
Reintroducing the Marriage (Equality) Amendment Bill

Petition | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 29th September 2010, 12:36pm

This afternoon I reintroduced my Marriage (Equality) Amendment Bill into the Senate.

The Bill seeks to remove discrimination from the Marriage Act and give same-sex couples the right to marry.

The Greens believe that same-sex couples should have the same rights as other couples to celebrate their love and commitment through marriage. A majority of Australians support this.

Countries including Canada, the Netherlands, Sweden, Belgium, Norway, Spain, South Africa, Mexico and many states in the United States now recognise same-sex marriage. The sky hasn’t fallen in there and we know it won’t here in Australia.

While both major parties continue to be opposed to marriage equality, a majority of the Australian community are not. It is time for the community to have its voice heard on this important issue in our Federal Parliament.

Please add your name to this petition calling on Julia Gillard and Tony Abbott to give the members of the Labor and Liberal parties a conscience vote on marriage equality.

You can also download a copy of the petition to print out and get additional signatures for us to send to Ms Gillard and Mr Abbott.

Rudd following Howard on asylum seekers

Petition | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Tuesday 4th May 2010, 11:52am

Dear Mr Rudd,

What a difference 3 years makes!

In 2007 you promised a more humane approach to asylum seekers and refugees – no more children in detention, an end to indefinite detention and detention only as a last resort, for the shortest possible time.

Three years later you’re channelling John Howard – moving to suspend claims for asylum seekers from Afghanistan and Sri Lanka and resurrecting isolated desert detention centres.

What happened to the new leadership you promised? Please respect the rule of law and meet Australia’s international obligations, by treating these vulnerable people with the dignity and respect they deserve.

A Royal Commission investigating the Shen Neng 1

Petition | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 7th April 2010, 5:16pm
The Greens are calling for a Royal Commission into how the events that lead to the grounding of the coal ship Shen Neng 1 on the Great Barrier Reef occured. Certainly, the coal industry should be held to account, and with plans to expand shipping traffic in this region carrying coal and natural gas exports, this is an urgent situation that must be addressed immediately. We are asking you to add your voice to this call – sign this petition, and join the thousands of Australians demanding answers, action and accountability from the state and federal governments entrusted with the care of the Great Barrier Reef.

Have your say on Australia's Terror Laws

Petition | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 19th August 2009, 1:22pm

The Greens have been calling for review of our anti-terrorism laws since well before the Rudd government was elected. Rammed through our Parliament in 2005, the Howard-Ruddock anti-terrorism laws demand urgent review and overhaul rather than strengthening, because of how seriously they undermine our human and civil rights.

A 448-page National Security Legislation Discussion Paper on Australia's anti-terrorism legislation was introduced to the parliament by the Attorney General Robert McClelland on 12 August 2009. It is open for comment until 25 September 2009.

Send a backyard message to Batman

Petition | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Monday 20th July 2009, 12:46pm

It's easy to approve a new uranium mine when it is out of mind and out of sight - but just because we don't see a place every day doesn't mean that we should risk ruining it forever.

That's how the Environment Minister Peter Garrett and Resources Minister Martin Ferguson are able to approve environmentally destructive projects like General Atomics new Beverley 4 Mile mine, 500 kilometres north of Adelaide.

The Australian Government allows our uranium to be sold to nuclear weapon states such as China. Uranium sold for nuclear power frees up uranium for nuclear weapons so our exports directly or indirectly fuel growing nuclear instability and threats across our region and around the world.

That's why it's important to let our politicians know, in their own backyards, that this massive expansion of uranium mining must stop.

With your help, we are proposing to send the postcard message below to every of the 87,930 voters in Batman electorate, the backyard of the Resources Minister Martin Ferguson.

For every signature we receive here, one postcard will be sent to a resident in this electorate, with the following message:

Changes to Youth Allowance

Petition | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 28th May 2009, 10:31am

The Government plans to remove two of the three work eligibility criteria from the Independence Test for Youth Allowance, effective from January 2010.

This impacts greatly on prospective university students who have deferred their studies, embarked upon a gap year and worked in good faith that they would qualify as Independent and be able to leave home to start university.

30,700 students are estimated to be affected by the removal of these work eligibility criteria, and despite the Government's assurances, we are yet to know how many of those 30,700 will be eligible for income support under the changes.

5% emission target is not enough

Petition | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Wednesday 17th December 2008, 2:54am

On Monday, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd raised the white flag of surrender on climate change when he announced an emissions reduction target for Australia of just 5% below 2000 levels (4% below 1990 levels).
On Tuesday, Australians gathered in capital cities to begin the community campaign to tell Kevin Rudd: ‘No surrender on climate change'.