Media Appearances

Tom Knapp on Freedom Rings Radio, 11/08/10

C4SS Media Coordinator Thomas L. Knapp joins host Kenneth John. 9-10am Central on WRMN 1410 AM, Elgin, IL or live on the web.

Tom Knapp on Thinking Liberty, 11/02/10

C4SS Media Coordinator Thomas L. Knapp joins host (and C4SS News Analyst!) Darian Worden, as the polls close on the 2010 midterm elections, to discuss his 2012-related project. 8pm Eastern at Thinking Liberty.

Gary Chartier on Liberty Cap Talk Live, 10/23/10

C4SS Advisory Panel member Gary Chartier will be on Todd Andrew Barnett’s Liberty Cap Talk Live – Episode 30 @ 5:00 p.m. EST, Saturday, October 23, 2010.

C4SS Events

Op-Ed Boot Camp, November 19th-21st

Dear C4SS Supporters,
Was our first “Op-Ed Boot Camp” successful? We had only two participants, but at least one op-ed was submitted for publication, so I consider it a success. I hope the participants do as well. I’m happy enough with the results to want to keep doing “Op-Ed Boot Camp” on a regular basis, so [...]

Conference Call — October 9th, 2010

On Saturday October 9th, 2010 at 9:00 AM Central time, please join us for our monthly Conference Call. The informal agenda is simply open chat on the Center, current events and anarchism.

Op-Ed Boot Camp, October 1st-3rd

The Center will begin offering intensive seminars for new op-ed writers.


The Pocket Subversion Edition: Spooner’s The Constitution of No Authority

As Roderick Long once suggested, the Center has published a handy pocket version of Lysander Spooner’s classic critique (evisceration, really) of the U.S. Constitution — The Constitution of No Authority, available for $6.40 from

The Homebrew Industrial Revolution: A Low Overhead Manifesto

Kevin Carson’s third book manuscript is available in unfinished form…

Organization Theory: A Libertarian Perspective

This book applies the economic principles of individualist anarchism, as developed in Studies in Mutualist Political Economy, to the study of the large organization.

Odds & Ends

C4SS Social Media Plan and Progress So Far

Stacy Litz discusses plans for her new job as Social Media Specialist for C4SS and how you can help out.

Media Coordinator Update, 11/19/10

Thomas L. Knapp reports on his work this past week.

Grab the Fundraiser Widget Code!

Want to add the fundraising widget for the current C4SS fundraiser to your web site?

Supporter Updates

C4SS Fundraiser and

We are currently raising funds to cover our September and October operations . . .

C4SS Fundraiser and Much More!

I’ve got a variety of news items about C4SS to update you on and then it’s time to kick off our fundraiser for September and October expenses.

Op-Ed Boot Camp, October 1st-3rd

The Center will begin offering intensive seminars for new op-ed writers.

Feature Articles

Is the South Fulton Fire Department Really an Indictment of Libertarianism?

Kevin Carson on the Cranick fire incident.

Give Nothing Unto Caesar

Brennan Lester and Ricardo Rodriguez tackle a common religious objection to anarchism.

Market Anarchism Vs. Market Statism

Anna Morgenstern on manipulated markets versus real freedom.


Korea’s Government Problem

Darian Worden advocates subversion, not war.

Civil Aviation: A Case Study in Systems Disruption

Kevin Carson examines TSA Security Theater and finds that it meshes perfectly with Al Qaeda’s strategy of long-term systems disruption.

Dim Bulbs Seek Bright Lines: The LA Times vs. American Travelers

Thomas L. Knapp responds to Los Angeles Times editorialists regarding the TSA.

News Releases

STUDY: The Market, Not Government, Is The Worker’s Friend

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE September 30 – In the Center for a Stateless Society’s latest study, “Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model,” C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson examines the role of state labor regulation in halting the progress of unionism and explores the real source of pre-Wagner Act gains for labor: Direct action and worker solidarity in the face of combined state and corporate power.

Study: “Progressive” is the new “Reactionary”

A new study from the Center for a Stateless Society makes the case for progressives as the bitter-enders of a social project made obsolete by liberating technologies and the production and distribution methods those technologies make possible.

C4SS Welcomes Darian Worden, Promotes Tom Knapp

C4SS announces additional staff member and a promotion.


Labor Struggle: A Free Market Model

In his tenth research study for C4SS, Kevin Carson explains that the state’s labor regulations, far from promoting workers’ bargaining rights, have hindered them. Carson then points the way toward a future of labor radicalism aligned with free market anarchism.

Thermidor of the Progressives

C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson’s latest research study is now available. Download Thermidor of the Progressives: Managerialist Liberalism’s Hostility to Decentralized Organization[PDF].

The Healthcare Crisis: A Crisis of Artificial Scarcity

C4SS Research Associate Kevin Carson’s eighth paper — The Healthcare Crisis: A Crisis of Artificial Scarcity. [PDF]
In healthcare, subsidies to the most costly and high-tech forms of medicine crowd out cheaper and decentralized alternatives, so that cheaper forms of treatment—even when perfectly adequate from the consumer’s standpoint—become less and less available.

Audio Commentary

Audio clip of the day, 8-24-2010: Net Neutrality

Mike Gogulski: Net Neutrality [mp3, 2:49]
Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.

Audio clip of the day, 8-17-2010: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection

Mike Gogulski: The Islamic Cultural Center: Political Misdirection [mp3, 1:37].
Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.

Audio clip of the day, 10-31-2009: Hillary Clinton is a Terrorist

Mike Gogulski: Hillary Clinton is a Terrorist [mp3, 1:30].
Podcasters, radio producers and all other media are welcome to replay this clip in its entirety in their productions.