Last updated: November 26, 2010

Weather: Adelaide 15°C - 29°C . Mainly fine day.

Logging protest to disrupt traffic

A MAJOR disruption of traffic is expected on the South Eastern Freeway and also in parts of the city today, as a convoy of anti-privatisation protesters arrives in Adelaide, having travelled from Mount Gambier.

An estimated 1000 protesters, 30 logging trucks and heavy vehicles are expected to reach the South Eastern Freeway at 9.30am, arriving in the CBD with a police escort at noon.

The convoy will progress along Glen Osmond Rd, Fullarton Rd, Dequetteville Tce, Hackney Rd, Robe Tce, Fitzroy Tce, Park St and Port Rd.

The State Government has flagged it will sell timber-harvesting rights in the South-East, causing outrage in towns reliant on the industry.

The Government has stated no decision will be made on the sale until a comprehensive consultation process and regional impact statement is completed.

Leaders of the Dont Privatise SA Forests protest, including a trio of South East mayors, say they have Treasurer Kevin Foley is using the global financial crisis as an excuse for a "cash grab".

Mount Gambier Mayor Steve Perryman said heavily-laden vehicles would interrupt peak hour traffic as they wind their way through city streets towards Parliament House.

"The forest industry directly and indirectly employs around 5000 South East residents, so any sale will have significant and irreversible consequences for all of us," he said.

"If the logs are bought by an overseas company, whats stopping the new owners from processing them in overseas mills rather than South Australian ones?"

Mr Perryman ran for the Liberals in the March state election in the seat of Mount Gambier and was defeated by independent Don Pegler.

Mr Perryman said the forestry issue had united the South East and more than 3000 residents had signed an anti-privatisation petition to be tabled in Parliament.

"The call is now out for Adelaide to get behind its country cousins," Mr Perryman said.

"In addition to boosting the States economy, the South East timber industry supports everything from housing construction to household toilet paper, so everyone will be affected in a physical sense as well as a fiscal sense by this brash sell-off.

"By remaining united and committed, we can succeed."

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  • tim OShea of unley Posted at 11:03 PM November 25, 2010

    selling the forests at 5% of its value is madness and the worst idea a state government has ever come up with its a disaster !!!!! stand up south australia and put this to a HULT

  • Jodie D Posted at 10:06 AM November 24, 2010

    HOW RUDE!!! to the people complaining that you will be caught up in peak hour traffic for one morning of the about you think about the people of the South east and how this is going to affect our children, our town, our lives!!! Get and grip and realise the whole world does not revolve around you and your time schedule!!

  • AJW of Ex Mt Gambier Posted at 9:50 AM November 24, 2010

    I don't normally have a problem with governments selling off assets (ie non-profit assets)however to sell an asset that has been a 100 year investment, that is the life blood of a community that not only provides a regional economy but also provides an export income that all South Australians benefit from is just ridiculous. Just another example of regional South Australian's contribution to the state being ignored. C'mon Pegler- do something or give it up for Perryman.

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