Last updated: November 24, 2010

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Singer James Blunt 'prevented World War III' with Russia

James Blunt

James Blunt / Warner Music. Source:

  • Singer says he helped stop war in 1999
  • Former Army Captain risked court martial
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BRITISH singer James Blunt said his refusal to obey orders from an American general helped avert an international incident, and a potential Third World War.

The You’re Beautiful singer, a former captain in the Life Guards - the senior regiment of the British Army - said in an interview today he risked a court martial by countermanding an order from General Wesley Clark to attack Russian forces.

Blunt, then 25, was in command of British troops ordered to take control of Pristina Airfield in Kosovo in June 1999, during the Balkan conflict.

However, 200 Russian soldiers got there first, and Blunt was asked to remove them.

He said in an interview for BBC radio program Pienaar’s Politics that Col Clark wanted him to “destroy” the Russians.

Blunt, now 36 and a patron of the UK Help for Heroes charity, was at the head of a column of 30,000 NATO troops with his unit.

“I was given the direct command to overpower the 200 or so Russians who were there. I was the lead officer with my troop of men behind us ... The soldiers directly behind me were from the Parachute Regiment, so they’re obviously game for the fight," he said.

“The direct command [that] came in from General Wesley Clark was to overpower them. Various words were used that seemed unusual to us. Words such as ‘destroy’ came down the radio,” he added.

Blunt, who sometimes kept his guitar strapped to the side of his tank, also said that “we had 200 Russians lined up pointing their weapons at us aggressively ... and we’d been told to reach the airfield and take ahold of it. That’s why we were querying our instruction.

"Fortunately, up on the radio came [commander of the British forces] General Mike Jackson, whose exact words at the time were, ‘I’m not going to have my soldiers be responsible for starting World War III.

“He told us, why don’t we encircle the airfield instead? And after a couple of days the Russians there said, ‘Hang on, we have no food and no water. Can we share the airfield with you?’"

The musician insisted that even if Jackson had not intervened, he would have refused to carry out the order from Col Clark, who was in overall command.

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  • Outraged of Sydney Posted at 4:54 PM November 15, 2010

    How convenient...Blunt has a new album coming out...right now! Great promotion, Jimmy...

  • marcwolf Posted at 4:49 PM November 15, 2010

    To all the nay sayers and armchair generals please answer the following.. 1. Where in the article did James say that he prevented WW3 (It was Gen Jackson who said it) 2. Where did it say that James was in charge of 30,000 men (he was just the first officer there.. not in charge) 3. He did not disobey orders - he queried the orders due to their wording, and the orders where then countermanded by HIS officer in charge. Lastly - as an officer he also incharge of the safety and well-being of his men. So please read the entire article before flaming.

  • maria of Chili Posted at 4:44 PM November 15, 2010

    Mark of Sydney Posted at 1:44 PM Today "I am a Captain in the Australian Army" BIG DEAL IS THAT SUPPOSED TO MAKE YOU IMPORTANT? The main thing i like about what James has done has sparked debate about War and all the Warmongers here have responded in great numbers you people are definitely hard to get through to, even when the truth is posted from organizations like Wiki leaks you are so hard headed and refuse to believe that Wars are started for polital power and gain! nothing more! with-russia/story-e6frfn09-1225953575507#ixzz15KJIbjzC

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