Last Updated: December 30, 2010

Weather: Melbourne 14°C - 25°C . Becoming sunny.

Integrity on line in taxing times

Terry McCrann thumb

RESOURCES Minister Martin Ferguson has stuck a savage blow - to two of his most senior colleagues in Canberra.

Regarding Henry: it's time to go

Ken Henry

KEN Henry has been a substantive figure in economic policy-making in Australia since the years of treasurer Paul Keating. 

Somebody's got their wires crossed

Terry McCrann thumb

SO we can exactly predict the climate out 100 years - well, perhaps we're only really confident out to 90 years, to 2100.

Petrol's slippery customer is you

Terry McCrann thumb

THE competition regulator, the ACCC, did a similar exercise in understated myth-busting about petrol prices. 

Coming clean on China's coal rush

Terry McCrann thumb

THE myth of China's switch to so-called clean energy has been blown right out of the water by research from HSBC Bank. 

Zumbo and Samuel, a strange team

Terry McCrann thumb

THE hysteria over banks is making for some strange bedfellows. 

Conroy hits return in media review

Terry McCrann thumb

STEPHEN Conroy has announced a "comprehensive review of Australia's communications and media regulation". 

Australia's most wanted for stupidity

Terry McCrann thumb

SUNDAY December 12 2010 is a date which will live on in stupidity. 

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Common sense finally in banking drama

Terry McCrann thumb

THE Business Council has injected some common sense into the now entirely bipartisan bank-bashing hysteria. 

Environmental circus arrives in Mexico


A YEAR ago 40,000 true believers, main chancers, freeloaders and assorted green lunatics went to Hopenhagen.

Searching for the missing piece

Wayne Swan

EVERYBODY expected the Reserve Bank to leave interest rates unchanged yesterday. Everybody was right.

Fairfax future's a blank page

Brian McCarthy

THE departure of Brian McCarthy from Fairfax Media has the clear stamp of chairman Roger Corbett on it.

Terry McCrann

Video: Terry McCrann analyses the economic year that was  - and looks ahead to 2011.

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RBA has ringside seat to contest


PAST. The GDP numbers that showed most of the economy grew smaller in the September quarter.

RBA back banks with cool analysis

interest rates

THE Reserve Bank has clinically, calmly but utterly comprehensively shredded almost all criticisms of our big banks.

Swan to face his Churchill moment

Wayne Swan

ONLY Treasurer Wayne Swan now stands between our single most important financial relationship with Asia being shipped off to Paris. 

Gillard isn't listening to voters


VICTORIAN voters and Reserve Bank governor Glenn Stevens have sent out some big messages over the past few days.

Rio has a Jan for all seasons

Jan du Plessis

I CAUGHT up with Rio Tinto's - relatively - new chairman Jan du Plessis in Melbourne on Monday.

Still danger of interest rate rise

Glenn Stevens

TERRY McCrann says Reserve Bank Governor Glenn Stevens made two very important points on Friday.

Broadband fairytale's latest chapter

Terry McCrann thumb

IT might have been one small step for independent senator Nick Xenophon.

Banks back to an Irish future?

Terry McCrann thumb

THE Irish banking bog should be central in discussions about the future - indeed current - role of banks in Australia. 

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Sydney Hobart

The Rolex Sydney Hobart Yacht Race 2010 began on Boxing Day in Sydney Harbour with the winner expected in Hobart on December 28.

Coogee Ink Tattoo fire

Coogee Ink Tattoo parlour

THE Coogee Ink Tattoo parlour was fire bombed and the shop totally gutted during the incident, which is being treated as suspicious

NYE 2010 world fireworks

NYE 2010 world fireworks

SEE the sky light up around the globe as nations celebrate the new year.

Summer snaps 2010-11

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Mark Knight 2010 - Dec

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