Last Updated: December 30, 2010

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Leigh Paatsch's Movie Reviews

Meet the Parents: Little Fockers **

De Niro and Stiller

BACK in the day, Meet the Parents was about as funny as a mainstream comedy could get, but the same can't be said for this third film in the series.

The Tourist *1/2

The tourist

ANGELINA Jolie and Johnny Depp fail to fire as names of their calibre should, with success on any level completely eluding The Tourist.

The King's Speech ****1/2

geoffrey Rush

THIS historical drama and sincerely inspiring movie experience tells the little-known story of how a reluctant British monarch overcame a stammer.

Sarah's Key ***1/2

Sarah's Key

WITH welcome measures of intellect, tact and warmth, this film captures so much about what the Holocaust has come to mean today.

TRON: Legacy **1/2


THE TRON sequel stays true to the original: stunning visuals, forget the plot.

Love and Other Drugs ***

Hit - Love Other Drugs

THERE can be no denying Love and Other Drugs is one of the better rom-coms to come along in 2010.

Rare Exports: A Christmas Tale **1/2

rare exports

IN THE ancient folklore of Finland, Santa Claus is not the cheery, chubby, red-jumpsuited CEO of a pan-global gift-delivery company.

Devil ***


A QUESTION without notice: would you accept a lift from M. Night Shyamalan?

Lebanon ****


SET entirely inside an army tank on the first day of the Israel-Lebanon war in 1982, Lebanon is best likened to a Das Boot on wheels.

The Chronicles of Narnia **1/2


SORRY, Chronicles of Narnia, but someone's got to say it. Harry Potter on a bad day trumps you on a good day. Every time.

Fair Game ** 1/2

Fair Game

A SOLID if unspectacular political thriller, Fair Game gets agitated about its subject but has trouble inspiring the same outrage in its audience.

Red Hill *** 1/2

hit red hill

THIS has been a great year for witnessing fresh and intrinsically Australian takes on time-worn film genres.

Due Date **

hit Due Date

THERE's no point in addressing the soooooo so-so road-movie Due Date without mentioning its blatant similarities to Planes, Trains & Automobiles.

Monsters ****

Monsters movie

FIRST-time filmmaker Gareth Edwards is after something subtle, sophisticated and soulful with Monsters.

The Last Exorcism ***

the Last Exorcism

This movie is blessed with enough unsettling mysteries, rising tensions and shock twists to ward off most demons of cinematic cynicism.


The TRON sequel stays true to the original: stunning visuals, forget the plot.

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GasLand ***


THE defining image of GasLand is an only-in-the-movies moment that appears to be the work of an over-imaginative screenwriter.

Skyline *


STAND back, everyone! It's Independence Day in Cloverfield! So runs the basic - and I really mean, basic - pitch for Skyline.

Agora ** 1/2

Agora Rachel Weisz

PAGANS of all persuasions have a clear choice: get with the Jesus program, or get what's coming to you.

The Messenger ***1/2

The Messenger

FIRST-time filmmaker Oren Moverman does a creditable job driving right past any easy narrative short cuts in The Messenger.

Wild Target **

Wild Target

BANG. Bang. Sigh. Here comes the second film this week to feature a disenchanted hitman in the throes of a mid-life crisis.

Machete ** 1/2


Generous, meathead-sized portions of blood, guts, severed limbs, idiotic gun battles and naked women shall be served until you cannot take any more.

The American ****

George Clooney the American

SMILE goes on. Smile goes off. By simply adjusting the luminosity of his grin, George Clooney can dictate the mood of an entire film.

Winter's Bone ****1/2

Winters Bone

YOU won't forget Ree Dolly in a hurry, if ever. The heroine of Winter's Bone is poor as dirt, tough as nails and not about to take no for an answer.

The Loved Ones ***

The Loved Ones

WHEN all is bled and done, The Loved Ones stands beaten, but unbowed as the most appallingly appealing horror film of 2010.

Gainsbourg **1/2


BASED on a novel which embellished the late cult hero's life into an odd tale, the French-produced Gainsbourg was never going to be conventional.

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Petrol pump

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