The Complete Guide to Twitter

Rachel Maddow Calls Out Republicans and the Media for Conflating Reconciliation with the Nuclear Option

Lauryn Hill feat. Ziggy Marley – Redemption Song

The Clash 1979 Canadian TV backstage interview

HR on Bad Brains

more about "HR on Bad Brains", posted with vodpod

Sustainability, Mutual Aid, and Liberation Redux

In the Winter 2009 issue of Black Oak Presents I wrote

With natural disasters turning cities into ruins, now is a good time to think about the rebuilding process. Initially I agreed with [former] Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert that rebuilding the disaster prone area didn’t make much sense, but I have changed my mind. Done correctly, New Orleans, Louisiana; Greensburg, Kansas; and other devastated cities can become models of sustainable development and Mutual Aid. This article will focus, loosely, on New Orleans post-Hurricane Katrina.

The earthquakes that hit Haiti along with the worldwide economic downturn present a good time to revisit the ideas in that article. I don’t want to focus on Haiti’s specific political and economic problems, rather I would like to look at voluntary, community based responses to the issues that have effected Haiti, southeast Asia, Greensburg, KS, New Orleans, etc.
Continue reading

Monsanto & Cancer Milk: FOX NEWS KILLS STORY & FIRES Reporters.

Thanks to Mel at Broadsnark.

Here is an interesting article about the video’s reporters: The Strange Case of Steve Wilson.

The Spudmonsters – Garbage Day

more about "The Spudmonsters – Garbage Day", posted with vodpod

David Brooks Makes Sense. . .kind of.

The Return of Populism
via Taegan Goddard’s Political Wire on 1/26/10

David Brooks: “Ever since I started covering politics, the Democratic ruling class has been driven by one fantasy: that voters will get so furious at people with M.B.A.’s that they will hand power to people with Ph.D.’s. The Republican ruling class has been driven by the fantasy that voters will get so furious at people with Ph.D.’s that they will hand power to people with M.B.A.’s. Members of the ruling class love populism because they think it will help their section of the elite gain power.”

John Zerzan: Pretentions of Modernity 1/11


via YouTube – John Zerzan: Pretentions of Modernity 1/11.