
Andrew Bartlett has lived his entire life in Brisbane, currently living in the suburb of Windsor. He has enormous experience in the political arena, having represented Queensland as a Democrats Senator in the Australian Parliament from 1997 to 2008.

Andrew's other work has included consulting and volunteering for not-for-profit organisations, community development and social work.

Married with an 8-year-old daughter, Andrew has a wide variety of interests that range from politics to music, writing and football.

Over many years, both inside and outside of Parliament, Andrew has been working for:

  • more affordable housing
  • strengthening Australia’s environmental laws
  • defending human rights and a fair go for refugees and migrants
  • improving honesty, accountability, transparency and public involvement in politics

Contact Andrew on brisbane@qld.greens.org.au


The unique contest for the seat of Brisbane - the only electorate in the country where the three main candidates have over a decade’s experience in Parliament - provides the chance to get a proper focus on the issues that matter.

These include:

  • providing more affordable housing in the inner-city area
  • promoting effective action on climate change that addresses what the science says is needed, not what the polls say would be politically safe
  • ensuring a cleaner urban environment & more public transport
  • ensuring more sensible & less wasteful infrastructure development in our city
  • helping to create and maintain new, sustainable business opportunities