and ALLies.

The agorism presentation I was involved in was recorded by, who later interviewed me for some bullet points. I also talked to the MHD folks about my books.

Jack of the Alt Expo helped us out with the presentation.

Nick Manley and I got a quick spot on Free Talk Live. I believe we were on about 40 minutes into the first hour of Saturday’s show but I don’t have time to look at the archives right now.

Start Your Engines…

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

I’m heading to New Hampshire for Porcfest on Thursday and returning on Sunday.

DIY Firearms

Wednesday, June 24th, 2009

Via NoState, a large collection of firearms construction books is available for download.


Tuesday, June 23rd, 2009

Center For A Stateless Society, an independent market anarchist think tank, needs some funds.

Nedanet is a network of hackers facilitating Iranian dissent.

Freedom Blogs is a blog hosting service for freedom-lovers.


Monday, June 22nd, 2009

Roderick Long drops some analysis on a Carson-Kinsella definitional dispute.

But isn’t the best way to settle this with a labeling contest? The vulgar vandarchocapitalist pirates just got etymology-slapped by the smelly mutualist ruffians!


Monday, June 22nd, 2009

I’m getting ready for Porcfest, the top-of-cool New Hampshire gathering of libertarian rodents. Just a few more hours of folding and stapling, another run through my agorist class theory presentation, and a few minutes of packing and I should be ready. I’m hoping to record the entire agorism presentation for internet viewing.

If you’re looking for a revolutionary thing to do this Independence Day, why not put copies of Anarchism and American Traditions where it will upset the Tories?

I’ve got a load of things to do. Fortunately there is metal to help me crush my tasks.

Literary Update

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

I had hoped to update at least monthly, but June has been a busy month for me so I don’t expect anything to report on. Perhaps later in the month there will be an announcement for another scheduled excerpt posting.

As the hype goes,

Trade War is an action-packed novel about a 2032 authoritarian United States and the regions that secede from it. A guerrilla attack liberates a gun runner from a prison camp where he has been tortured. He settles in with an illegal deathmetal band plotting revenge for the Trade Bureau assault on their music. None of them are sure what they will become after they put together the pieces of their shattered lives.

Trade War will be a full-length novel. Like Bring a Gun to School Day, it is a boldly original anti-authoritarian work. But it will be deeper and more sophisticated than my raw and unpolished first book. And there will be enough action for a full-on Trade War.

Knowledge Loss

Tuesday, June 16th, 2009

I recently saw a sign in the highway median exhorting parents to “prevent summer knowledge loss” or something of the like. It was an ad for a local business called Knowledge Points, who apparently want you to believe that institutionalized instruction is the best way to learn.

KP isn’t just helping kids get ahead in their schooling industry rankings. They’re telling us that unless kids are being instructed, they will not learn. They exploit parents’ desires to use the measurable achievements of their offspring as status symbols. This is runoff from the authoritarian cultural sewage that values instruction and supervision over initiative and independence. And it feeds on the instructed practice of letting others determine what you should value.

Breaks from the schooling environment allow children and young adults to discover the world that school intentionally insulates them from, and explore how they relate to the larger environment. I don’t think they’ll get that valuable experience from a diagnostic assessment in Upper Level Walmart Plaza.

In my novella Bring a Gun to School Day, a seventeen-year-old who wants to bring down the school system that has long taunted him meets a new federal bureaucracy looking for enemies to justify its mission. Get free shipping on Bring a Gun to School Day at

New Liberty Activism Group

Monday, June 15th, 2009

Principled libertarians who found that their interests do not match those of the Competitive Enterprise Institute have left Bureaucrash. Some of them are building a new independent organization, the Free Agents Network. They’ve got a good crew together, so look for good things from them.

Jason Talley writes

I’m writing to let you know that will soon be under new management. Recently a group named ABC (After Bureaucrash) Action formed to create a freedom activist network that wasn’t tied to corporate interests and the authoritarian right. They held a vote and “Free Agents Network” won. With domain names being the way they are I offered to donate to the new project and they accepted.

I’m excited about an activist network that is owned and operated by its members and I’ll be volunteering what time I can to help build this community. I hope you will also. [read the rest]


Monday, June 15th, 2009

On this blog, Monday is Metal Monday whenever possible. Here’s Iron Maiden playing Infinite Dreams.