Friday - November 19, 2010

The Secret Sex Life of John Travolta

Author Robert Randolph has been talking to the tabloids about John Travolta's habit of hooking up with men at Los Angeles saunas. Most media outlets, however, were too shy to delve into the steamy details. We're not quite as timid. More »

Blogging startup Tumblr, home to hipster kittens and John Mayer, is worth $135 million. Comment »

Wesley Snipes Is Finally Going to Prison

A federal judge ordered that Wesley Snipes surrender himself and serve his three-year prison sentence. He was convicted in 2008 for not filing taxes. Hopefully he'll go willingly. The star of U.S. Marshals must know all the escape tricks!

Farewell, Sweet Darvon

No Darvon! Airport smoking! Lou Gehrig's disease! Gym grunting! Flu shots! Racewalking! Nigerian curses! And mental illness is a call to arms! It's your Friday Health Watch, where we watch your health—while hallucinating and self-medicating in a nonstop cycle! More »

How Your Playboy Centerfold Sausage Is Made [NSFW]

It's not enough to make the cut to be a Playboy centerfold. Your nipples also have to be the right sort of pointy. Your butt has to have a "better curve." Enter Photoshop. Here, a rare view into the process. [Jezebel]

MSNBC Suspends Joe Scarborough over Political Donations

MSNBC, just to put itself on the record as "consistent," has suspended Morning Joe co-host Joe Scarborough for the same reason it suspended Keith Olbermann: Political donations without advance approval. Interestingly, Politico, where Scarborough writes a column, instigated the suspension. More »

The host of The Fashion Show, which began its second season on Bravo last week, Isaac Mizrahi has been a staple on the fashion scene for more than two decades. More ยป

Naked Guy In Trunk Terrifies New German Google Street View Users

Google Street View launched today in 20 German cities, but only after privacy-minded Germans forced Google to blur 240,000 houses from their maps. This scene managed to make it through—should really comfort creeped out Germans. [via Reddit]

Jimmy Kimmel Confronts Bill Carter for Insulting His Appearance

Last night, Bill Carter—late-night television guru and author of The War for Late Night—stopped by for a chat with Jimmy Kimmel. Immediately, Kimmel took issue with the unflattering physical description of him in Carter's book. Their exchange, inside. [Gawker.TV]

Half-Headed Man Takes World's Most Bizarre Mugshot

There's clearly something off with this man's skull. As the profile shot reveals, it's that he's missing most of it. [Deadspin]

Mysterious Twin Sister Shooting Was Bizarre Suicide Pact

The riddle-like tale of traveling twin sisters who shot each other simultaneously, leaving police unable to figure out which had died and which survived, has gotten stranger: The women, who were in Colorado for "cultural exchange," were obsessed with Columbine. More »

Not Even Iman Is Safe From Photoshop

We just got an email from a PR agency, pushing Iman's clothing line, which included two images of the supermodel: One was an unretouched screen shot. The other? We'll classify it as a Photoshop Of Horrors. [Jezebel]

Katie Couric Is Never Going Back to the Stupid Today Show

In your finally Friday media column: Katie Couric rebukes the Today show, rumors of payment problems at Time Out NY, magazine ad pages are up modestly, and Sean Hannity and Glenn Beck lose Philly, and morning television funneez. More »

Abortion-by-Vote Probably a Pro-Life Stunt

When we reported on the Minnesota couple who are putting their abortion up to an Internet vote, we wondered whether it was a pro-life stunt. The couple claim to have no agenda, but what's with the husband's anti-abortion Internet history? More »

Michele Bachmann Comforts Poor Charlie Rangel

After Rep. Charlie Rangel was recommended for formal censure yesterday, he glumly headed down the hall, chastened, alone, and talking to no one. Who would cheer him up? House Tea Party Caucus founder Rep. Michele Bachmann, strangely enough! More »

Forgotten Starlet Delighted to Discover People Still Want to Take Her Picture

[Mischa Barton attracts cameras in Hollywood. OK, she's filming a reality show, so those cameramen have no choice. But still! Mischa's second act! Will it be as thrilling as Green Day's or as sad as Britney's? Image via INF]

Real Housewives of Beverly Hills: Tell Me You Love Me

Part Two of the Rumble in the Not-Bronx unfolded last night, with Housewife emotions running high, pizzas lying cold and uneaten on fancy tablecloths, and pretty much no concrete truths revealed or illuminated. So, typical Housewife fight. More »

New York Police Officer Accidentally Shoots Fellow Cop

Yesterday an MTA officer was placing her gun in a weapon's locker and accidentally set it off. The bullet ricocheted and hit another officer in the gut. The cop is alright, but will never enter a locker room again.

Boehner Asks GOP Freshmen Not to Destroy the Economy

Many newly elected Republican members of Congress explicitly refused to raise the federal debt ceiling during their campaigns. Problem is, the federal debt ceiling kinda needs to be raised, soon! Can John Boehner get these kids to do it? More »

Bristol and Willow's Facebook Enemy Won't Forgive Them

The classmate Willow Palin called a "faggot" on Facebook does not accept big sister Bristol's apology: "Willow called me a faggot in front of the whole world and my family." He thinks she "may be" homophobic. More »

Japan's Gangsters Are Quite Peaceful, Relatively Speaking

Whereas the American mob has steadily lost power for decades as all of its members pursued careers as Hollywood character actors, Japan's Yakuza is still totally involved in shit, hardcore. Will a government crackdown make the Yakuza go wild? More »

Thousands Of Aborted Fetuses Found In Thai Temple

In (let's hope) today's creepiest news story, over two thousand aborted fetuses have been found at a Thai temple, where they were apparently awaiting cremation. And it gets weirder. [Jezebel]

Duke President Begs Duke Students to Stop Embarrassing Themselves

Duke has an image problem: The school's most notable student is a co-ed who sent out a Powerpoint about every dude she banged. Now, Duke's president wants to clean up the school's image by making college students stop being idiots. More »

You Can't Keep Olivia Palermo Away from Reality TV

Now that The City is canceled, socialite and scourge Olivia Palermo says she's working on her "own show". What could it be about? Certainly not having a real job or finishing college. God, that's so pedestrian! [via NYMag]

Yes, New York has bedbugs. But Los Angeles has rabid bats. So. Comment »


David Arquette Leaps Through Window to Secure Booze, and Other Desperate Measures

David Arquette is looking for love in all the booziest places. Tony Parker says he wanted to divorce Eva, too. Miley Cyrus meets a boy. TGIFriday gossip. More »

Local News Capturing Bridge Implosion Cuts Away at the Wrong Moment

What makes this video worthwhile is not necessarily the fail itself (not catching the bridge implosion) but the hilarious self-loathing in the reaction to their mistake. "This is a metaphor for our show. Another crash and burn." Relax, guys! [Gawker.TV]

Which Actor Is Actually a Virgin?

He says he's just waiting for the right woman—or is he? This starlet is a junkie, this actor harasses men on gay websites, and this athlete is sleeping with a teammate. They're really a pitcher and catcher! More »

Dirty Tricks at the Harvard Republican Club

The Harvard Republican Club is mired in an election-fixing scandal of a deviousness not seen since the heyday of ACORN. The charge: a sinister plot by one candidate to lure voters away from the polls. The bait: McKinsey. Ooooo, Mckinsey! More »

A naked, sleepwalking pillhead has won a โ‚ฌ10m libel case against his employer in Ireland. Comment »


Snapshot from Space

[An aurora borealis, as seen from the International Space Station. The wicker-looking thing floating in the middle is a solar array from the space station. Image via astronaut Douglas Wheelock/AP]

Hollywood Publicist's Murder Planned in Advance

The mysterious shooting death of Hollywood publicist Ronni Chasen gets even more mysterious: Citing a "city official," The Hollywood Reporter reports that the attack was planned in advance—"not the result of road rage or a carjacking gone awry."

Thirty-six coal miners are missing following an explosion in a New Zealand mine. Comment »

Facebook Stalking Can Actually Kill You If You're Not Careful

A new article in the medical journal Lancet details the story of an 18-year-old kid who consistently found himself with "difficult and labored breathing" after using Facebook. The problem? He was using Facebook to stalk his ex-girlfriend. More »

4chan Censors Itself

The notorious message board 4chan's young founder has fashioned himself as a champion of extreme free speech on the Internet. But blatant censorship is occurring on 4chan right now, after its users attacked a target too close to home. More »
Thursday - November 18, 2010

Jon Stewart's Takedown of Glenn Beck's Creepy George Soros Obsession

Last week, Glenn Beck creepily revealed that George Soros was some sort of "puppet master" that Beck believes is set on overthrowing the American government. Tonight, Jon Stewart mocked the charade, and then turned the table on Beck. Watch inside. [Gawker.TV]

Queen Elizabeth Experiences Delayed Rebellious Teen Phase

[Queen Elizabeth wears 3-D glasses to watch a display at the Advanced Manufacturing Research Center at the University of Sheffield in England. Image via Bauer-Griffin]