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  • Nikolay Bachiyski 2:31 pm on July 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Projects Page 

    The projects page, listing all sub-projects and translations, is one of the most visited pages in GlotPress. But its current layout lacks vital information. Like which translation teams have reaches furthest in the translation race. Or where should I start translating, if I am not an active translator. That’s why we have some mockups of the project page, redesigned.


    Before showing you the mockups, here are what you should be able to accomplish on this page:

    • Know which software application (or which parts of it) you can translate in this project and get more detailed information about the project and its structure (sub-projects).
    • See all of its translations.

    Apart from the general goals, there are more specific goals, depending on the user, visiting the page.

    If you are a random user, just browsing around, you should be able to:

    • Get acquainted with the project
    • Quickly see stats for the project translations: in which languages are there translations and how complete they are

    If you have come to this page to translate:

    • Determine whether this is the right project to translate
    • You should be able to easily access your language translation
    • Quickly see how your language translations compares to other translations

    If you are a validator:

    • Add the translation in your language, if it’s missing in the list

    If you are an administrator:

    • Edit the project
    • Create sub-projects
    • Create translations sets in this project
    • Import originals for this project


    Project Vertical

    The first one has the same layout as the current page, with a couple of new things:

    • Has Active project functionality. Active projects show random users what to translate. For example the Development projects should be active and the 3.0.x one shouldn’t be active, because it is designed to include only string fixes.
    • The actions are moved to the top. Scrolling through all the translations was tedious for project admins.
    • Sub-projects got inline descriptions.
    • There is no delete link anymore. It should be incorporated in the Edit page.
    • Validators will be able to create the translation sets themselves.
    • Each user will be able to set preferred languages in their profile. These languages will always be shown on top.
    • The extra column may include handy stuff, depending on the context. For example on we may include the last deployed time.

    Another, more compact take:

    Project Split

    This is essentially the same, but sub-projects and translations were fit into two, instead of one long column. This layout will be great for projects, which have lots of sub-projects like WordPress (it still doesn’t but a fast forward a few releases and you’ll see).

    We’d like to hear your comments on these mockups.

    • Ben L. 2:59 pm on July 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I really like the two column layout. The only thing I’d change about it is the lack of sub-project descriptions. (Maybe they could go below each sub-project name?) Also, after looking at it for a while, the number columns might look better center- or right-aligned. Other than that, these mockups look great!

      • Nikolay Bachiyski 3:06 pm on July 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply

        I didn’t really care about alignments when I did the mockups :-) They will definitely be centered.

        You are right about the sub-project descriptions. They would happily go below the names.

    • Stefano Aglietti 3:08 pm on July 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I’d like both of them with a preference for the #2, i would like to see the tabel splittend into 2 having the first one with the languages u are validator/admin/etc… for casual users trying to guess the right language from browser would be nice.

      Having a preferred languga table, can lead to have, but I do not know if it’s possible, all the project and version active, maybe planning to have text description on top of the page and other palces, and maybe the whoe interface, transalte and customized by admin for various languages…

      Just my 2 cents

    • Milan 4:28 pm on July 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      You had a good idea in #95 for POT generated date which is missing from both of these.

      I too prefer second layout but there isn’t “Extra” column for which I like idea from first layout.

      For me, more important page would be user’s profile page similar to one from #94. This could be user’s dashboard with list of projects, POT generated date, number of strings added with that generation, “Extra” column as in project page, number of untranslated, waiting, fuzzy and warnings etc.

  • Nikolay Bachiyski 6:22 pm on June 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Future Roadmap and 1.0 

    GlotPress has been alive and kicking for a couple of months now. There has been positive feedback and there has been not-so-positive feedback. But there have been tons of feedback. Translators have been using inferior tools for years and already have a long list of features they want in a translation editor. This led to the logical question: which feature do we implement next?

    One thing I’ve learned from WordPress development is that implementing every feature users want rarely makes all users happier. Often those who requested it, don’t use it either. We should include only functionality that is useful for 99% of our users. With this smart advice in mind, I started sorting out through the hundreds of suggestions I had collected during last couple of months. But I encountered a little problem.

    Most of the features in the list would be useful to 99% of the users. A collaborative translation editor, which makes translators’ life easy, wasn’t as simple as I wanted. The question again was: which features do we implement now and which do we implement later?

    On the dev-day just after WordCamp San Francisco in May, we had a brainstorm session for features and their priority. You can see the result in the Active Tickets by Milestone report in trac. Roughly when we are done with tickets in the 1.0 milestone will be the time to release 1.0. In each milestone tickets are sorted by priority — these on top will be implemented first.

    Implementation is the hardest part, even though above I complained how sorting out features and priority was hard. If you feel like coding, grab a feature and drop a line in the mailing list. We’ll be more than happy to help with any advice, testing and debugging.

  • Nikolay Bachiyski 6:09 pm on April 9, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , project, sub-project, translation-set   

    Mass-create Translation Sets 

    When you create a new project, it doesn’t have any translations and all translation sets have to be created one by one. In case of a larger GlotPress installation it usually makes sense to use the same translation sets from another project. Usually a parent one.

    This was the case with We made a project Twenty Ten for translating the new default theme in WordPress 3.0. The project was a sub-project of WordPress Development. Since all translators of the trunk version of WordPress would want to translate the new default theme too, I just synced the translation sets of Twenty Ten with those of WordPress Development using the new mass-create feature.

    You can see the feature in action in this short video:

    Mass Create Sets

    Mass Create Sets

    This movie requires Adobe Flash for playback.

    As shown in the video, you can choose which project to sync translation sets with and then preview the added/removed sets before clicking Submit.

    • drew3000 1:14 pm on April 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Interesting stuff. I’d be keen to try this out to translate versions of Ushahidi.

    • Francesco Laffi 1:22 pm on April 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      GlotPress is really promising, is it planned in the future to integrate it with wp plugin repo? for plugin devs’ and plugin translators’ sake

  • Nikolay Bachiyski 3:49 pm on March 12, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    The GlotPress Report #3 (Feb 26 – Mar 12 2010) 

    The most important changes since the last report are the new formats for import/export. GlotPress now can use Blackberry RRC and Android XML files.

    • In [426] the first traces of documentation were added in the form of a README file;
    • In [427] – [430] the format framework and the RRC format were added;
    • [440] fixed a bug when the user wasn’t redirected properly after login. This was annoying.
    • In [442] we added the Android format;
    • [443] fixed a bug introduced in [441], which allowed non-logged in users to be super-admins in certain conditions.
  • Nikolay Bachiyski 2:44 pm on February 26, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    The GlotPress Report #2 (Feb 19 – Feb 25 2010) 

    It was a slow week for GlotPress.

    The only changes were language variants standardizations and plural forms fixes, contributed by Zé. All variants language names are now in the form Main language (Region). Example: Spanish (Chile).

  • Nikolay Bachiyski 11:46 am on February 19, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    The GlotPress Report #1 (Feb 5 – Feb 18 2010) 

    Before diving into specific features and bug-fixes, this week’s news it that was launched. It is a GlotPress install, which allows all WordPress translators to collaborate and will host the translations of all the projects in the family like bbPress and BuddyPress.
    • In [407] – [410] we added proof-of-concept JSON API for the translations page. Just prepend /api in front of the URL. For example /projects/wp/dev/de/default gets you the HTML page for German translations and /api/projects/wp/dev/de/default will return the same information, but in JSON.
    • Since [411] and [412] GlotPress can be installed in a directory different from the user-facing GlotPress URL. The purpose of that is mainly to have it as an svn external.
    • In [419] – [421] project pages got visual fixes: description is now shown, the text for no translations isn’t show if there are sub-projects.
    • [422] fixed a serious bug, which prevented users with approval access to discard warnings.
  • Nikolay Bachiyski 6:59 pm on February 6, 2010 Permalink | Reply
    Tags: , google translate, report   

    The GlotPress Report #0 (Jan 29 – Feb 5 2010) 

    Here is the zeroth edition of the GlotPress report. This series of posts will give you an overview of what happened with GlotPress in the last week.

    • In [401] we added a button to fill-in the current translation field via Google Translate:

      Google Translate button

    • In [404] we added bulk translation via Google Translate. It affects only strings without translation and if the translation was successful sets their status to fuzzy.
    • In [404] we simplified the bulk menu: no more radio buttons for both approve and reject. Now there are two separate buttons:

      Simplified bulk interface

  • Nikolay Bachiyski 11:45 am on January 18, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    String priorities 

    Sometimes projects have too many strings and the developers want to show the translators what is important and what — not.

    Here is how GlotPress helps.

    First, if you can administrate a project, you can set priorities:

    Choosing a priority

    Setting a priority

    Then, the translators can see each string’s priority:

    High priority

    High priority

    Low priority

    Low priority

    Hidden — shown only to admins

    Hidden — shown only to admins

    The new default sort order is by priority. Translators can also manually sort by priority:

    Sorting by priority

    Sorting by priority

    • Gautam 5:44 pm on January 20, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      I like this feature.

    • Martin 8:15 pm on January 28, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      on trac you write you’ll need assistance localizing glotpress – do let me know if you’d need help for the german language file.

  • Nikolay Bachiyski 5:10 pm on January 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply  

    Hello world! 

    In this blog you will find updates on GlotPress development and description of some of its features.

    • Mr WordPress 5:10 pm on January 14, 2010 Permalink | Reply

      Hi, this is a comment.
      To delete a comment, just log in, and view the posts’ comments, there you will have the option to edit or delete them.

    • Pseric 3:40 pm on February 18, 2010 Permalink | Reply


      GlotPress is an useful tool for translators, thanks.

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