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Entries Tagged as 'TV'


November 10th, 2010 · 2 Comments · Life

A TV channel I had never heard of before (Yesterday) started showing the old TV programme Colditz a couple of weeks ago.  I can remember loving that programme in the 70s, reading the Pat Reid books that tied in with it, and playing the board game in the dorm at school – up in Trinity [...]


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BBC hustings – too much, too late

September 17th, 2010 · No Comments · Politics

I watched the Labour leadership hustings on BBC’s Question Time tonight.  It was the most I have enjoyed QT for a long time, but then it would have to be as I hardly ever watch it.   I think it would have been a lot more useful if it had been scheduled before a lot of [...]


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The Napoleon of crime

August 7th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Life

The BBC say that this week’s episode of Sherlock will see him face to face with Moriarty.  So far Gatiss and Moffat have done a good job so I hope they don’t make a mess of this.


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No hugging and no learning

August 2nd, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life

Interesting story at Chortle about the Americans’ attempts to re-make The IT Crowd.
Three years ago they made a pilot which was a bit like the failed attempt at doing Red Dwarf – sticking slavishly to the original script, keeping one member of the UK cast – but now they are going for it again, keeping [...]


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A Study in Pink

July 26th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life

As soon as I got home from work today I fired up iPlayer on the TV and watched the BBC’s new Sherlock programme, and now I have to join in with the general consensus that it is very good indeed.  It went down very well here, playing to a mixed audience of me (read all [...]


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July 25th, 2010 · 1 Comment · Life

I am a little bit of a fan of Sherlock Holmes.  Not totally obsessive – only a couple of the boxes I am packing are full of Holmes-related books, and I have only visited the set of the Granada series once.  OK, so I used to have a Sherlock Holmes tea towel and like to [...]


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Cold turkey

July 5th, 2010 · 14 Comments · Life

After a coupl eof weeks of football, cuminating in two days of extremely exciting quarter-finals, it has been a bit strange to have no World Cup games to watch today.   The TV hasn’t even been turned on today.  Really looking forward to the semis now.


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It’s all kicked off

June 12th, 2010 · 3 Comments · Life

The World Cup has started at last.
I watched the pre-tournament concert on TV on Thursday night, which was a bit disappointing.  Instead of showing it live, the BBC showed edited highlights, but their idea of a highlight is not necessarily mine.  For example, Amadou & Mariam were on the bill but didn’t feature at all [...]


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Desperate Russian Housewives

June 2nd, 2010 · 6 Comments · Technology

This is an interesting FoI request – about what domain names the BBC has registered to it.
Along with the long list of expected domains, like, and there are a few amusing ones like and


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Watching telly

June 1st, 2010 · No Comments · Technology

I had a bit of a surprise yesterday.  Jayne came home with a new TV.
Only the other day I realised that I was possibly the only person I knew who was persisting with a CRT television, and now I don’t have that distinction as we have one of those plasma jobbies.


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