Camera Locations

Victoria's roads are covered by a network of fixed and mobile road safety cameras. They are located on our most dangerous roads and intersections to prevent speed and red-light offences.

For more information on how cameras work, testing and maintenance and selecting locations, please see Camera Information.

Cameras cut crashes by reducing average speeds, changing driver behaviour and encouraging safer driving. Drivers are less likely to speed or run a red-light after they are issued with an infringement.

Fixed cameras

There are three types of fixed cameras in Victoria: freeway, intersection (speed and red-light) and point-to-point.

The locations of Victoria's fixed cameras are plotted on a Google Map. Use the 'search' option to find cameras on a particular road or in a suburb.

A camera's location is described as it appears on an infringement notice, with a link to download its compliance certificate. Compliance certificates can be used in court as proof that the device was tested and found to be operating correctly.